吴春花 《建筑技艺》(AT)执行主编
值得肯定的是,自1994 年汉诺威会展中心4 号展厅张弦桁架结构下自然采光的无柱大空间的开创性设计开始,gmp 与sbp(schlaich bergermann partner)已经联手奉献了一个个兼具形式美与建构性的建筑精品。那么,在西安丝路国际会议中心项目中,建筑师与结构工程师如何在“基于建构的形式”策略上有所突破呢?远看,这是一座通体白色、近乎纯净的建筑,上层微微起翘与下层微微拱起的超大“屋檐”,以及其间有序排列的柱廊,包裹在四周,倒映于灞河,分外抓人眼球。不禁疑惑:如此大跨度的屋檐何以出挑,如此纤细的两排立柱是受拉还是受压,同跨度的下层屋檐又如何飘浮?当走进建筑,谜团被一一解开,被称为上月牙的屋檐出挑源于巨型钢结构桁架体系与竖向支撑筒体组成的双向框架结构,也创造了超大、超高的无柱空间;富于秩序感、通透感的立面源于经上月牙悬挂的两排纤细钢柱,以及隐藏在钢柱之后的悬挂幕墙体系;与上月牙对应的下月牙既成为180 根受拉立柱的配重,也成为整体桁架体系的变形约束。至此,精密织就的建构逻辑网被全部铺陈开来。当形式的生成顺其自然,形式的象征意义得以释放。从外部看,建筑好似从传统中走来,又不似传统建筑的厚重,优雅中多了一份轻盈;从内部看,八横八纵的钢桁架体系好似九经九纬的传统城市格局,小会议厅围绕中心主会议厅,尽显空间的中正与庄重。
Along with formal games and digital technology greatly rise,it makes sense to look at architecture as an essential art.How do we not forget the poetic possibility expressed by the architectural form while exploring the noumenon presentation of architecture? How to pay attention to the formal language of architecture without weakening the expression of the construction language of architecture? This issue of "AT Special" introduces Xi'an Silk Road International Conference Center project designed by gmp·von Gerkan,Marg &Partners Architects and Tongji Architectural Design(Group)Co.,Ltd.to discuss a strategy of "the form from tectonic".
Since the groundbreaking design of a large column-free space with natural lighting under the tensed-string truss structure of Hannover Exhibition Center No.4 in 1994,gmp and sbp (schlaich bergermann partner) have jointly dedicated a series of architectural works with both formal beauty and constructiveness.Then in Xi 'an Silk Road International Conference Center project,how did architects and structural engineers make a breakthrough in the strategy of "the form from tectonic"? The eaves of the roof,the upper crescent,come from the bidirectional frame structure composed of the giant steel structure truss system and the vertical supporting cylinder,which also creates the extra-large and ultra-high column-free space.The facade with a sense of order and transparency is derived from two rows of thin steel columns suspended by the upper crescent,and a system of suspended curtain walls hidden behind the steel columns.The lower crescent corresponding to the upper crescent is not only the counterweight of 180 tensile columns,but also the deformation constraint of the whole truss system.Finally,the construction logic network is all laid out.
If the pure and simple pursuit of architects is like a clear spring,the bold and resolute action by structural engineers is the magnificent and solid power,which is highly convincing.Without any presupposition or goal,when we are involuntarily attracted by an architecture,we are actually moved.I believe the appeal of architecture,which is embodied in form,is the eternity and moment of architectural art.