

风景园林 2023年7期

Mjölk 建筑事务所

1 概况

守卫山(Stráž)上有4 座与众不同的瞭望平台,他们如同“守卫”般,俯瞰着下方的伊泽拉河畔罗基特尼采镇(Rokytnice nad Jizerou),代号分别为“矿工”“狐狸”“绵羊”和“熊”。这几个要素来源于当地小镇的盾形徽章,为几座平台提供了景观意向,更增强了彼此之间的联系。他们是历史的象征,恍惚间,当年敌军入侵,山顶上狼烟四起,警示山脚下城镇的场景还历历在目。

守卫山耸立于罗基特尼采镇之上,伊泽拉河(Jizerou)在山脉西部奔流着,东部连接着萨赫山(Sachrův)和狼山(Vlčí),延伸至神秘的锅炉峰(Kotel)。守卫山也被当地人称作巡警山(Strážník),是当年遭受入侵时,军队用烽火传递信号的地方之一。驻扎在科扎科夫(Kozákov)的巡逻队们会陆续发现狼烟,进而向波希米亚(Bohemia)内陆腹地传递警报。所幸,如今战争平息,山上的烽火也早已熄灭。山顶上的“矿工”“狐狸”“绵羊”和“熊”,象征着先前组成罗基特尼采镇的4 个村庄,成了这里新的守卫巡逻队。

1.1 狐狸平台


1 位置说明Site plan

2 首层平面图Floor plan


3 立面图Elevation

4 陡峭的山崖Steep cliff

5 茂密的树林Dense forest

1.2 熊平台

熊隐匿于树林里,离狐狸不远。他骑在蓝莓丛中的石头上,凝视着树梢。他的体格十分敦实,仿佛刚刚饱餐一顿。“快到我背上来!”,熊正在邀请游客们登上瞭望台。即便大雾笼罩山脉,熊平台上依然有好风光。幸运的话,你能看到啄木鸟在林间工作,向下望,还能瞥见成群的小鹿在山林中漫步。这只熊来自罗基特尼采下城(Dolní Rokytnice),但它似乎很喜欢这片树林。林间总是静悄悄的,熊希望有人能聆听他的声音,所以请别害怕,快爬到他背上来。

1.3 绵羊平台

绵羊来自罗基特尼采上城(Horní Rokytnice),一路踱步到守卫山上。她坚守着通往“矿工”的道路,那里是守卫山观光之旅的最后一站。绵羊蜷缩在森林里的蓝莓丛中,请亲爱的游客们到她背上来欣赏风景。踏上台阶,拍拍她的背,她就会很开心了。

1.4 矿工平台


2 建筑设计

守卫瞭望平台项目开始于2014 年,事务所在罗基特尼采镇边的山上设计了一系列的小站点。当地政府本想在山顶建造一座传统造型的瞭望塔。然而从竖向的地质形态来看,守卫山没有良好的视野环境,并不适合建造塔。为了满足客户的需求,事务所提出了在山顶岩石上设置站点的概念方案。设计受到小镇盾形徽章的启发,采用木质包裹的轻钢结构建造站点。如今,4 个瞭望平台——狐狸、熊、绵羊和矿工共同守护着城镇,成了这里新的守卫巡逻队。

3 材料结构

6 狐狸平台挑出岩壁The Fox juts out the rock wall

7 山脚下的罗基特尼采镇Rokytnice town at the foot of the hill

8 熊平台凝视着树梢The Bear peer into the treetops

设计中使用轻质钢结构作为瞭望平台的骨架,人力就能将其运输到岩石的突起处。方案考虑在岩石中钻出深达8 m 的固定孔,用特殊的钢锚将平台的钢结构固定在孔中。同时将橡木层包裹在外漏的钢结构上,扶手部分由黑色的不锈钢网制成。

(编辑 / 王一兰)


始建时间:2017 年

竣工时间:2021 年

设计单位:Mjölk 建筑事务所

平台尺度:狐狸17 m2;熊14 m2;绵羊9 m2;矿工10 m2





9 熊平台骑在石头上The Bear stand on a piece of rock

1 Basic Description

Four individual lookouts on the top of the mountain Stráž above Rokytnice nad Jizerou inspired by the characters from the town’s coat of arms.The Miner, the Fox, the Sheep, and the Bear provide a view not only of the surrounding landscape, but also from one to another.They are a reference to the past, when smoke signals were sent from the local hills to the hinterland warning of the invasion of enemy troops.

