The Story of the Red Scarf红领巾的故事


阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2023年2期

张莉 张蕾


黄雨婷 葛振宇 季嘉萱 印佳雯

陈可可 闻俊凯



The Red Scarf represents Chinese Young Pioneers. 中国少年儿童佩戴红领巾,最早起源于抗日战争中的儿童团时期。红领巾代表着红旗的一角,是无数革命先烈的鲜血染成的。 Children in the New Ages need to learn from our ancestors, and never forget their mission to create a better future for the motherland. 让我们一起来欣赏由江苏省泰州市泰兴师范附属小学东阳校区的孩子们表演的情景剧《红领巾的故事》,一起追忆那段峥嵘岁月!


Granddaugher: Grandma, grandma, tell me a story.

Grandma: What story do you like?

Granddaugher: I want to listen to the story about Young Pioneers(少先队). I have a dream that I can wear the Red Scarf(红领巾) as soon as possible.

Grandma: Well, I really have a story about the Red Scarf. When I was young, Japanese devils came to rob and kill every day, and many Chinese people died miserably. Finally, the Eighth Route Army(八路军) came...

Girl: My friends, come out quickly. The Eighth Route Army are coming.


Soldiers: Children, we have driven the Japanese devils away. Don’t be afraid.

Kids: Great! Great! We won’t be afraid anymore!

Soldiers: Would you like to learn singing?

Kids: Yes!

Soldiers: Now we are here to teach you to read and sing, okay?

Kids: OK!

Soldiers: This word is “Chinese”(中国的).

Kids: Chinese.

Soldiers: This word is “people”(人民).

Kids: People!

Soldiers: Let’s read them together-Chinese people.

Kids: Chinese people.

Soldiers: Our mother’s name is China.

Kids: China, China.

Men Soldiers: Kids, you’re great!

Women Soldiers: Kids, let’s try to sing seven notes(七音階), shall we?

Kids: OK.

Women Soldiers: (sing) Doe, a deer, a female deer.

Kids: Doe, doe, doe.

Women Soldiers: (sing) Ray, a drop of golden sun.

Kids: Ray, ray, ray.

Women Soldiers: (sing) Me, a name I call myself.

Kids: Me, me, me.

Women Soldiers: (sing) Far, a long, long way to run.

Kids: Far, far, far.

Women Soldiers: (sing) Sew, a needle pulling thread.

Kids: Sew, sew, sew.

Women Soldiers: (sing) La, a note to follow Sew.

Kids:  La, la, la.

Women Soldiers: (sing) Tea, a drink with jam and bread.

Kids: Tea, tea, tea.

Women Soldiers: (sing) That will bring us back to Do.

Kids:  OK. Try again.

Women Soldiers: Sing them together!

Kids: (sing) Do-ra-me-fa-so-la-xi-do.

Soldiers: Kids, you sang so well!

Girl 1: Sir, could we become a soldier?

Soldier 1: Sure. You can become little pioneers,but you must study hard first.

Soldier 2: (turns around) Are you ready, children?

Kids: Yes, we are ready!

Music: The Song of Communist Children Groups(《共产主义儿童团团歌》).


Soldier 1: Don’t worry, shhhhh.

Girl 2: Not far from the river, among the reeds, there is a group of people. Maybe they are enemies.

Soldier 2: (to some soldiers)You guys go and watch.

Soldier 1: Look over there. There are enemies.

Soldier 2: Take cover(隱蔽)!

Music: We Are All Sharpshooters(《我们都是神枪手》).

It’s at night. Silently and furtively(鬼鬼祟祟地),the Japanese devils are coming.

Enemy A: Keep moving! You, go over there.

Soldier 1: Who’s there?

Soldier 2: Say the code word! Stop there!

Enemy A: What?

Soldier 1: They are Japanese! Fire!

The soldiers and the enemies fight with each other. Finally, our soldiers won!

Music: The East Is Red (《东方红》).

Grandma and granddaughter is sitting on the sofa.

Grandma: Dear, is this a good story?

Granddaughter: Great! They are excellent young pioneers.

Grandma: Do you want to be a young pioneer?

Granddaughter: Of course, grandma, I want to be a young pioneer as brave as them.

Grandma: You should study hard in the New Ages, and become a good teenager. Serve the people when you grow up!

Granddaughter: Yes. They’re great!

Grandma: You can be as excellent as them. Remember, the Red Scarf is the corner of our National Flag. It’s the symbol of Young Pioneers. You are the hope of our motherland, the future of our country.Be ready at all times, my kids!

Music: My Motherland and Me(《我和我的祖国》).


研学安源儿童团 致敬鲜艳红领巾——“安源儿童团中队”风采录
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