The Orange Kitten橘色小猫


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2023年2期


Rachel was feeling sad.She had just moved from Arizona to a new house in California, far away from her friends, neighbors and teachers that she had known for most of her life. Her mother and dad had explainedl to her that moving to this new school was actually a good thing, as it would give her a better life. Still, Rachel did not care about such things. She just wanted another friend to play with when she was sad.


Her first day at her new school only made her feel worse. The school was harder than her other school, and the other students did not talk to her at all. She also did not like the new house that her family had moved into. Rachel wished that she had someone she could talk to about her problems.


Rachels parents noticed that she had not seemed happy ever smce their move away from Arizona, but they were too busy with their new jobs to give her their full care. Every morning, Rachel would wake up and eat her breakfast quietly, nervous2 about the school day. After she was done eating, her mother would walk her to the bus station and tell her to have a good day.“That is easier said than done,”thought Rachel as she sat in the back of the bus. She looked out the window at the blue skies and green trees.


Suddenly3, Rachel noticed something orange next to some trees. Even though she only saw the orange color for a few seconds, it made her sit up. After all, there were not that many orange things that could be found out on the ground. She thought about it all on the way to school. Could it be a group of flowers? No, because the orange thing had seemed to be moving when she had seen it.It was a mystery4, she thought. She kept thinking about the orange thing as she went to her classes and had her lunch alone.


On the way back from school,Rachel sat in the same seat as she had before in the hopes of seeing the orange thing again. As she passed by the trees, she felt happy because she thought she would see it. But she was sad to not see anything that was orange.


The next morning, Rachel set out a plan to find out about the mystery. She decided to pretend to be sick so that her father would come and get her from the office at school.Letting people think that she was sick was easy. All she had to do was saying that her stomach hurt and she was about to throw up. Her plan worked, and her dad quickly came to the school to take her home for rest.


Rachel felt bad for lying to her dad, but as she passed the trees in her car, she told him to pull the car over because she was going to throw up. He let her out of the car, and she ran as fast as she could to the orange thing that she had seen across the field5. She had to know what it was. At last, she saw lt:a pretty, small kitten. As she picked it up, her dad appeared6 besides her. When he saw the kitten, he understood what she had done and why she had done it.He let her take the kitten home. He even bought a box and cat food for her new friend, who she named Whiskers.


Rachel knew that all her problems were not over. Her school was still hard, and she still missed her old friends. But with her small kitten at her side, Rachel felt much happier. When she came to school the next day, she told her class about her new friend. Later, some of her classmates asked her if they could meet Whiskers. Rachel smiled, and knew that her life in California would be easier with Whiskers by her side.



