走向世界 2023年23期
宣傳氛围营造方面,青岛国际新闻中心提供包括宣传品制作、媒体发布、户外道旗、策划设计制作等多种宣传服务,为大会营造了浓郁的环境氛围;媒体服务保障方面,精准为约 60位注册媒体提供包括会务咨询、采访预约、现场文印、网络保障、宣传品展示、茶歇、物品存储、用餐保障等各项服务,获得媒体记者的一致好评,各级领导对保障工作也给予高度评价。
During the SCO Forum on People-to-People Friendship and the Forum on Friendship Cities, Qingdao International News Center undertook the two tasks of creating the citys publicity atmosphere and guaranteeing media services. It dispatched a work team of 10 with excellent professional skills and abilities during the preparatory stage to ensure the smooth organization and operation of the event.