Units 5—6 Review


时代英语·高一 2023年3期


第一部分 听力(共两节,滿分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What is happening to the sea?

A. It is getting warmer.                 B. It is being polluted.                     C. It is getting cleaner.

2. What is the woman going to do?

A. Take a vacation.                       B. Take a month off.                       C. Make food.

3. How long will the woman be late for the restaurant?

A. At least 10 minutes.                 B. At least 20 minutes.                    C. At least 30 minutes.

4. Where will the woman go first after work?

A. To the clothes shop.                 B. To the restaurant.                        C. To the cinema.

5. What is the man worried about?

A. His son’s bad habits.                B. His son’s teacher.                        C. His son’s study.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At home.                                  B. In an office.                                C. In a printing house.

7. Who will make new copies?

A. The man.                                  B. The woman.                                C. John.


8. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Old people’s work.                  B. The staff’s living conditions.      C. The features of a store.

9. Why don’t old people in the Reynold’s want to retire?

A. They have to support themselves.

B. They are interested in their work.

C. They enjoy working with young people.


10. Where is the plant being built?

A. South of the town.                 B. North of the town.                      C. Near the town.

11. What is the plant built for?

A. Producing trucks.                   B. Dealing with the rubbish.           C. Making paper.

12. How does the man feel at the end of the conversation?

A. Worried.                                 B. Happy.                                        C. Upset.


13. What has the man applied to be?

A. A physical trainer.                  B. A PE teacher.                              C. An athlete.

14. What kind of job does the man want?

A. An active job.                         B. A creative job.                            C. A challenging job.

15. What does the man think doing sports can teach people?

A. To focus on the moment.

B. To practice and prepare well.

C. To work together and treat people equally.

16. Whom is the man’s emotion for sports from?

A. The man’s family.                  B. The man’s teacher.                      C. The man’s friends.


17. What can visitors do in the Sea Life Center?

A. Swim with fish.                      B. Act in the sea life theater.           C. Feed the animals and fish.

18. On what day can people go to the Sea Life Center?

A. December 15th.                      B. December 25th.                          C. December 26th.

19. How can people see the undersea world clearly?

A. By getting a special guided tour.

B. By walking through the glass tunnel.

C. By looking through a special pair of glasses.

20. What should people do if they want more information?

A. Make a call.                            B. Send an email.                            C. Go to the information desk.

第二部分 閱读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



US Bank Scholarship (奖学金)

Are you a United States citizen and a high school senior or college undergraduate student? Then you can win $1,000. No other qualifications. Just be what you already are. Each year, US Bank gives away 40 $1,000 scholarships for simply being an American citizen who will be or is attending college. All you have to do is fill out some basic information about yourself. It takes hardly any time at all.

“No Essay” Scholarship

Most scholarships come but once a year and some once in a lifetime. The beauty of the $2,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is that it comes once a month and you can apply every single month. And the application is very easy. In fact, you could have filled it out probably 20 times since starting to read this article. You can only apply once a month, but if you are a high school senior or college student, then you can win $2,000. Winners are drawn at random (随意).

$1,000 Weekly Scholarship

Even better than once-a-week is once-a-week. The weekly scholarship is just as simple as filling out basic information about yourself. All US high scholars and college students are fit for this $1,000 scholarship. All it requires is filling out a short form about yourself and answering an unusual question in 280 characters or less. The question changes weekly. You can apply every week, once a week. Have fun with it.

Scholarship Zone Scholarship

It seems nearly every website wants you to register (注册). But not many sites offer as great a possible reward as Scholarship Zone does. By simply registering, you are automatically (自動地) entered for the next scholarship drawing of $10,000. You are really not required to do anything after that. Are you in college? Then why not take two minutes to apply?

