

语数外学习·高中版上旬 2023年3期






笔者基于对人教版普通高中教科书英语必修第一册Unit 4 Reading and thinking多层次、多维度的深层解读,根据学生的认知水平和已有的英语知识与能力,从文本结构、文本语言、文本思想三个角度来谈谈大同“小异”的读写结合课。同——同一文本,同一导人,同一阅读学案;异——从结构、语言、思想三个不同角度来呈现读写结合的“写”。文章将用三节课开展读写结合教学。


Unit4 Reading and thinking描述了1976年河北唐山的一场地震,文章涉及震前征兆、震中破坏以及地震后救援与恢复。该文章框架结构清晰,语言丰富,是一篇学生可借鉴的优秀范文。



Step l:Warming up( about 3 minutes)

T:Please read the news and get the informationfrom it.

S:An earthquake happened in Japan and peoplesearched the survivors and helped them.

T: Well done. And what do you think of the earth-quake?

S:It is a kind of disaster which will destroy thebuildings,peoples'lives and all the things around.

T: It is terrible and destructive. Now, let's watch avideo, from which we can learn that earthquake is a natu-ral disaster which has a lot of damage.


Step 2:Fast reading(about 4 minutes)

T: Now let's read for the structures first. Read thepassage and finish the taskl on your learning sheets.3minutes later...

S: The first part is paragraph l.It's about the signsbefore the earthquake.

T: Good. what about the second part?

S: Paragraph28c3 is part 2.It's about the damagecause

y the earthquake.

T:Perfect. what about the last part?

S: The last part is paragraph 4&5. It's about the res-cue work and recovery after the earthquake.

T: Well-done. Now let's read the passage again andget more details to fill in the tables.






Step 3:Detail reading(about 15 minutes)

T: Let's read these paragraphs again and try to findmore details about the earthquake and please finish Task1—3…

T: OK, let's check your answers.


T: Good, anything else? ~Vhat happened before theearthquake?

S6: People saw bright lights.

T: Yes9 bright lights could be seen in the sky. ~Vhatabout the damage of the earthquake during the earth-quake?(为Post-reading——Before the Typhoon铺垫)

T&S:…;Two-thirds of them died or…;the numberof people who were killed or seriously injured reachedmore than 400,000; 75070 0f its factories and buildingsand 90%) of its homes were gone....;lt seemed as if theword was coming to an end.(为Post- reading-Dur-ing the Typhoon铺垫)

T: Yes, you did a good job. So "The data show thedamage cause

y the earthquake and how terrible theearthquake was. It seemed as if the world was at an end.”(Read it together) But all hope was not lost, why?

S: Because the army sent soldiers to Tangshan tohelp the rescue workers. Besides, the army organizedteams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury thedead.(Write the Key rwords 071lthe blackboardfor fwriting)(为Post-reading-—一After the typhoon铺垫)

T:Well-done, and anything else?

S:Miners ….Workers built shelters for survlvorswhose homes had been destroyed. Fresh water was takento the city by train, truck and plane. (为Post- read—ing—一After the typhoon鋪垫)

T: Yes, with others' help, the city began to breatheagain.So‘the last part is about the rescue work and therecovery after the earthquake.”


Step 4:Writing(about 18 minutes)

T: Just like the earthquake in the passage, they arenatural disasters which are common in our daily life,such as typhoon and flood. Do you still remember the ty—phoon called“Nian Yu" that hit Zhejiang Province inSeptember?


Step 5:Presentation and homework about 5 min—utes)

T: Now let's present your writings. You can makecomments on the writing in the following ways.

T: Check your passages again and hand them in af-ter you have improved it.

此环节的目的在于让学生能够感悟如何评价语篇,在欣赏评价其他同学作文的同时,能取其长处为自己所用,也能更加清楚自己的作文存在什么问题。通过相互评价不仅多角度巩固了文本词汇与句型,更是在另一层面提高了学生的写作能力,为读写结合课画上一个圆满的句号。课后写作要求修改后上交作业,既促使学生及时查漏与补足,又有助于教师及时了解学情,反思教学中存在的不足。 2.文本语言 文本是语言的载体,任何阅读文本的内容、思想都是通过语言表现出来的,只有把语言与内容、思想进行有机的结合,我们才能充分理解它。根据认知发展规律,学生首先是感知语言,了解其应用方法,然后才是模仿应用。感知语言、了解其应用方法是输入,模仿与应用是输出。只有充分有效的输人才能保证最后高质量的输出。所以,在阅读教学的语言处理过程中,学生需要在信息的提取中感知语言,在文本的评价中欣赏语言,在思维的提升中运用语言。


Step 3:Detail reading(about 15 minutes)

T:Task 1—3…

T: OK, now let's check your answers.


