丹麦难民博物馆 FLUGT 丹麦奥克斯伯尔
主创建筑师 : Bjarke Ingels,Ole Elkjær-Larsen,Finn Nørkjær
项目主管 : Frederik Lyng
项目建筑师 : Frederik Skou Jensen
合作方:Johansson &Kalstrup,Tinker Imagineers,BIG Landscape
面积 : 1 600 平方米
项目年份 : 2022 年
摄影师 :Rasmus Hjortshoj
Client: Vardemuseerne
Partners-in-Charge: Bjarke Ingels,Ole Elkjær-Larsen,Finn Nørkjær
Project Leader: Frederik Lyng
Project Architect: Frederik Skou Jensen
Collaborators: Johansson &Kalstrup,Tinker Imagineers,BIG Landscape
Area: 1 600 m2
Project year: 2022
Photography: Rasmus Hjortshoj
丹麦难民博物馆FLUGT位于丹麦二战期间最大的难民营所在地“奥克斯伯尔区(Oksbøl)”,其致力于为世界各地的难民发声,并意在捕捉流离失所的人们所共同面临的巨大挑战、情感颠簸、精神考验及各自的故事等。继丹麦西海岸的提尔皮茨博物馆(Tirpitz Museum)的开幕后,丹麦难民博物馆 FLUGT是 BIG 为 Vardemuseerne 所设计的第二个博物馆。Vardemuseerne是一个致力于考古、传播和收集区域当地历史知识的本土研究机构。此外,在这一项目中,BIG与工程团队Ingeniør’ne、展览体验设计团队Tinker Imagineers共同合作,将这个曾经的难民营中仅存的少数建筑之一“医院大楼”改造、扩建为一个 1 600 平方米的博物馆。
博物馆所在的瓦德自治市(Varde Kommune)曾一度成为丹麦第五大的城市,仅有位于奥克斯伯尔区的少数难民营留存至今。虽然难民营已经消失,但是人们颠沛流离地前往一个新国家的历史故事依旧重要。项目中,该难民营曾经的医院大楼由两栋长型建筑组成,而BIG则在这两栋建筑之间添加了一个柔和的蜿蜒体量,由此在空间和时间维度上将两栋分离的建筑联系在了一起,构筑了全新的丹麦难民博物馆FLUGT,并在原有的建筑基础上增添了500平方米的空间,从而创造了一个从远处就可以识别的独特结构。
Located at the site of Denmark’s largest Refugee camp from World War II,FLUGT,gives a voice and a face to refugees worldwide and captures the universal challenges,emotions,spirit and stories shared by displaced humans.FLUGT is BIG’s second museum for Vardemuseerne: a local institution dedicated to archaeology,dissemination,and collection of historical knowledge about the region.BIG has adapted and extended one of the camp’s few remaining structures– a hospital building– into a 1 600 m2museum.
At its peak,the camp became the fifth-largest city of Denmark at the time.Today,little of the camp in Oksbøl remains,but the story of arriving at the doorstep of a new country is as relevant as ever.The former hospital,which is transformed into FLUGT,is comprised of two elongated buildings.BIG has connected the two buildings architecturally and historically by adding a soft curve-shaped volume which brings 500 m2of additional space to the museum and creates a welcoming structure,visible from afar.
The curve is gently pulled towards the street to create an inviting arrival moment for the museum visitors.Clad in Corten steel,the structure feels at home along the red bricks of the former hospital buildings.From outside,the abstract volume welcomes visitors into what appears to be a closed entry hall.Upon entering,a floor-to-ceiling curved glass wall reveals a view of a sheltered green courtyard and the forest,where the refugee camp used to be.The courtyard lets light flow into the entry hall that functions as a lobby or a temporary exhibition space for guests to experience before continuing their journey into one of the museum wings.
The exhibition area in the north wing contains gallery spaces organized according to the original flow/circulation in the hospital.While most of the hospital room walls were torn down,some of the inside walls are kept intact and stabilized by three cross sections,creating larger exhibition spaces.The south wing features a flexible conference room,smaller exhibition spaces,cafe,and back of house functions with the same character and materiality as in the north wing: white walls and intersections covered in white painted wood boards oriented according to the angle ceiling line,as well as yellow bricks across the entire museum floor,connecting past and present structures.
In addition to preserving and reusing the hospital buildings for historical value,extending the lifespan of the existing structures supports BIG’s mission of reducing waste,conserving resources,and creating a smaller carbon footprint as it relates to materials manufacturing and transport.
The courtyard designed by BIG Landscape creates a peaceful sensory experience inside the museum as well as outside.A small mirror pool in the heart of the courtyard reflects the sky above it.Around the basin,heath planting known from the region emphasizes the identity of the area.Visitors leave the museum having experienced a part of an important place in Danish history,with a new perspective on the refugee experience.