(1. 华中农业大学资源与环境学院,武汉 430070;2. 湖北省耕地质量与肥料工作总站,武汉 430070; 3. 农业农村部农业生态与资源保护总站,北京 100125)
0 引 言
近年来,中国农作物秸秆可收集量稳定在8亿t左右[1-3],秸秆资源丰富。农作物秸秆含有大量的氮、磷、钾及中微量元素,宋大利等[4]评估了全国主要农作物秸秆氮(N)、磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)养分资源量分别达到625.6×104、197.9×104、1 159.5×104t。随着国家对秸秆资源化利用的推动力度不断加大,秸秆还田尤其是直接还田比例明显提高。不同省份政府网站公布的数字显示,主要粮食作物秸秆还田比例已达到50%~70%[5]。
1 材料与方法
1.1 数据来源
1.1.1 文献数据
首先,在中国知网(http://www.cnki.net/)搜索并筛选2000-2021年发表的秸秆还田替减化肥相关文献,搜索关键词为“秸秆还田”“氮肥”“磷肥”“钾肥” “化肥替减”,共检索到183篇相关文献。其次,对所检索到的文献数据进行遴选。遴选具体标准如下:1)选择推荐施肥处理与秸秆还田替减氮肥、磷肥或钾肥处理;2)为避免部分文献设置的施肥量过高而导致的秸秆还田化肥替减率偏高,本研究选择推荐施肥量范围分别为氮肥(N)150~250 kg/hm2、磷肥(P2O5)40~120 kg/hm2、钾肥(K2O)50~150 kg/hm2;3)研究地点位于中国大陆地区;4)供试作物为水稻、小麦、玉米或油菜;5)大田试验,试验时段的起止年份清晰;6)试验数据应包含氮肥、磷肥或钾肥施用量、作物产量、土壤基础理化性质等。通过文献筛选,获得有效文献59篇,相关数据487组,其中氮肥替减相关文献32篇(224组数据),磷肥替减相关文献7篇(81组数据),钾肥替减20篇(182组数据)。试验点覆盖黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、甘肃、陕西、河北、河南、山东、四川、湖北、安徽、江苏、贵州、湖南、江西、浙江17个省份。
1.1.2 试验数据
1.1.3 统计数据
1.2 数据计算与分析
1.2.1 秸秆还田化肥替减潜力与节肥成本
本研究以推荐施肥处理作为对照组,秸秆还田化肥减量处理为处理组。以统计数据为依据,分析秸秆还田化肥替减比例。将处理组和对照组产量进行比较,以处理组与对照组相比产量相差≥−5%视为没有减产,即平产和增产,两组的氮肥、磷肥或钾肥施用量之差除以对照组施用量视为氮肥、磷肥或钾肥替减率;相反,若处理组和对照组相比产量相差<−5%则将其视作秸秆还田化肥替减率为零。如果文献中数据以图的形式表示,则采用软件GetData Graph Digitizer 2.24软件进行数字化后提取[25]。
1.2.2 不同作物、种植制度和土壤养分供应条件的秸秆还田化肥替减率差异
本文根据不同土壤养分供应条件和种植制度将秸秆还田化肥替减试验效果进行分组。土壤养分分级参考全国第二次土壤普查养分分级标准[26]结合当前土壤状况,按照土壤有机质(soil organic matter, SOM)含量将土壤分为低有机质土壤(SOM<10 g/kg)、中有机质土壤(10 g/kg≤SOM<30 g/kg)和高有机质土壤(SOM≥30 g/kg);按照土壤有效磷含量(available phosphorus, AP)分为低磷土壤(AP<10 mg/kg)、中磷土壤(10 mg/kg≤AP<20 mg/kg)和高磷土壤(AP≥20 mg/kg);按照土壤速效钾(available potassium, AK)含量分为低钾土壤(AK<100 mg/kg)、中钾土壤(100 mg/kg≤AK<150 mg/kg)和高钾土壤(AK≥150 mg/kg)。
1.3 数据分析
采用Microsoft Excel 2016软件收集数据,SPSS Statistics 24软件分析数据,单因素方差分析方法(One-way ANOVA)进行样本间差异显著性分析、Origin 2018软件作图。
2 结果与分析
2.1 秸秆还田氮肥替减率
Note: SM is single-season maize; SR is single-season rice; W-M is wheat-maize rotation; R-O is rice-oilseed rape rotation. Maize single-crop, wheat-maize rotation as a upland rotation system; rice single-crop, rice-wheat rotation, rice-oilseed rape rotation as a paddy-upland rotation system. Boxes and error bars indicate the mean value and standard deviation, respectively. Different lowercase letters of the same group represented significantly differences (<0.05) among different crops or rotations. Same as below.
