Reading Check
1~4 DBAC
Reading Check
1~4 CAAB
Reading Check
1~4 DCDB
Reading Check
1~4 CBDA
Reading Check
1~4 DCBA
Reading Check
1~4 ACBD
Reading Check
1~4 BDBA
Reading Check
1~4 CBAA
Reading Check
1~4 CBDA
Reading Check
1~4 BDAC
Ⅰ. 阅读自测
1~4 DBCA
Ⅲ. 句式仿写
1. Among those projects popular with the elderly people
2. There are 30 students singing
3. Li Hua, chairman of the Students'Union
Ⅳ. 写作实践
Hello, everyone. IamLiHua,anEnglishreporter of our schools broadcasting sta?tion. Last Sunday, students in the Volun?teer Association paid a visit to the nearbynursing home for the Double Ninth Festi?val. Here comes some detailed information.
The students set out at 9 oclock in themorning. At the beginning, some of themmade dumplings and cakes and some gavea performance to entertain the elderly peo?ple. With all things done, there werealso some students chatting with the elderlypeople and playing games. It felt great tosee the elderly people enjoy themselves. Itwas around 5 oclock when the students left.
Just as the saying goes,“Roses given,fragrance in hand.”Not only was it a hap?py day for the old, but the activity has alsoenriched our school life.
Activity A Reading for understanding
Ⅱ. Text?centered sentences
1. Many flowers that once grew only in China are now found everywhere in the world.
2. As the smallest child of his family,Alex is always longing for the time when he should be able to be independent.
3. Then it was believed that China would become one of the strongest countries in the world.
Activity B Reading for writing
It tells us some information about Xia?zhi in China, like its time, history and activities.
1. Wednesday 2. politician 3. platform
4. shadow 5. tribute 6. sun
7. Art performances 8. noodles
Dear Jack,
I'm glad that you are interested in thetraditional Chinese Twenty?four SolarTerms. Now I'm writing to tell you the de?tails of one of the terms, Start of Spring.
Start of Spring, which lifts the curtainof spring, begins this year on Feb. 4 andends on Feb. 18. There are a variety of ac?tivities held during the festival. First, it is atradition that people will fly a kite on thisday to symbolize the flying away of diseases.Second, people like to erect eggs to wishfor good luck in the future. Last, we Chi?nese people celebrate Start of Spring to bidfarewell to the cold winter, witnessing thateverything turns green and is full of vigor.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Test 1
Paragraph 1:
Just then Terry asked me if we could gather all the girls and work with them to?gether. We? Was she kidding? I just want?ed to hate her and she kept making it hard?er and harder for me to do that. It wasntjust that she showed interest in me—her in?terest was warm and genuine. Terry alwaysmade sure to include me when discussingchanges in our routine and eventually Iovercame myself and we grew to be veryclose friends.
Paragraph 2:
At the end of the year, the AnnualSports Award Ceremony was held to honorthe valuable players and cheerleaders. Wedecorated the hall, talking about all thegood times we had shared during our lastyear together. Later in the evening we ar?rived and listened as the various trophieswere awarded to the most valuable playersof each sports team. Just as Terry walkedoff the stage, Coach Maguire stepped up tothe microphone again and announced thatthere was one final trophy to be awarded.The cheerleading“Spirit Award” wouldnow be presented to the girl who showedthe most dedicated effort. When I heard myname announced I was very shocked andTerry was coming toward me. We hugged each other, and Terry whispered,“Nobody deserves this more than you.”
Test 2
Paragraph 1:
Finally, the grand end came, andPrince was brought onstage inside the box.He was meek and cooperated well with theactors on stage. He jumped out as it wasplanned in the plot. He jumped into the gi?ant mushroom, which fell over accidental?ly. Everyone present there was shocked bythe scene and was worried that Princemight get hurt. In a panic, Prince leapedoff the stage and disappeared underneathit. Mrs Alvarez called him, but he whim?pered and wouldnt come out.
Paragraph 2:
“How can we get Prince out from be?neath the stage?”Mrs Alvarez asked.“Imsmall enough to get him,”I said. I crawledunder the stage through the dust and thecobwebs until I reached him. Prince lickedmy face. When we came out, the audienceclapped and cheered. In fact, we got moreapplause than the actors at the end of theshow. My parents were proud and so was I.After that, I stopped worrying so muchabout my size. In fact, I decided that Mom was right and being small has its perks.
