“Cinderellas” From All Over the World世界各地的“灰姑娘”


阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2023年3期


《灰姑娘》是大家耳熟能详的童话故事,相信大多数同学已经学习过译林版小学《英语》五年级(下册)Unit 1中《灰姑娘》的故事了。可你們知道吗?《灰姑娘》的故事在不同的国家有着不同的版本呢,我们所熟知的课文改编自法国作家夏尔·佩罗的创作。而中国、墨西哥和爱尔兰都有属于自己的各具特色的《灰姑娘》故事。让我们一起去看看吧。

Fairy godmother, glass slipper... they are from the most famous version(版本) of Cinderella story. Written by Charles Perrault(夏尔·佩罗), this French(法国的) Cinderella story appears in the 17th century. However, China has its own Cinderella story, Ye Xian(《叶限》), early in the 9th century. It is written by Duan Chengshi(段成式). Ye Xian, the Chinese Cinderella, doesn’t have a fairy godmother, but she has a magical fish bone. It brings her a pair of golden shoes(金履). The left golden shoe is the variant(变体) of the left glass slipper.

Mexico(墨西哥) has its Cinderella story, too. The name of the Mexican Cinderella is Adelita(阿德丽塔). In her story, a kind nanny(保姆) plays the role of the fairy godmother, and a red shawl(披肩) replaces(取代) the glass slipper. By the way, shawls are traditional Mexican clothes.

The Irish(爱尔兰的) “Cinderella” is very special. He is a young man named Becan(贝肯). He has big feet. With the help of his only friend, a magical bull, he defeats a giant, kills a dragon, and saves a princess. Before the princess can thank him, he disappears, leaving behind one of his big boots.

There are more than 700 versions of Cinderella story in the world! It is impossible to name all of them, but you can make your own story. Who is she/he? Who helps your “Cinderella”? What is left by your “Cinderella”? Imagine and create your own story!


The French Cinderella

Name: Cinderella

Who helps her?

Fairy Godmother

What’s left?

A glass slipper


Name: Ye Xian

Who helps her?


What’s left?

A golden shoe

The Mexican Cinderella

Name: ___________

Who helps her?

A nanny

What’s left?


The Irish Cinderella

Name: Becan

Who helps him?


What’s left?



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