Traditional Chinese tea?making joins UNESCO list中国传统制茶技艺申遗成功
主题语境:非遗文化 篇幅:347词 建议用时:6分钟
With traditional China's tea?makingadded to the intangible cultural heritagelist of the UNESCO on November 29,2022, Chinese tea once more attracts theworld's attention.
world's attention.The item“Traditional tea processingtechniques and associated social practices in China”passed the examination at the 17thsession of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangi?ble Cultural Heritage ongoing here in the Moroccan capital. China now has 43 items on theintangible cultural heritage list, continuing to be the most enlisted country in the world.
Wang Yongjian, head of the Chinese delegation to the UNESCO session, said that itwill make this cultural heritage more visible to the public and help promote respect for cul?tural diversity and human creativity.“We will apply for and promote more of the intangiblecultural heritage projects with Chinese characteristics and showcasing Chinese spirit andwisdom, so as to better promote Chinese culture to go global,”he added.
Traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China consistof knowledge, skills, and practices concerning the management of tea plantations, pickingof tea leaves, manual processing, drinking, and sharing of tea. Since ancient times, Chinesepeople have been planting, picking, making, and drinking tea. Tea producers have devel?oped six categories of tea: green, yellow, dark, white, oolong, and black tea. Together withreprocessed tea, such as flower?scented tea, there are over 2,000 tea products in China.
Tea is ubiquitous in Chinese peoples daily life, as steeped (浸泡) or boiled tea isserved in Chinese families, workplaces, tea houses, restaurants, temples and other places.It is also an important part of socialization and ceremonies such as weddings, apprentice?taking (拜师) and sacrifices. Tea?related customs not only are found across the country, butalso influenced the rest of the world through the ancient Silk Road and trade routes.
In China, 44 registered national?level intangible cultural heritage entries are related totea. There are over 40 vocational (职业的) colleges and 80 universities in China that haveset up majors in tea science or tea culture, resulting in over 3,000 graduates specializing intea production and art every year.
Reading Check
1. How does Wang Yongjian sound in paragraph 3?
A. Doubtful. B. Guilty. C. Regretful. D. Ambitious.
2. Which aspect of Chinese tea does the intangible heritage list cover?
A. Its original place. B. Its production base.
C. Its processing skills. D. Its famous brands.
3. Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word“ubiquitous”in paragraph 5?
A. Useful. B. Expensive.
C. Complex. D. Common.
4. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A. Tea production has improved a lot in recent years.
B. Tea is stressed by Chinas higher education system.
C. There should be more majors in tea science in universities.
D. Tea culture is popular with the majority of university students.
Language Study
Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text
We will apply for and promote more of the intangible cultural heritage projects withChinese characteristics and showcasing Chinese spirit and wisdom, so as to better promoteChinese culture to go global. 我們将申请和推广更多具有中国特色、彰显中国精神和智慧的非物质文化遗产项目,以便更好地推动中华文化走向世界。
Ⅱ. Text?centered chunks
be visible to 可以被……看到
apply for 申请
consist of 包括;由……组成
be related to 与……有关
result in 导致
specialize in 专门研究;专攻