Book Genres 书籍的体裁
Books can be generally divided into two types — fiction(虚构) and non-fiction(非虚构). Fiction is based on the authors imagination(想象)while non-fiction is based on the facts(事实). For example, the famous Harry Potter Series is fiction while The Grand Scribes Records(《史记》) is non-fiction. Moreover, these two types can be further divided into different genres.
In the world of fiction, we can learn magic when we read a fantasy(奇幻作品); We laugh a lot when we read a comedy(喜剧); We become the detectives(侦探)when we read a mystery(推理); We know whats great writing when we read a classic(经典名著); We also have sweet dreams after reading a fairy tale(童话).
If we want to read something real, there are many genres to choose in non-fiction. When we are interested in a real person, we have two choices, a biography(傳记), learning in others point of views(视角); Or an autobiography(自传), hearing the persons own voice. If we want to learn some new facts, lets go and explore an encyclopedia(百科全书). When we come across some new words, search them in a dictionary(字典)!