One special issue will be published in September 2023
One special issue will be published in September 2023
The special issue entitled “Observations and Simulations of Greenland Ice Sheet Melting” will be published in September 2023 as general issue (Vol. 34, No. 3), the submission of manuscripts is suggested to focus on the following but not limited to topics: (1) Recent monitoring system on Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) with advanced techniques; (2) Interactions of GrIS with atmosphere and ocean (including sea ice); (3) Surface mass balance observation, reconstruction and modeling; (4) Ice flow dynamics, ice discharge estimation and global sea level contribution; (5) GrIS hydrology and other processes that may trigger ice sheet instabilities.
We are honored to invite Dr. Cunde Xiao, Dr. William Colgan, Dr. Zhuoqi Chen, Dr. Limin Jiang, Dr. Minghu Ding and Dr. Tong Zhang as Guest Editors to organize this special issue. We sincerely invite you to contribute to this special issue or other general issues in 2023 and beyond. Submissions deadline for this issue is March 31, 2023. The limit extension for each paper is 15 printed pages (about 10000 words).
As this will be a scheduled special issue, there will be strict adherence to the following deadlines.
● 15 December 2022 — deadline for submitting titles of possible contributions;
● 31 March 2023 —deadline for submitting a manuscript for this issue;
● 15 July 2023 — deadline for submission of the final accepted paper;
● September 2023 — publication date.
(APS) is an international, peer-reviewed and open-access journal sponsored by the Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC) and Chinese Society for Oceanography. Since 2015, APS has become more truly international, and been improving, with its inclusion in Elsevier’s Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in May of 2020. Articles published on APS are free of charge with generous funding from PRIC.
From 1 May 2021, Dr. Ad Huiskes, a biologist from the Netherlands and an Associate Editor of APS since 2015, replaced Prof. Ian Allison as the co-Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board renewed in 2021, consists of 38 disciplinary Editors (20 international Editors and 18 Chinese Editors). In 2020, APS celebrated its 30th anniversary since foundation. Till now, APS had published 87 issues (including 21 special/thematic issues), and the authors of these papers come from around 30 nations.
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