21. Who can apply for the US Bank Scholarship?

A. Graduates from Harvard.                                  B. American high school students.

C. Americans studying law in college.                   D. Chinese students studying in America.

22. What do we know about the “No Essay” Scholarship?

A. It can be won several times a year.                    B. It is only for high school students.

C. It takes a long time to apply for.                       D. It is granted in a strict way.

23. Which is only for college students?

A. US Bank Scholarship.                                       B. “No Essay” Scholarship.

C. $1,000 Weekly Scholarship.                              D. Scholarship Zone Scholarship.


One winter, a fisherman—Jim Savage—was braving the freezing temperatures when he noticed a baby dolphin struggling to free herself from another fisherman’s trap (陷阱)—the fishing net. Jim spoke to her and she calmed down as he cut her free from the net. Seeing she was too tired to swim away, he called the Wildlife Conservation Commission and they rescued the dolphin, named her Winter and took her to the center to get treatment.

Winter was placed in a holding tank (容器) and the team put a feeding tube in her throat. Soon, though, Winter learned how to eat from a bottle. But the net wrapped around Winter’s tail had caused her tail to fall off piece by piece. Eventually all that was left was a fleshy stump (殘肢). Though Winter did finally start to swim, she taught herself an entirely original way—to swing her tail stump from side to side like a fish.

She learned very well and learned how to trust and love the people who cared for her. And she made a new nonhuman friend—Panama, another rescued dolphin. The two became lifelong friends, completely inseparable.

But the trainers were worried. Her original moving way prevented her from growing properly. Then Kevin Carroll, a dolphin lover and maker of prosthetic limbs (假肢) for people, stepped in. With a team of experts, vets, and trainers, Kevin developed a new tail for Winter. Winter was retrained to use the device to swim properly, and with lots of hard work she did it!

Word about the disabled dolphin got out and everyone could relate to the dolphin. Now she seems to be connected with everyone—from adults with prostheses to a little girl who didn’t want to wear her hearing aid until she met Winter.

24. What made Winter calm down according to Paragraph 1?

A. The fishing net.          B. Jim’s words.               C. The rescue team.        D. The new tail.

25. Why did Jim phone the Wildlife Conservation Commission?

A. To deal with a device.                                       B. To meet the baby dolphin.

C. To look after the baby dolphin.                         D. To rescue the other fisherman.

26. What made the trainers worried about Winter according to Paragraph 4?

A. Her health.                                                         B. Her resistance to the new tail.

C. Her relationship with Panama.                           D. Her unusual moving style.

27. What would the author think of the outcome of the event?

A. It’s great.                   B. It’s unexpected.         C. It’s humorous.          ;  D. It’s discouraging.


Some houses are designed to be smart. Others have smart designs. Located on the shore of Sullivan’s Island off the coast of South Carolina, an award-winning beach house was built to replace one smashed (撞击) to pieces by Hurricane Hugo that damaged 36,000 homes in the state a few years ago. But the new beach house on Sullivan’s Island should be able to stand a Category 3 hurricane with peak winds of 179 to 209 kilometers per hour.

At first sight, the house on Sullivan’s Island looks anything but hurricane-proof. Its redwood shell makes it like “a large party lantern” at night, according to architect Ray Huff, who created the cleverly designed beach house. But looks can be deceiving. The wooden frame of the house is reinforced with long steel rods (鋼条) to give it extra strength.

To further protect the house from hurricane damage, Huff raised it 2.7 meters off the ground on timber pilings (木樁)—long, slender columns (柱子) of wood fixed deep in the sand. Pilings might appear insecure, but they are strong enough to support the weight of the house. They also elevate the house above storm surges (浪涌). The pilings allow the surges to run under the house instead of running into it. “These swells of water come ashore at huge speeds and cause most of the damage done to beachfront buildings,” said Huff.

Huff designed the timber pilings to be partially hidden by the house’s ground-to-roof shell. “The shell masks the pilings so that the house doesn’t look like it’s standing with its pants pulled up,” said Huff. “In the event of a storm surge, the shell should break apart and let the waves rush under the house,” the architect explained.

