Six Types of Breads That Are Healthy 6种有益于身体健康的面包
1. Flaxseed Bread 亚麻籽面包
Bread that is prepared with flaxseed is very crispy to eat and has lots of good ingredients that keeps the heart healthy. Flaxseed is also the only vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acids; hence vegetarians must definitely go for this one.
2. Gluten Free Bread 无麸质面包
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Gluten free breads are generally made with grains other than wheat to make them gluten free. Whole grain gluten free breads may be made with brown rice flour.
3. Oats Bread 燕麦面包
Oats bread is one of the healthiest bread available to us. Oats are very heart healthy because they can inhibit the absorption of bad cholesterol. Bread made from oats is highly rich in fiber and healthy for the heart, as well.
4. Multi-Grain Bread 杂粮面包
Multi-grain bread is a combination of various grains like wheat, rye, millet etc. That is why it is rich in nutritional fibers and thus, heart healthy.
5. Brown Bread 黑面包
Brown bread is usually a combination of wheat and soy that gives it the rich brown color. Brown bread is heart healthy mainly because it is low fat bread and also gluten-free.
6. Whole Wheat Bread
Whole wheat bread is made from unrefined and unpolished wheat. That is why it is healthy, fibrous and also good for the heart. Whole wheat, being rich in fiber, is a good choice of bread.
Word Bank
rye /raɪ/ n. 黑麦;黑麦粒
available /ə'veɪləbl/ adj. 可获得的;可购得的;有空的
This was the only room available.
cholesterol /kə'lestərɒl/ n. 胆固醇
millet /'mɪlɪt/ n. 黍类;谷子;粟