图1 不同作物和轮作制度下秸秆还田氮肥替减率
Fig.1 Nitrogen fertilizer replacement ratios by straw returning among different crops and rotation systems
2.2 秸秆还田磷肥替减率
图3 不同作物和轮作制度下秸秆还田的磷肥替减率
2.3 秸秆还田的钾肥替减潜力
图5 不同作物和轮作制度下秸秆还田钾肥替减率
2.4 秸秆还田替减化肥量及其经济效应
2020年中国主要大田作物水稻、小麦、玉米、油菜种植面积分别为3 007.60×104、2 338.00×104、4 126.40×104、676.50×104hm2(表1),种植总面积约为1.01亿hm2。4种农作物肥料施用总量为3 751.01×104t,单位施肥量为246.60~424.80kg/hm2。按照不同农作物秸秆还田氮、磷、钾肥替减率分别为10.6%~13.7%、19.0%~31.2%、40.7%~52.9%计算,全国4种主要农作物秸秆还田可分别替减氮肥(N)10.12×104~106.17×104t、磷肥(P2O5)10.52×104~96.09×104t、钾肥(K2O)15.16×104~203.01×104t,合计可减少中国2020年氮、磷、钾肥消费量的12.6%、25.0%和48.5%。水稻、小麦、玉米、油菜秸秆还田化肥总养分替减量分别为248.88×104、229.24×104、405.27×104、35.80×104t,合计可节约化肥919.19×104t。按照近三年化肥均价氮肥(N)4.58元/kg、磷肥(P2O5)5.34元/kg、钾肥(K2O)5.48元/kg计算,4种主要农作物秸秆还田分别可节约氮、磷、钾肥成本分别为109.69×108、121.60×108、247.69×108元,合计节约化肥成本478.98×108元。
表1 中国主要农作物秸秆还田化肥替减潜力与节肥成本
3 讨 论
3.1 作物种类、轮作模式对秸秆还田化肥替减率的影响
本研究表明主要农作物秸秆还田氮、磷、钾肥替减率分别平均为12.2%、23.9%、43.5%(图1、图3、图 5)。秸秆还田钾肥替减率最高。这是因为钾素以离子态存在于秸秆中,使秸秆钾易于迁移。戴志刚等[27]研究表明,不同作物秸秆在土壤中培养12 d后钾素释放率均达到了98%。正因其易迁移,相较于旱地,水田中的秸秆钾素更易淋失,故旱地轮作秸秆还田钾肥替减率较水旱轮作更高(图5)。秸秆还田磷肥替减率高于氮肥,主要原因为秸秆投入不仅提高了土壤磷输入,而且秸秆中碳输入促进了土壤磷活化[28-29]。GUPTA等[30]研究发现稻麦轮作下秸秆添加可以促进土壤磷的矿化,通过增加土壤磷的释放,提高土壤活性磷有效性。旱地秸秆还田氮肥可替减率略高于水田(图1)。代文才等[31]研究表明,秸秆翻埋还田360 d后,秸秆在旱地中腐解率比在水田中高7.9%~22.9%,与本研究结果较为一致。而在不同轮作制度中,水旱轮作秸秆还田氮、磷肥替减率较旱地轮作分别高5.0~12.9、18.0~24.8个百分点(图1、图3),这可能与水旱轮作增加土壤团聚体的数量和稳定性有关[32-33]。薛斌[34]研究表明,稻油轮作模式下秸秆还田通过增加土壤中胶结物质的数量,提升土壤胶结作用,使黏粒在团聚体中进一步富集,提高土壤中不同粒径团聚体数量。同时,秸秆还田措施还提高了干湿交替土壤团聚体中有机碳的化学组成和矿物含量,促进有机-矿物复合体的形成,增加团聚体稳定性,改善土壤物理化学性状[35],提高作物产量[36]。
3.2 不同养分供应能力的土壤秸秆还田化肥替减的差异
本研究表明较高养分供应能力的田块秸秆还田化肥替减率低于较低养分供应能力的田块,氮、磷、钾肥替减率分别降低了4.3~5.0、9.1~11.5、6.2~14.2个百分点(图2、图4、图6)。不同养分供应能力土壤的秸秆还田化肥替减潜力差异可以归因于土壤基础地力差异导致的施肥增产空间不同,即肥料贡献率的不同。徐霞等[37]通过885个玉米田间试验研究表明,在平衡施肥的条件下,基础地力产量<4 t/hm2的地块其化肥增产率平均达93.23%,而基础地力产量>8 t/hm2的地块,其化肥增产率仅为14.44%;李继福等[38]研究表明不同供钾能力的稻田中,秸秆还田中钾、低钾土壤的产量增幅为12.6%、12.5%,而在高钾田块的产量增幅仅为7.7%。河南小麦基础地力从产量水平<3.0 t/hm2到产量水平>6.0 t/hm2,地力贡献率从43.6%提高到80.3%,而肥料贡献率随地力水平提高从>50%下降至不足15%[39];在肥力较高的黑土地带,肥料施用对玉米产量的贡献平均仅为11.9%~23.4%[40]。对于养分供应能力弱的土壤,秸秆还田可以有效补充土壤养分,提高基础地力,从而减少作物的对化肥的依赖。NICOLAS等[41]研究表明,添加有机质利于促进大团聚体形成,进而增加土壤碳氮库,提升地力[42]。长期秸秆还田能够增加土壤养分库容量,提高土壤矿质元素的有效性[43]。
3.3 影响秸秆还田化肥替减潜力的其他因素
秸秆还田化肥替减潜力受到作物种类、轮作制度、土壤养分条件的影响,归根究底是因为不同的种植区域造成其差异,而造成这种差异的是不同地域田块的水、肥、气、热等肥力条件的不同。这些因素通过影响秸秆在土壤中的分解、矿化和损失来影响化肥替减潜力。本研究表明,玉米单作和麦玉轮作制度下,秸秆还田氮、磷肥替减率均低于稻油轮作和水稻单作种植模式,平均分别低5.0~12.9、18.0~24.8个百分点(图1、图3),这是因为玉米单作和麦玉轮作模式多种植在年积温和年降雨量较低的淮河以北,尤其冬季,低温干燥使微生物活动受到抑制,秸秆还田后腐解和矿化速度减慢[44],使秸秆中养分难以释放再利用。在陕西关中平原麦玉轮作区,玉米秸秆还田一季后,秸秆腐解率仅为23.1%~25.0%[45],而在湖北,水稻、小麦、油菜秸秆经过124 d腐解后,秸秆腐解率分别可达到49.2%、52.2%、49.8%[27]。