28. Why is the award-winning beach house quite strong?

A. It is strengthened by steel rods.B. It is in the shape of a shell.

C. It has many columns.                                         D. It is built with timber.

29. Why did Huff raise the house 2.7 meters off the ground?

A. To fight against big winds.                                B. To make it stronger.

C. To break the waves.                                           D. To stop water from getting in.

30. From the last paragraph, it can be inferred that the shell should be ________.

A. fancy-looking             B. water-proof                C. breakable                    D. extremely strong

31. What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?

A. To advise us how to avoid disasters.

B. To tell us process of designing houses.

C. To introduce smart designs of a house.

D. To give us some information about hurricane.


The fight is on to be free from air pollution in our cities. While the best solution in the long-term would be to ban fossil-fueled cars, that won’t help the millions who are dying in the meantime, and so some high-tech solutions are now on the cards.

London’s air pollution problem has been getting worse for years. In March 2016, ten London pigeons (鸽子) became famous. These pigeons took off to the sky, wearing backpacks monitoring air pollution. Once in the air, the backpacks sent live air-quality updates to the smartphones of the Londoners below.

Another promising approach can be found in Beijing. A seven-meter-high “Smog Free Tower”, designed by a Dutch scientist, Daan Roosegaarde, opened in Beijing’s 751 D Park in September 2016. It is a huge, outdoor air purifier (凈化器). Airborne particles (颗粒) are sucked into the tower and caught by a dust-removal plate. Finally, clean air is blown out of the other end. “Changing smog particles does not take much power,” Roosegaarde said.

As for what to do with the collected PM waste, he has currently set up a business making jewellery out of the waste. Prince Charles owns a set of “smog free” cufflinks (袖扣). If collected on at a big scale, Roosegaarde believes it could even be used as a building material.

Mexico City has an alternative solution. Looking to Nature to maximize the surface area of a building, Allison Dring, a Berlin-based architect, managed to catch light and wind from all sides. She is now making a building material by burning agricultural crop by-products in the absence of oxygen. “It means that you are actually taking carbon out of the sky, transforming it into a material, and then using it to build, ” says Dring.

The fight against outdoor air pollution is really just starting. Even if none of the ideas take off, at least the prince’s cufflinks, the special building surface and pigeons wearing backpacks will have brought the issue more to the public’s attention.

32. What do the underlined words “on the cards” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Hardly to achieve.                                             B. Widely questioned.

C. Likely to happen.                                               D. Publicly welcomed.

33. The ten pigeons in London were used to _______.

A. monitor air pollution                                          B. warn Londoners

C. update weather forecast                                    D. deliver backpacks

34. What can we learn about the Smog Free Tower?

A. It is the first air purifier in the world.                B. Its power consumption is high.

C. Light and wind can be caught by it.                  D. PM waste from it can be reused.

35. What’s the best title for the text?

A. When Can Humans Keep Away from Smog?

B. Why Is Technology Used to Fight Smog?

C. How Are the World’s Cities Fighting Smog?

D. What Makes Smog a Worldwide Problem?

第二節 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Zoey admits it was a little sad saying goodbye to her fish. Zoey’s class at Hawthorne Elementary School spent most of the school year raising the fish from the time when they were nothing more than little eggs with eyes.

The program the Hawthorne kids took part in is called “Trout (鳟鱼) in the Classroom”. The kids at Wilson Middle School in Fishersville took part in the project, too.

“I got to feed them every morning and watch them grow up,” said seventh-grader Lauren Clayton. “We have to protect them, or some of the fish could go extinct.” Lauren was right. But later, pollution, over-fishing and loss of natural habitat have pushed some species to the danger of extinction.

Thanks to the kids in the program, trout are being reintroduced into rivers and streams across the country. And by doing that, the kids are helping to restore their local ecosystems—the natural balance that existed before human disturbed it.

Because the fish are in their classrooms, the kids are responsible for making sure there is cool, clean water, proper food and proper living conditions in the tanks.

By the middle of May, they were “as big as a finger”. That is, they are old enough to be released into Oneida Creek. “Remember to swim back here to meet us and eat the food we bring little trout.”

A. The kids can learn some scientific lessons at school.

B. Make sure when a worm land on the surface, never bite.

C. It’s a national project supported by a conservation group.

D. Finally, Zoey read them goodbye letters before letting them go.

E. They can also see how our actions affect the trout’s ability to survive.

F. But she honestly thinks it’s good that they are going to a natural home.

G. When America was first founded, rivers and streams across the continent were filled with fish.

36.                            37.                            38.                            39.                            40.                      