The ridge of the Stráž mountain towers above Rokytnice.Its western end descends to the rushing waters of the Jizera river and continues eastwards along the Sachrův and Vlčí ridges to the mystical mountain Kotel.The Stráž mountain, or Strážník as the locals call it, was one of the places where signals were sent by fire when enemy armies invaded our lands.The smoke signal was then received by other patrols at Kozákov and sent deeper into Bohemia.Today, fortunately, the fires on the surrounding hills are no longer burning.Rokytnice nad Jizerou has new guards.The town is watched over by four patrons.Perched on top of the Strážník, they symbolize the four villages that combined to form the town of Rokytnice in ancient times —the Fox, the Bear, the Sheep and the Miner —The Guard Patrol.

10 绵羊平台蜷缩在森林中The Sheep huddle in the forest

1.1 The Fox

The fox is perched on the first cliff.His long body stands on the stone, his tail sticks out into the valley.He can see all of Rokytnice and the surrounding hills.With a keen eye he watches the last snow melting on Lysá mountain, he knows about the first primroses on the slopes, where the rays of the spring sun are shining.The summer sun bleaches his back, the autumn rains darken the fox’s wooden coat.Climb on, my dears, now the Fox of Františkov will give you a ride on his back!

The fox can be seen from a small footbridge nearby, along with a seating area that is perfect for an afternoon snack.There are more stops like this along the way, so if it gets crowded at the Fox, don’t be sad, there will definitely be room for you elsewhere.

1.2 The Bear

The bear is hiding in the woods just a short distance from the Fox.He’s standing on a piece of rock among the blueberry bushes, peering into the treetops.He looks well fed, there’s a good chunk of him.“Get on my back!”Bear calls out, inviting you to a lookout that works even when the fog rolls over the mountains.If you’re lucky, you’ll see a woodpecker in action, and if you land, you might even see a herd of fawns roaming the woods atop the Watch.The bear is from Dolní Rokytnice, but he seems to like it up here.It’s quiet and he likes people, so don’t be afraid to listen to him.Get on his back.

1.3 The Sheep

The sheep has wandered onto the Stráž from the meadows of Horní Rokytnice.She guards the path to the Miner, which is the last stop on the route between the watchtowers on the Watch.Huddled in the forest among the blueberry bushes,she offers her back to the most precious ones.Climb the ladder and pat her back, she'll be glad.

1.4 The Miner

Cross the footbridge to reach the Miner.He stands on a high cliff, which the local climbers call K5.His character is a reference to the mining past of Rokytnice.As a symbol of Rokytno, he is the last of the patrol.The stately figure gazes down into the Jizera valley.A steep staircase leads you to a lookout with a magnificent view.If you listen closely, you may even hear the sparkling waters of the river as it makes its way through the wild valley from the mountains on the Polish borders.Sit on the steps and watch the horizon of the hills above the river, it’s beautiful.

2 Architecture

11 绵羊平台的木平台Wooden platform of the Sheep

12 矿工平台陡峭的台阶Steep staircase of the Miner

13 矿工平台高大的身躯守护着伊泽拉山谷The Miner stately figure gazes down into the Jizera valley

The Guard Patrol project began in 2014,when we designed a series of small stops on the mountain above Rokytnice.It was conceived from the original intention of the municipality to build a classic lookout tower on the top.However, the morphology of the mountain proved unsuitable for the construction of an observation tower, as it did not provide sufficient views at standard heights.Therefore, we opted for the concept of several stops on the rocks that line the top of the mountain.We were inspired by the figures in the town's coat of arms to create light steel structures sheathed in wood.And so today the town is watched over by its four patrons —the Fox, the Bear, the Sheep and the Miner —our Guard Patrol.

3 Materials

The lookouts feature steel structures consisting of smaller parts that could be transported to the site of the rock protrusions by human force.The steel structures are secured into the rocks with special steel anchors in drill holes up to 8 meters deep.The steel structures are sheathed with oak cladding.The handrail frames are made of black painted steel with stainless steel mesh.

(Editor / WANG Yilan)

Location:Rokytnice nad Jizerou, Czech Republic

Project year:2017

Completion year:2021

Studio:Mjölk architekti

Built-up Area:The Fox-17 m2; The Bear-14 m2; The Sheep-9 m2; The Miner-10 m2

Client:The Municipality of Rokytnice nad Jizerou


Translator:DING Yao

Proofreader:Wu Danzi