除土壤养分供应能力条件之外,秸秆还田化肥替减率还受到秸秆还田年限和农田管理方式[46]等的影响。WANG等[47]通过meta分析研究95个田间试验中的446组数据表明,在3~15 a的试验中,随着秸秆还田时间的延长,土壤有机碳含量显著增加,而在长期试验(>15 a)中秸秆还田对土壤有机碳的响应并未随时间的延长发生明显变化;对比秸秆翻耕还田,覆盖还田对作物增产、氮吸收、氮利用效率响应更加明显[48]。木质素含量是影响秸秆腐解和养分释放的重要因素[49],化肥的施用尤其是氮肥运筹也会影响秸秆腐解和养分释放[50]。
4 结 论
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Comprehensive analysis of chemical fertilizer replacement potential by straw returning in field experiments
HOU Susu1, DONG Xinyi1, DAI Zhigang2, GONG Ximin2, XU Zhiyu3, XUE Yinghao3,ZHANG Yangyang1, LI Xiaokun1, CONG Rihuan1※, LU Jianwei1
(1.,,430070,; 2.,430070,; 3.,,100125,)
Straw returning to the field can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and improve the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers on the basis of improving soil fertility. Straw resources can also be effectively utilized during this time. However, there is a different replacement rate of chemical fertilizer with straw return in China, due to the varying crop planting systems with the various soil fertility. In this study, a critical review was proposed to comprehensively analyze the replacement potential of chemical fertilizer by straw returning in field experiments. The data were collected from the published literature data of “CNKI” from 2000 to 2021 and 32 field experiments of straw returning to fields in Hubei Province from 2013 to 2021. The search keywords were set as “straw return”, “nitrogen (N) fertilizer”, “phosphorus (P) fertilizer”, “potassium (K) fertilizer”, and “fertilizer replacement and reduction”. The criteria for selecting data from the literature are as follows: 1) The study was conducted in China; 2) The experimental crop was rice, wheat, maize or oilseed rape; 3) The same experiment needed to include the paired treatment and control group. The treatment group was the chemical fertilization reduction with straw return, whereas, the control group was chemical fertilization without straw return.The rest experimental conditions of the treatment and control group were strictly consistent; 4) The level ranges of chemical fertilizer were 150-250 kg/hm2(N), 40-120 kg/hm2(P2O5), and 50-150 kg/hm2(K2O); 5) There were the clear starting and ending years of the experimental period; 