第三部分 語言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A little boy told his mother that there was a teacher-parent meeting in his school. To the little boy’s , she said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teacher met his mother and he felt of her appearance. Although she was a nice woman, there was a scar (伤疤) that covered nearly the entire right side of her . The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.

At the meeting, people were by the kindness and of his mother in spite of the scar, but the little boy was still and hid himself from everyone. He, however, a conversation between his mother and his teacher.

The teacher asked , “How did you get the scar on your face?”

The mother replied, “When my was a baby, he was in a that caught fire. Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was out of , so I went in. As I was running toward his bed, I saw a piece of wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked but fortunately, a fireman came in and both of us.” She the burned side of her face. “This scar will be , but until this day, I have never what I did.”

At this point, the little boy came out toward his mother with tears in his eyes. He held her in his arms and appreciated her great of sacrifice (犧牲). He held her hand for the rest of the day.

41. A. enjoyment              B. disappointment     C. surprise                 D. sadness

42. A. sick                        B. ashamed                   C. afraid                     D. tired

43. A. common                    B. small                       C. severe                     D. thin

44. A. face                        B. leg                           C. hand                         D. neck

45. A. impressed              B. changed                   C. protected               D. pleased

46. A. rudeness                B. beauty                     C. madness                   D. creativity

47. A. generous                B. embarrassed           C. nervous                   D. calm

48. A. understood            B. reminded                 C. heard                       D. learned

49. A. carefully              B. angrily                   C. naturally               D. anxiously

50. A. partner                  B. son                           C. brother                   D. cousin

51. A. car                          B. garden                     C. room                         D. kitchen

52. A. control                  B. order                       C. danger                     D. focus

53. A. helpless                B. hopeless                 C. senseless               D. useless

54. A. guided                    B. saved                       C. blamed                     D. joined

55. A. hated                      B. covered                   C. mentioned               D. touched

56. A. permanent              B. delightful             C. attractive             D. disappearing

57. A. forgotten  ;            B. recognized             C. considered             D. regretted

58. A. shouting                B. running                   C. smiling                   D. walking

59. A. honor                      B. spirit                     C. happiness               D. pride

60. A. quietly                  B. slightly                 C. tightly                   D. suddenly

第二節 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


The book, The Secret Garden, (publish) in 1911, inspires people to plant flowers. But before that, only a few people had enough money (have) gardens. Many houses have been built gardens and many British people are proud of their “green fingers”. In spring children like to find the (tall) sunflowers in their gardens. Some people spend much time growing their vegetables for (compete). While many British like spending their Sunday cutting the grass, some are happy just to sit under the branches of the trees and enjoy the beauty around them. However, the space on to grow things is limited so people (begin) to look for new solutions recently. Many people are waiting for rental land while some use their rooftops as private garden. These gardens have improved the air quality and people’s living conditions since then. Just as the lines from The Secret Garden, not only does gardening do good to the environment, it also brings benefits to the soul, (allow) you to be at one with nature and create beauty. (take) a moment to reflect on this line: “Where you tend a rose... A thistle cannot grow.”

61.                            62.                            63.    64.                            65.                      

66.                            67.                            68.                            69.                            70.                      

第四部分 寫作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







Dear Susan,

I’d like to tell you something about in our school sports meet. It was holding on Oct. 6, which was a fine day. There was over 1,000 students and teachers attend it. Wang Lin, a student from our class won the 100-meter race. He finishes the race in 11.6 seconds and broke the school record. It was really the success because we were trying to do our best. Although I was not one of the winner, I was still proud of that we had done.

I’m looking forward meeting you again this winter. Please write to you soon.



第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

如今,绿色生活方式已被人们广泛接受,并体现在生活的各个方面。某中学生英语报社正在开展以“Green Life at Home”为主题的征文活动。请你用英语写一篇文章投稿,内容包括:







Green Life at Home

