组稿策划 吴嘉丽
____________________主题概述从莞香、莞草、和茶山绸衣灯公三重视角讲述东莞本土文化的魅力和传承。主题语境传统文化传统文化语篇主旨Savouring the Guan spice,appreciate Guan culture Saltwater grass weaving传统文化Chashan silk clothing clay sculpture语篇视角_______莞香的起源、特点及传承莞草编织的起源、特点及传承茶山绸衣灯公的起源、特点及传承_______
Savouring the Guan spice,appreciate Guan culture
广东 陈颖盟
指导老师 吴嘉丽
Originated in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, the Guan spice has boasted wide popularity since its birth.Such a timehonored cultural heritage it is that it was used to serve imperial aristocrats in the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty and has been continuously passed down from generation to generation.
The very first time I came across the Guan spice, I simply thought that it was produced spontaneously.However, much to my astonishment, it is rather produced by the tree so as to fight against the invasion of fungi(真菌).In order to gain more valuable spices,local farmers usually artificially damage the tree.The whole process of gaining the spice,including planting, damaging and digging, is a highly professional and demanding job.Therefore,the price of the spice usually outweighs other luxury goods,such as gold.
Compared to other endangered cultural heritages, the Guan spice has a promising prospect.Nowadays,more and more professors and doctors devote themselves to researching this magical spice in an attempt to apply it to medicine.There are still lots of mysterious puzzles that can't be explained by modern science.The fragrance of the Guan spice, for example can help relax your body and reflect the problem in your body that you ought to pay attention to.In accordance with a local seller's speaking,“Nobody yet has refused this kind of smell.”
Saltwater grass weaving
广东 麦铭童
指导老师 唐 旻
The saltwater grass, a typical representative of Guan culture, boasts wide popularity from Guangdong Province to even the whole country, which is also the origin of Dongguan's name.Time-honored and ancient,the grass culture can be traced back to even the Han Dynasty, judging from Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tombs andThe Daily Life of Song.
Luckily, I visited my uncle Peng who is an inheritor of saltwater grass weaving last weekend.Born in Shatian village surrounded by the saltwater grass, he has dealt with saltwater grass weaving since his childhood.Before weaving the grass, we needed to cut the grass and dry them in the sun.With great enthusiasm, I could hardly wait to jump into the field and roll up my sleeves to cut the grass.Not for a while, my energy faded away and soon came the fatigue of a long time being exposed to the sun, while my uncle kept cutting the grass with tireless efforts.He told me,“Cutting the perfect grass is half success to weaving.”High regard for my uncle welled up in my heart.Later, Uncle Peng showed me how to weave the saltwater grass with some dry grass.There are a variety of forms of the weaving of the grass, such as pandas, cats and calves.A large number of local weavers learned the weaving from their fathers, wishing it could be passed down from generation to generation.Under the guidance of Uncle Peng, I successfully made a cup wad made of saltwater grass.
With the fast development of society, the machine-made material gradually takes the place of saltwater grass.It seems that such an ancient form of art is disappearing at a worrying rapid speed.Consequently, we teenagers should bear the responsibility and inherit this invaluable culture.The development of saltwater grass weaving still has a long way to go,but by making joint efforts,the saltwater grass weaving is bound to revitalize.
Chashan silk clothing clay sculpture
广东 李婧漩
指导老师 黄建玲
The Chashan silk clothing clay sculpture, is one of the intangible cultural heritages,featuring the distinguished characteristics of Dongguan.With more than 700 years of history, it has been flourishing since the Ming Dynasty.However, later in the 1970s, it was on the verge of extinction as the time changes.Nowadays, it is revitalizing (使恢复)gradually with the rapid development of China.Distinctively, there is an unusual patriotic story behind its birth.
The sculpture originated in the late Song Dynasty, when the Song folks suffered much and the whole country was in shreds (损害严重) due to the war against the Yuan.At that time,four patriotic ministers took the two princes southwards in order to escape.During the following fierce fight, three of the ministers sacrificed themselves heroically.In order to express his respect for their heroic deed, a local royal relative ingeniously created the clay sculpture in memory of them.
Integrating traditional painting and calligraphy, the clay sculpture is an invaluable cultural treasure.The clay sculpture also has a variety of forms and themes.The typical forms of the clay sculpture are usually from the classic story, the history event and the civilian custom.With further effort into cultural protection, some pop songs started to combine the clay sculpture and current hot topics, giving the clay sculpture an innovative development.
How to protect the traditional culture has always been the whole society's concern.During the development of the clay sculpture, some local activists stepped in and helped this time-honored treasure revive.We teenagers should learn from the rebirth of it and carry it forward.It is high time that we bear the responsibility and take effective measures.