

疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年1期

山东 孙启禄

1We often read stories and see videos of people raising abandoned wildlife as pets, such as squirrels and raccoons (浣熊). But have you ever seen a domesticated (驯化的) bear that lives with a human family?Now you have.

2Twenty-four years ago,some hunters in Russia stumbled upon a 3-month-old bear cub that had been abandoned by his mother. The bear was in terrible condition, so the hunters took pity on him. Svetlana and Yurily Panteleenko learned of the bear's sad condition and took him to their home.

3There, they nursed the bear back to health and named him Stepan. They took great care of the wild bear and they've now had him for twenty-four years.Little did they know then that Stepan would grow up to be a 7-foot-tall and 300-pound giant bear.

4Stepan eats just over 50 pounds of fish,vegetables,and eggs daily,but the Panteleenkos keep him in shape by playing ball with him in the yard.He also likes to join them when the couple is gardening!When Stepan isn't busy eating or playing in the yard,he enjoys taking a seat on the couch with his family—which he takes up most of the time.

5The bear has done well adapting to domestic life,the only life he's ever really known.Thankfully, he's never shown any aggression towards people and enjoys living with humans. He also likes to do chores around the house, like watering plants.“He loves people and he is a sociable bear—despite what people might think,he is not aggressive at all.We have never been hurt by Stepan,”Svetlana said.

6Although this is definitely an unusual wild animal to live in one's home, Stepan and the Panteleenkos clearly have an understanding,and their relationship has continued to flourish(蓬勃发展)over the past two decades.Families clearly come in all shapes,sizes,and even species!

Reading Check

1.Why does the author raise the question in the first paragraph?

A.To state a fact.

B.To seek a reply.

C.To attract readers'attention.

D.To ask people to raise abandoned animals.

2.What does the underlined phrase“stumbled upon”most probably mean?

A.Brought up. B.Came across.

C.Escaped from. D.Searched for.

3.Which of the following words can best describe the couple?

A.Caring. B.Brave.

C.Wealthy. D.Cruel.

4.What does the fifth paragraph mainly tell us?

A.The bear likes playing in the garden.

B.The bear has been aggressive to people.

C.The bear has got used to living with humans.

D.The bear often helps the couple to do housework.





语篇单词abandoned adj.被遗弃的 wildlife n.野生动物hunter n.猎人 condition n.状况health daily adv.每天aggression n.攻击性 despite prep.尽管definitely adv.肯定;确实 understanding n.理解;看法relationship n.关系 continue v.继续decade n.十年 species n.物种重要短语enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 in terrible condition 状况很糟糕take pity on 同情 take care of 照料 shape 使……保持健康 take a seat 坐下take up 占据 adapt to 适应do chores 做家务


1. Little did they know then that Stepan would grow up to be a 7-foot-tall and 300-pound giant bear.当时他们还不知道Stepan会长成一头7英尺高、300磅重的大熊。

【点石成金】Little did they know then 是主句,由于little 是含有否定意义的词,并且位于句首,所以主句使用了部分倒装语序。that Stepan would...bear是宾语从句。


2.Although this is definitely an unusual wild animal to live in one's home,Stepan and the Panteleenkos clearly have an understanding, and their relationship has continued to flourish over the past two decades.尽管这绝对是一种不寻常的住在家中的野生动物,但Stepan和Panteleenko 夫妇显然心意相通,他们的关系在过去二十年中持续升温。

【点石成金】本句的主干是由and连接的并列句,Stepan and the Panteleenkos clearly have an understanding是第一个分句,their relationship has continued to...decades是第二个分句,Although引导的是让步状语从句。




_________________________what she was doing in the lab would save thousands of lives in the future.


_________________________, they never lose heart and try to recognize their shortcomings.



Volunteers wanted for part-time work at the local wildlife park●Love animals.●Like looking after abandoned animals.●Have a knowledge of wildlife.●Be fluent in spoken




Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Li Hua,a student from China.__________________________________________






Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


锲而不舍 点石成金
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