

包装工程 2022年17期




(1.青海交通职业技术学院,西宁 810000;2.兰州交通大学,兰州 730070)






1 准零刚度隔振装置结构设计

2 准零刚度隔振装置的静力学分析

2.1 力–位移关系


图1 新型准零刚度果蔬运输隔振系统简图

图2 不同预压缩量下的力–位移关系

2.2 准零刚度隔振装置的刚度特性

表1 几何非线性果蔬运输隔振装置结构参数

Tab.1 Structural parameters of the vibration isolation device for fruit and vegetable transportation with geometric nonlinearity

图3 不同预压缩量下的刚度–位移关系

3 果蔬运输车建模与动力学分析

3.1 基于Simulink的果蔬运输车的动力学建模




3.2 准零刚度果蔬运输车的隔振特性研究

图4 准零刚度隔振装置的Simulink模型

图5 准零刚度果蔬运输车的Simulink模型

图6 滤波白噪声路面不平度模型

图7 C级路面激励下果蔬车架的振动响应

表2 采用不同隔振装置的果蔬运输车的振动响应对比

Tab.2 Comparison of vibration response of fruit and vegetable transport vehicle with different vibration isolation devices

4 结语


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Design of a New Quasi-zeroStiffness Vibration Isolation System for Fruit and Vegetable Transportation

TIE Shi-cui1,WANG Hua-lan2

(1.Qinghai Communications Technical College, Xining 810000, China;2.Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China)

The work aims to propose a new fruit and vegetable transportation vibration isolation box device with compact and efficient spring-roller-ball negative stiffness mechanism based on the quasi-zero stiffness vibration isolation technology, so as to avoid the damage and value decline caused by vibration in fruit and vegetable transportation. Firstly, the structure of vibration isolation system of quasi-zero stiffness for fruit and vegetable transportation was designed based on the parallel connection of spring-roller-ball negative stiffness mechanism and vertical positive stiffness spring; Secondly, the static characteristics were analyzed, and the stiffness characteristics of the nonlinear vibration isolation device were deduced; Finally, based on the motion differential equation of the fruit and vegetable transportation system model, a Simulink simulation model was established to study the dynamic vibration isolation characteristics of the new transportation vibration isolation system under level-C road excitation. The research results showed that the vibration isolation device may have the quasi-zero stiffness with high static stiffness and low dynamic stiffness near the balance point through reasonable design of structure parameters.Compared with the corresponding linear system, the peak to peak value of vibration displacement and the RMS value of acceleration of the new transportation vibration isolation system decreased by 29.3% and 97.3% respectively under level-C road excitation. The vibration isolation efficiency of the new fruit and vegetable transportation system with reasonable design is superior to that of the corresponding linear vibration isolation system.

fruit and vegetable transportation; quasi-zero stiffness; vibration isolation design; nonlinearity











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