

走向世界 2023年3期

文/郭晓娟 图/杨秉勇


碛口镇依吕梁山,临黄河水,是中国历史文化名镇。Nestling under the Lyuliang Mountain and near the Yellow River, Qikou Town is a famous historic and cultural town of China.







碛口镇有“九曲黄河第一镇”之美誉,是晋商发祥地之一。Known as the “First Town by the Yellow River”, Qikou Town is one of the cradles of Shanxi merchants.

碛口镇李家山村隐于大山深处,村中保留有清代民居、普通窑洞等不同的民居形态,蕴藏着丰厚的黄土高原民情风俗和黄河文化。Lijiashan Village, Qikou Town, is hidden in the depth of a mountain, and has retained various forms of dwellings, including dwellings of Qing and ordinary cave houses, which contain the rich folk customs of the Loess Plateau, and the Yellow River Culture.

碛口镇保存着大量明清时期的古建筑,院门和屋檐大多雕梁画栋,融风俗文化之精华。Qikou Town has preserved a lot of ancient buildings of Ming and Qing, where most gates and eaves are ornamented with carved designs, and integrate the essence of the folk culture.



原生态的生活和淳朴的民风,让游客静享岁月之好。The primitive life and the rustic folkways allow tourists to enjoy the beauty of time.

Feel Yellow River Culture in Ancient Town Qikou

The Yellow River has nine curves and eighteen bends. After entering the Jinshan Grand Canyon, you can see two famous natural barriers, i.e. “Hukou Falls and Datongqi”. Datongqi is the second sandbar of the Yellow River, the dangerousness of which has contributed to the prosperity of Qikou Town.

Qikou Town, located 50 kilometers to the south of the seat of Lin County, Lyuliang City, Shanxi, nestling under the Lyuliang Mountain and near the Yellow River, is a famous historic and cultural town of China. From the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Republic of China, Qikou became a key town of commerce and trade in North China in reliance upon the water transport of the Yellow River. Known as the “First Town by the Yellow River”, it is one of the cradles of Shanxi merchants. In its heyday, there were over 150 ships using the wharf of Qikou every day, which gave birth to 300 shops, including warehouses, exchange shops, and pawnshops. From the Qianlong Period of Qing to the Republic of China, the commerce and trade network centered at Qikou extended eastward to Beijing and Tianjin, southward to Handan, westward to Lanzhou, and northward to Baotou, which demonstrated the flourishing business of the town.

各种小店为小镇生活注入烟火气。All sorts of shops add a worldly atmosphere to the town life.

In the 1960s, with the open-ing of railways, the wharf of Qikou gradually lost its function, faded away from the public sight, and became history.

Today, there are still some ancient buildings in Qikou Town. Among the discernible ancient shop signboards, there are at least five from the Qianlong Period.

After undergoing the baptism of time, the town still maintains its original look. Its narrow street is quaint, and lined with high platforms, where houses are connected with one another, and shops are next to one another; the brick carvings, woodcarvings and stone carvings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties have diverse styles, and appear simple and vivid.

Old flagstone paths, original dwellings, quaint shops, elders wearing a white towel tied around their heads... Such a primitive and rustic lifestyle enables tourists from afar to regain true peace of mind.


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