

疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年1期

四川 黄小丽


主题语境:人与自然 篇幅:360词 建议用时:7分钟

1During the pandemic, a special mom and her two babies took a trip. They were driven a few miles from a breeding (繁殖) center in northeastern Argentina to a 1.7 million-acre nature reserve (保护区)called Iberá National Park. There the three jaguars were released(释放)into the wild.

2Their release was the first reintroduction (再引入)of jaguars in that part of Argentina since the species almost died out there 70 years ago.“That is the highest level of protection that can be given in Argentina,”says Sebastián Di Martino. He's the conservation director for Rewilding Argentina, which is one of the organizations helping to restore jaguars'population.

3The jaguars' journey started in 2018 when the park was built in the Iberá Wetlands.Several thousand jaguars once lived there, along with other important species. But jaguars'fur was valuable,so people hunted them.Then farmers cleared the land they lived on.With jaguars gone,the ecosystem was out of balance.“In the absence of this species,ecosystems stop working well and may even collapse. The main prey of jaguars are capybaras (水豚)and caimans (凯门鳄). They are abundant because of the reducing number of jaguars,”Di Martino says.

4The park was the first step to give jaguars a place to live in. Then they needed to breed. A female named Mariua mated with a male jaguar from Brazil. Mariua then gave birth to two baby jaguars. It sounds simple, but the reality is more complicated. Di Martino says that jaguars born at breeding centers have to learn how to hunt and must not become used to humans.Otherwise,they will not have success in the wild.

5The people who work at the breeding center stay out of sight.They use video cameras to watch the jaguars from several miles away.“We provide live prey for them, without letting them realize it comes from people,”Di Martino says.Mariua wears a radio collar so researchers can track her and her babies,Karai and Pord.So far,so good.She's been hunting capybaras and wild pigs and is raising her babies very well.

Reading Check

1.What can we know about the jaguar?

A.It is found only in Argentina.

B.It is taught to hunt by humans.

C.It is hunted for its valuable fur.

D.It is not considered as a rare species.

2.Which word can best describe Di Martino's job?

A.Exciting. B.Meaningful.

C.Surprising. D.Failed.

3.What does the underlined word“abundant”mean in paragraph 3?

A.More than enough. B.Less than enough.

C.More powerful. D.Less powerful.

4.Why did the author mention Mariua?

A.To give an example of jaguars'life.

B.To show the importance of female jaguars.

C.To introduce a way of training jaguars.

D.To explain the method of releasing jaguars into the wild.

Language Study

Useful expressions

nature reserve 自然保护区

be released into the wild 被放归到野外

out of balance 失去平衡

give jaguars a place to live in 给美洲豹一个住所

So far,so good.到目前为止,一切顺利。


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