T: Good.What about Task 27 Now please read thesentences for us, one student one sentence.

S1: In 15 terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.

S2: Two-thirds of them died or were injured duringthe earthquake。

S3: Thousands of families were killed...

S4: The number of people who were killed or serl-ously injured reached more than 400,000.

S5:75% 0f its factories and buildings and 90% 0fits homes were gone.

S6: Two dams fell and most of the bridges...

S7: Tens of thousands of cows would never give milkagain.

S8:Half a million pigs and millions of chickenswere ea

T: Yes, you did a good job.So“the data show thedamage cause by the earthquake and how terrible theearthquake was. It seemed as if the world was at an end."(Read it together) Can you imagine people's feelings atthat time?

S: Frightened and shocked.

T: Yes,I think maybe they were very helpless andhopeless.

T: Although the earthquake caused a lot of losses, itseemed as if the world was at an end,(Write it on theblaclcboard) but all hope was not lost, why?

S: Because the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tang-shan to help the rescue workers.

T: Yes, that is,soldiers are sent to help the rescueworkers. What about the army?

S: The army organized teams to dig out those whowere trapped and to bury the dead.

T: Mrell-done, what about the miners?

S: Most of the 10,000 miners were rescued from thecoal mines there.

T: Yes, good. What about the workers and fresh wa-ter?

S: Workers built shelters for survivors. Fresh waterwas taken to the city by train, truck and plane.

T: Yes, with others'help, the city became betterand it began to breathe again.So people were very hope-ful and grateful, do you think so?


Step 4:Post reading( about 3+5+15 minutes)

T: Now, please look at Step 4 Post-rea ing Task l.Please read group Q)first.

T: By reading you can feel that the use of numbercan make the language more convincing. What aboutgroup ② ?

S: Attributive clause can make the sentence morebeautiful and complex.

T: Very good.What about group②?The suitableverbs

S: The suitable verbs can make the description vivid.

T: Perfect. So when you are describing something,you'd better use suitable verbs and attributive clauses aswell as some numbers to make your writing better. Now,please retell the earthquake with the given information,volunteers?

S:(/Retell the earthquake/)

T:Well- done.We have learned some informationabout earthquake, now you can rewrite the text with someclues.about 100 words.


Step 5:Self-assessment and homework

T: Please assess your own composition in the follow—ing ways. Check your passages again and hand them in af-ter you have improved it.





Step 3:Detail reading(about 12 minutes)


T: Now, let's check your answers. First, deal withthe strange things before the earthquake.



T:In short,with the joint efforts, the city started torevive itself and get back up on its feet. But how didTangshan revive itself? And what lessons can we learnfrom the city?

Ss: With strong support from the government andthe tireless efforts of the city's people, the city started torevive. And Tangshan city has proved to China and therest of the world that in times of disaster, people mustunify and show the wisdom to stay positive and rebuildfor a brighter future。

T: Yes, they proved to Chinese that“In unity thereis strengthl" That is,though the disaster caused severedamage to people's life, it couldn't destroy the love andcare among people.


Step 4:Post-reading( about 8+15 minutes)

T: As we all know, the natural disasters can not beavoided.When we are facing such natural disasters, whatcan we do to protect ourselves better? Now, please thinkabout it and discuss with your partners. Please writedown your opinions.(Students discuss it in groups/)

T: Now, please look at Task2 and complete the writ—ing according to your discussion and context.

本 元的主题是了解地震的基本知识,并学会在灾难到来时如何白助与助人,所以本环节的设计是以阅读文本为基础,设计活动让学生通过讨论了解在灾难中如何自救和他救。

Step 5: Presentation and homework (about 3minutes)

T: Now let's present your writings. You can makecomments on the writing in the following ways.

T: Check your passages again and hand them in af-ter you have improved。












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