

疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年1期



1 The producer of the latest big natural history documentary series Dynasties Ⅱ has praised the help of production partners such as Chinas Bilibili, saying that such partnerships are key to getting these important films made and spreading the message of the importance of wildlife conservation. Dynasties Ⅱ mainly focuses on the social interaction and lives of wildlife.

2 Even before the additional challenges raised by the pandemic, producing such a large⁃scale show was already demanding, and the series producer Simon Blakeney says that international support was key to its success. “What really amazes me is the size of the audience—more and more people have a chance to see these animals. In the bigger conservation picture, the best way to protect the natural world is helping people fall in love with it. A growing global audience will inspire us to keep going and finding new stories to share with people,” he says.

3 Building a program around animals means that program makers must start with a blank canvas, rather than a script (剧本), but with ideas of what might happen, based on previous studies. “We look at the animals and the likelihood of things happening, and try to become as close to experts as we can in a short time, so we can at least come up with a rough storyline and know where to go with it,” he explains.

4 Some of the animals that the series focuses on will be more familiar (熟悉的) to viewers than others. “We wanted animals who have life challenges that people can relate to, like a mother raising cubs, or a father protecting a family—some animals have those stories, and some dont. Hyenas (鬣狗) arent universally loved, but we discovered a lot about their way of social interaction, showing us a new side of them, so its great to be able to surprise people with things like that,” Blakeney adds.

5 Often, wildlife series produce unforgettable images and scenes that stand out and cause discussion, and Dynasties Ⅱ is no exception. “What blows me away every time I watch is the challenge of being a puma. They hunt the most ridiculous sized prey,” Blakeney says.

1. What does the producer of Dynasties Ⅱ think of Bilibili?

A. It is popular as a means of social media.

B. It is facing a great challenge.

C. It is profitable for its partnerships with famous producers.

D. It is important in encouraging people to protect wildlife.

2. What contributed to Dynasties Ⅱs success according to Blakeney?

A. International support.

B. Animals performance.

C. Development of the Internet.

D. Audiences financial help.

3. Which word can best describe the process of producing Dynasties Ⅱ?

A. Smooth.

B. Hard.

C. Impossible.

D. Unexpected.

4. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A. Animals are often friendly to humans.

B. Wildlife series can hardly surprise people.

C. Animals do have life challenges like humans.

D. Hyenas are loved by many people.

Difficult sentences

1. What really amazes me is the size of the audience—more and more people have a chance to see these animals. 真正讓我惊讶的是观众的规模——越来越多的人有机会看到这些动物。


2. Building a program around animals means that program makers must start with a blank canvas, rather than a script, but with ideas of what might happen, based on previous studies. 围绕动物制作一个节目意味着制作人必须从一张空白的画布开始,基于以前的研究,推断接下来可能发生什么,而不是按照剧本。

【点石成金】该句中的that引导一个宾语从句,从句中的主语是program makers。


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