Free Hugs 免费拥抱
It was a cold afternoon. Ginny and I were walking home after work when suddenly a young man came.
“Do you want a hug?” the young man asked Ginny. He held a sign in his hand which read “Free Hugs”. I looked around and found there were other people with him.
They held their handmade signs high. The message was the same on all of them—“Free Hugs”.
“Sure!” Ginny smiled and walked up to him.
She reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled him down to her level and hugged him with all the love she had in her heart.
“Wow!” he exclaimed. “That is the best hug Ive had all day!”
“Im a hugger,” Ginny smiled at him.
He looked at me. “How about a hug?”
“You got it!” I walked into his open arms. We held briefly and parted.
A young lady walked up and hugged Ginny. She turned to me, opened her arms and hugged me too.
I felt the warmth—a glow filling my heart. Ginny and I were going through rough times.
We were stressed and worried, but on that afternoon, for a brief moment, it was all forgotten.
Sometimes, a hug is all we need.
“‘Free Hugs was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives,” said the young man.
Ginny and I stepped back and watched them work their magic with those who accepted them.
They offered hugs to anyone and everyone.
It took a simple hug to make everything better.
Word Bank
exclaim /?k'skle?m/ v. 呼喊;惊叫
“It isnt fair!” he exclaimed angrily.
part /pɑ?t/ v. 分开;分离
I hate being parted from the children.
glow /ɡl??/ n. 喜悦;满足的心情
When she looked at her children, she felt a glow of pride.
brighten up 使明亮起来
Fresh flowers will brighten up any room in the house.