Test 3
Paragraph 1:
When the big day arrived, there werethirty women in attendance, and the instruc?tor started to instruct us to make a change.The instructor welcomed everyone andpromised,“In the next two hours, you aregoing to learn how to put together a simpleand basic working wardrobe for the busi?ness world.”She started off by instructingus to purchase a skirt, slacks, a jacket, acardigan sweater, shoes, and a purse all inthe same color like black, gray, dark blue,or brown.“Whatever your budget, try tobuy these basic items from the same manu?facturer so the dyes and styles match.”Ihad never thought about details like thisbefore, but this was definitely the informa?tion I was looking for.
Paragraph 2:
Finally, the concert in my sons schoolcame. I wore a matching black skirt and ajacket by adding a scarf. When I turned upat my sons music concert, my youngest sonsaw me immediately. He smiled at me andgave me a thumbs?up, which really mademe feel relieved. After the volunteer activi?ties, we enjoyed the concert together.
Test 4
Paragraph 1:
That was when I saw a young motherwith her two kids. She was talking on thephone, and her voice told me she was agentle and patient lady. The two kids wereneatly dressed and waited quietly besideher. This must be a nice family, I thoughtto myself. Therefore, I approached her tomake a request. But as soon as I said,“Ex?cuse me, madam”, she grabbed both herkids and went away. Did I look like some?one trying to hurt people? I felt my heartsinking horribly.
Paragraph 2:
Finally a man wearing a cheap T?shirtand dirty jeans seemed to notice me. I didntknow why but I just stopped him and mademy request. I was expecting him to rushpast but he immediately called the numberof my driver and waited till my car came tobe sure I was picked up, turned around be?fore I could thank him adequately and wasgone. Surprised by his kindness, I prom?ised I would do likewise to strangers whosought my help.
Test 5
Paragraph 1:
The whole audience fell silent. Small and thin as the girl appeared, the deter?mined look on her face instantly caught ev?eryones eyes. She glanced at the audience,took a deep breath and began her speech.Everything went smoothly—her voice wasclear and influential, and her speech waslogical and well?organized. Words of pow?er and grace flowed freely out of the girllike magic. She was usually soft?voicedand rarely drew attention in public before.It was like something in a dream!
Paragraph 2:
After her speech ended for a longwhile, a thunderous applause sounded inthe whole audience. When the competitionwas drawing to a close, still immersed inher stunning performance, all of us waitednervously for the winners name to becalled. Tears of joy blurred my vision themoment the host announced that she wonfirst place. Holding the trophy tightly, shegave me a brilliant smile.“You surelymade yourself the most shining focus to?night!”I exclaimed, cheerfully pulling herinto my arms. Yes, sometimes tremendousenergy originates from the silentaccumulation.
Test 6
Paragraph 1:
Now she faced what for many is themost difficult activity: the Single Wire.Thinking about the fact that there was onlyone wire, Chelsea was trembling again andafraid to make one more step. But hearingthe cheers from her teacher and class?mates below, she got to gain courage. Hold?ing the harness tightly, Chelsea began towalk step by step carefully and cautiously.Finally, she made it.
Paragraph 2:
The final challenge is a zip line,which requires leaping off the last towerand sliding to the ground. Staring at thezip line, Chelsea didnt feel frightened anylonger. Because she found it is much easi?er to slide to the ground with the line. Shehad experienced much tougher activitiesbefore, so she had the faith to go throughit. Without hesitation, Chelsea slid alongthe zip line and landed on the ground safeand sound. All her teachers and class?mates applauded her and there was a widesmile on her face.
Test 7
Paragraph 1:
Jared decided to repair the car him?self. So he looked for the tools to fix thecar. After finding the tools, he opened thefront cover of the car. Then he checked theparts one by one and finally found that theengine wires had been burned out. He re?wired the wires as his grandfather hadtaught him. Then he tried to start the carand finally he succeeded. He felt very hap?py and excited. He found that the inside ofthe car was not very tidy, so he decided toclean it. When he went to clean the driversseat, he found an unopened envelope.
Paragraph 2:
Confused, Jared quickly opened the en?velope. In the envelope, there was a letterand some money. Then he opened the let?ter and read it. It was a letter written by hisgrandfather Michael. The letter said thatJared wouldnt sell the car and the grandfa?ther hoped the money would help Jared. Af?ter reading the letter, he was moved totears and cherished the car even more.
Test 8
Paragraph 1:
After that, I popped in to visit Suki af?ter school every day. We chatted casuallyabout our own hobbies, favorite foods andeven the plans for the future. We playedcard games and read together. Even though Suki was only ten, I found that I could getalong with her very well. I was not visitingher out of pity. I really looked forward toher company. At the end of each visit, shealways asked,“Tomorrow?”and my replywas always,“Yes, tomorrow.”
