译林版《英语》9B Unit1 Asia Reading1 Two cities in China 课堂实录及反思


初中生世界·初中教学研究 2023年5期







Step1 Original Experience(原体验):to be a good guide

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang!

T: Let's enjoy a video and see how wonderful our world is.(Two minutes later) What can you see in the video?

Ss: Many places of interest around the world.

T: Yes.And there are also many places of interest in China. We know that the British exchange students have arrived in Beijing.As the hosts,what places of interest can you take them to visit and what things can they enjoy/see/do?You can discuss with your partner and then share your ideas with your classmates.OK?

S: I can take them to Suzhou to visit Chinese gardens.

S: I can take them to Qingdao to go sailing and swimming.

S: I can take them to my hometown Dongtai to try different seafood .Also I can take them to Xixi Cultural Park to enjoy beautiful views.

Step2 Initial Experience(初体验)

A.Vocabulary preview check:to be a good learner

T: Well done.Today I together with you will show them around another two beautiful cities in our country, Beijing and Guilin (Write the title Two cities in China on the blackboard). First it's time to challenge your memories.Please spell the new words as fast as you can. Let's see who is the quickest.

Ss: Emperor, flag, raise, attraction, watchtower, wonder, lie, cave, point, hire.

T: All of you did a very good job. Please read the wordlist together.

Boy Ss: Middle, in the middle of, emperor, raising, flag, landscape, attraction, watchtower, wonder, lie.

T: For girls, ready, go.

Girl Ss: Shape, underground, cave, hang, point, upwards, hire, eastern, south-east location.

B.Text preview feedback:to be a good debater

T: I'm very satisfied with your vocabulary preview.Next we will have a wonderful debate to check the text preview.And it's my great honor to be the chairman for today's debating contest. I think you all have known the topic: which city is better worth a visit, Beijing or Guilin? There are two teams,Beijing Team and Guilin Team. The captains of the two teams are Shen Zilin and Ding Jie.Are you ready now?

Ss: Yes.

T: As everyone is ready now, here starts the debate.Now,let's come to the first stage, the opening statement.During this stage, debaters of both sides should give an opening statement.Are you clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: All the members of Beijing Team,please come to the stage and start your presentation.

S: Beijing is the capital of China. There are many places of interest such as The Palace Museum, Tian'anmen Square, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall.(Then another four students gave detailed statements about four famous attractions in Beijing.)

T: Now it's time for Guilin Team to state your opinions.

S: There is a famous saying,“East or west,Guilin landscape is best”.Is it true? Let's enjoy the video of Guilin scenery together.

S: Guilin is a beautiful city in southern China. Look at the map of Guilin. This is the Lijiang River. Guilin lies on the two sides of the Lijiang River. In the north-west of the city is the Reed Flute Cave.(Then another two students gave detailed statements about The Reed Flute Cave and the Lijiang River.)

T: That's great team work.We are looking forward to your more wonderful performances. Let's enter the most exciting part, free debate. During this stage, debaters of both sides can raise questions to the other's statement. The questions can not be the same and both sides are supposed to answer the questions quickly,fluently and correctly.

T: Ready? Beijing Team first, go.

S(From Beijing Team):Is Guilin in southern China or northern China?

S(From Guilin Team): In southern China.

S(From Beijing Team): What is Guilin famous for?

S(From Guilin Team): It's famous for its fantastic landscape.

T: Time is up.Thank you.Now it's time for Guilin Team to raise questions.

S(From Guilin Team): Who used to live in the Forbidden City?

S (From Beijing Team): The emperors.

S(From Guilin Team): Why do many tourists go to Tian'anmen Square early in the morning?

S(From Beijing Team): To watch the raising of the national flag.

T: Time is up. Now it's time for both sides to summarize your own opinions.Let's begin with Beijing Team.

S: Beijing is an ancient city. It is the capital of our country. Don't miss it. Welcome to Beijing!

T: Now the captain of Guilin Team, please.

S: Guilin is a beautiful city. Every year many visitors come and visit it because of its fantastic landscape.We are looking forward to your coming!

T: We are all deeply impressed by the intelligent debaters.After listening to the introduction and debating on both sides,which team would you like to support,Beijing Team or Guilin Team? Why?

S: I support Beijing Team, because Beijing is the capital city and I'd like to Tian'an men Square to watch the raising of the national flag.

S: I support Guilin Team.I hope I can take a boat trip along the Lijiang River. Miss Wang,would you please share your opinions with us?

T: OK. Beijing and Guilin are both famous cities in our country.They have different attractions and characteristics. I hope to visit both cities some day. Today both teams have wonderful performances.So both are winners. Congratulations. That's all for today's debating contest.

Step3 Further Experience(深体验):to be a good helper

T:Now let's play a guessing game. According to the information given, could you tell me what attraction it is? First, Some emperors used to spend the summer there.

S: The Summer Palace.

T: We can go there to watch the raising of the national flag.

S: Tian'anmen Square.

T: I have made some notes about Guilin. Please help me check whether they are true or false.(Complete exercise in PartB3 on page11.Then check the answers together.)

T: Kevin wants to make notes of the two cities. Please help him complete the notes and then describe the two cities in complete sentences.(Do exercise in PartB4 on page11.)

Step4 New Experience(新体验):to be a good thinker

T: How beautiful the two cities are!China is a country with a history of 5000 years and there are many beautiful places in our motherland. It is becoming stronger and stronger. I am proud of being Chinese.I think“East or west,China is best”. As a middle school student, do you have anything to say to our motherland?

S: I love my motherland.There is a famous saying:the stronger the youths are,the stronger the nation will be.So I must study hard and make progress every day.

S: I must study for the rising of China.

S: Now we have better environment and education.We are living a happy life.We should cherish the present ,work hard to have a better future.

T: That's great!Let's enjoy the song My motherland and I to end this lesson.

(Play music and sing in chorus.)



本节课的教学内容来自译林版《英语》九(下) Unit1 Asia Reading第一课时,本单元的主题内容属于“人与社会”范畴中“历史、社会与文化”这一主题群,涉及子主题“世界主要国家的文化习俗与文化景观、节假日与庆祝活动”。在前一课时,学生已经了解了具有中国传统特色的事物和值得参观的名胜景点,对中国文化产生了浓厚兴趣和期待。在教学过程中,笔者以真实或虚拟的情境引发学生自主阅读有关北京和桂林两座城市的说明文,依托语篇开展多层次的理解活动,探究主题意义和核心价值。在阅读活动中,笔者整合课程内容六要素,注重学生阅读的情感体验和思维过程。学生通过比较阅读,在体悟了中国文化的丰富多彩和源远流长的同时,也进一步增强了对祖国的热爱之情。



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