6) The published data included the fertilizer amount, crop yield, basic physical and chemical properties of soil. Eventually, 487 published datasets were collected during the years 2000-2021, while, 641 experimental datasets from 32 field experiments that conducted in Hubei Province from 2013 to 2021. After that, the datasets were utilized to determine the proportion of N, P, and K fertilizer reduction by straw return for the major crops, in order to estimate the chemical fertilizer saving potential of straw return on a national scale. Specifically, the average replacement ratios of N, P, and K fertilizers by straw return were 12.2%, 23.9% and 43.5%, respectively. There was no significant difference in the replacement ratios by straw return among the crops. In rotation systems, the average replacement ratio of N and P fertilizer by straw return in the paddy-upland rotation system (e.g., rice monoculture and rice-oilseed rape rotation) were 5.0-12.9 and 18.0-24.8 percentage points higher than those in the upland rotation system (e.g., wheat-corn rotation and corn monoculture). In addition, the supply capacity of soil nutrients was an important influencing factor on the replacement reduction potential of chemical fertilizer (especially P and K fertilizer) by straw return. The reduction ratios of P and K fertilizer by straw return were 9.1-11.5 and 6.2-14.2 percentage points lower in soil with a high nutrient supply capacity than those with the low one, respectively. According to the planting area and fertilizer consumption of various crops in 2020, the national N, P2O5, and K2O fertilizer for the rice, wheat, maize, and oilseed rape seasons could have reduced by 239.48×104, 227.73×104and 451.98×104t, respectively, accounting for 12.6%, 25.0%, and 48.5% of the current N, P2O5and K2O fertilizer consumptions. The total cost of chemical fertilizer was saved 478.98×108Yuan per year by straw return. A large number of field experiments were implemented for the comprehensive analysis of the reduction potential of chemical fertilizer by straw return. The finding can provide the theoretical basis and data support for the high-use efficiency of chemical fertilizers for the major crops in China.
soil; nutrient; straw returning; fertilizer replacement ratio; soil nutrient supply; rotation system; field experiment
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