The dangers of the Internet互联网之危险


疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年2期



主题语境:科技与信息 篇幅:288词 建议用时:5分钟

1 The Internet is a great place to find information, but its also full of dangers. Thesedangers can be hard to avoid, and they are often overlooked by the average user.

2 The dangers of the Internet are now moreprevalentthan ever. With more dangerssuch as ransomware (勒索软件) and cyberbullying, people must be aware of the dangershidden on the other side of their screens. Many people do not realize how dangerous the Internetcan be. Below are the most common dangers that people can face while using the Internet.

3 Cyberbullying: This term refers to when someone sends hurtful messages or posts onsocial media. Cyberbullying has the capacity to ruin peoples reputations, which is why thiskind of activity can never be tolerated.

4 Identity theft: This happens when criminals steal your identity to commit crimes.They steal your credit card information and then use it to make purchases, which would resultin you being responsible for paying back that money!

5 Spam: Spamming happens when people send out unwanted messages to other users,which can be harmful to your computer because they contain viruses or spyware. Spammingcan also be annoying because it can fill your inbox with unwanted messages that youmay have to spend time deleting.

6 Hacking: If your email address has been hacked, then someone may have used itwithout your permission to send out malware or to send spam messages. Aside from youremail address, hackers can also get your credit card information or access passwords forvarious accounts.

7 One of the best ways to avoid the dangers of the Internet is to be smart when browsing.Never give out personal information over the Internet without having secured it first.

Reading Check

1. What is the function of paragraph1?

A. To introduce the topic.

B. To make a comparison.

C. To propose a definition.

D. To provide background information.

2. What does the underlined word“prevalent”in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Simple. B. Obvious. C. Harmful. D. Widespread.

3. What do identity theft and hacking have in common?

A. Ruining peoples reputations.

B. Getting your credit card information.

C. Filling your inbox with unwanted messages.

D. Sending out malware without your permission.

Language Study

Useful expressions

be full of dangers 充滿危险

overlook 忽视;忽略;不考虑

ruin 毁坏;毁灭;使破产(或失去地位等)

criminal 罪犯;犯罪的

annoying 令人恼火的;令人烦躁的

refer to 参考;涉及;指的是

be aware of 意识到;察觉到

have the capacity to do sth 有能力做某事

result in 导致

be harmful to 对……有害

without ones permission 未经某人的允许

aside from 除……之外


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陈正元 心存感恩