

复杂系统与复杂性科学 2023年2期

闫少辉 顾斌贤 宋震龙 施万林

摘要: 鉴于低维混沌的图像加密算法存在密钥空间小、安全性不高等问题,通过引入光滑三次型忆阻器,构建一个改进的四维忆阻超混沌系统。对改进系统的相图、耗散性、平衡点稳定性、Lyapunov指数谱和分岔等进行数值仿真与分析,表明该系统具有丰富的动力学行为与混沌特性。并提出一种通过哈希算法进行混沌序列选择的加密算法。经过直方图、密钥空间分析、鲁棒性分析等实验仿真,表明该图像加密算法密钥空间较大,可以有效抵御暴力穷举等恶意攻击,具有较高的安全性。

关键词: 忆阻器;超混沌系统;动力学特性;图像加密;哈希算法

中图分类号: TP309.7;O415.5文献标识码: A

收稿日期: 2021-09-15;修回日期:2021-12-24

基金项目: 甘肃省自然科学基金(20JR5RA531)

第一作者: 闫少辉(1980-),女,甘肃镇原人,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为非线性电路及应用。

Image Encryption Algorithm Based on a Four-dimensional Memristor Hyperchaotic System

YAN Shaohui, GU Binxiana, SONG Zhenlonga, SHI Wanlina

(a. College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;

b. Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province for Intelligent Information Technology and Application, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China)

Abstract:The image encryption algorithm based on low dimensional chaotic system has the problems of the key space small and the security not high. In this paper, an improved four-dimensional Lorenz dissipative hyperchaotic system is constructed by introducing a cubic smooth memristor model. The dynamic characteristics of the improved system such as phase portraits, dissipation, equilibrium stability, Lyapunov exponent, and bifurcation are investigated, it is proved that the system has good dynamic characteristics and chaotic attractor. Therefore, a chaotic sequence encryption algorithm based on Hash algorithm is proposed. By histogram, key space analysis,robust analysis and other verifications show that the image encryption algorithm has higher key space and can resist brute-force attack.

Key words: memristor; hyperchaotic system; dynamic characteristic; image encryption; hash algorithm

0 引言


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5 结论



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(责任编辑 耿金花)