Paragraph 2:
Two months later, Suki told me thegood news. She was well enough to be dis?charged from the hospital. On my last visit,she gave me an envelope, and said it con?tained her email address. I promised towrite. In her letter, Suki thanked me andtold me how my answer to her question“Tomorrow?”had given her hope from dayto day. She believed that she recovered be?cause of this. At the end of the letter, shewrote“Tomorrow?”followed by her emailaddress. I smiled and said,“Yes, Suki, to?morrow.”
Test 9
Paragraph 1:
I begin to encourage others to developthe environmental awareness. I know thatthere is power in numbers, and I want toget as many people involved as possible.Ive convinced my children to take actionwith me like I did before. We learn tomake many cards to hand out to people,with some words about environmental pro?tection written on them. Weve also setup signs around the lake to remind peopleto pay attention to the environment. Othermembers of my family also go to the lake topick up garbage on weekends.
Paragraph 2:
Many days have passed, and the sur?roundings have improved a lot. Thanks toour efforts, the lake has taken on a newlook. The surroundings are clearer andthere is no more garbage floating on its wa?ter. There is little garbage on either side ofthe road along the lake. It is surprising thatmany people take their garbage away. Fewpeople drop garbage here. I am pleased tonote that more people actively volunteer topick up the garbage. This gives us moreconfidence to protect our nearby environ?ment.
Test 10
Paragraph 1:
She followed me, her mind wandering.Minutes later, we started to climb a steepslope. Jane sighed, dragging her legs be?hind me. I was surprised to find some raretrees and flowers, and took many photos,but Jane showed no interest. She stoppedand sat on a rock, thirsty, sweaty and bored. I handed her a bottle of water andwe took a break.“I missed my phone,”shecomplained as we continued climbing.Though unhappy, she just climbed alongwith me.
Paragraph 2:
Reaching the top, Jane widened hereyes, shouting, “How wonderful!” Shelooked around dreamily, her eyes twinklingwith wild excitement. A refreshing breezebrushed the mountain top; miles of treesspread out below us and birds chirped be?tween branches. We sat on a large rockand ate sandwiches, enjoying the sounds,the smells and the sunlight.“Anyone stillwants her phone?”I joked. She rolled hereyes, laughing out loud. The next morning,Jane danced in my room, crying,“Letshike around the lake today.”“Sure, get ourbackpack then,”I beamed, relieved andjoyful.
Test 11
Paragraph 1:
Caroline called Mr Roberts and hur?riedly told him her tale. She told him aboutthe boys, the bird, and the makeshift shoebox home. Mr Roberts was moved by Caro?lines efforts.“That bird was fortunate thatyou came to its rescue. Dont worry. I will make a call to a bird rescue society. Theycan make a pick?up for your featheredfriend in the morning,”Mr Roberts assuredCaroline confidently. Breathing a sigh of re?lief, Caroline looked at the bird, which wasstill peacefully sleeping in the box as ifnothing had happened. She went to bed,hoping that it would survive the night.
Paragraph 2:
In the morning, the Blackwell BirdRescue Society called in, informing a carwould come to pick up the bird at 10 am.Hanging up the phone, Caroline smiledwith relief.“I guess this is goodbye,”Caro?line said to the bird in the shoe box. Curi?ously, it replied with a short chirp as if itunderstood what she was saying. As sched?uled, a car from the Blackwell Bird RescueSociety pulled up to her house at 10 am.After examining it carefully, the driverpacked the bird gently into the car, promis?ing Caroline that they would get the littleone back up and flying again. Standing atthe door, Caroline watched the driver getback into the car, which slowly drove awayand disappeared from sight.
Test 12
Paragraph 1:
Now I have to save myself from the icyriver. As the sled sank beneath me, I triedto jump towards the edge of the ice, butfailed and I had to prepare myself for aswim. To my astonishment, the water wasonly up to my knees, and there was verylittle currents. When we finally came to thesafety of the riverbank, I felt helpless andhopeless. The cold was rapidly deepeninginto my muscles, and I realized that mychances of survival were slim.
Paragraph 2:
I had begun to accept that this washow I was going to die, but Nike wouldnthave it. He ran in front of the sled andwagged his tail, ready to start again. Ilooked into his eyes and could swear hewas smiling. I gathered my courage andtried to start a huge fire. Later, as I re?called this experience, I wondered whetherI would have survived if not for Nike andhis attitude. Nike taught me that attitude iseverything in the game of wilderness sur?vival. And indeed he saved me!