

疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年9期

江苏 成金叶


主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:264词 建议用时:5分钟?

1When it comes to exercise, less is not more—but it's certainly better than none.Physical inactivity accounts for as many as 23 percent of all deaths from major chronic(慢性的) diseases, yet there are so many people who spend a lot of time sitting down.Some people say that they have no free time for physical activity at all.

2Light activity can improve physical and mental well-being. While light activity is good,moderate (适度的) activity is even better, and health experts encourage everyone to have at least 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity. But you don't have to head to a gym. As recent studies have confirmed, “lifestyle” activities, such as walking, house cleaning and gardening, are as effective as a structured exercise program in improving heart function, lowering blood pressure and keeping or losing weight.

3In one study, overweight middle-aged men and women who learned behavioral skills to make them more physically active, such as walking around airports or train stations while waiting for a departure, reduced their body fat percentage and improved their heart function as much as individuals participating in structured programs at a fitness center. In another study, fat women ranging in age from 21 to 60 who adopted a more active lifestyle lost as much weight as women in a low-impact aerobics (有氧运动) program,and regained fewer pounds in the following year.

4There are different levels and types of activity, like aerobics and muscle exercise,which are really helpful. Besides, short periods of exercise during the day are nearly as beneficial as one long session.

Reading Check

1. What can be learned about light activity?

A. It sometimes makes people feel tired.

B. It is especially good for the middle-aged people.

C. It can promote people's physical and mental health.

D. It should be done by everyone at least 30 minutes a day.

2. Which of the following is a “lifestyle” activity according to the text?

A. Gardening. B. Doing yoga.

C. Running. D. Playing football.

3. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A. Influences of being overweight. B. Results of two studies.

C. Structured programs. D. Active lifestyles.

Language Study

Useful expressions

when it comes to 当谈及……

physical inactivity 缺乏运动

account for (数量上、比例上)占

light activity 轻度运动

moderate activity 适度运动

as effective as 与……一样有效

heart function 心功能

blood pressure 血压

fitness center 健身中心

adopt a more active lifestyle 采取一种更积极的生活方式

low-impact aerobics 低强度的有氧运动

Cultural Background


有氧运动是指人体在氧气充分供应的情况下进行的体育锻炼。 常见的有氧运动包括游泳、慢跑、骑自行车、跳绳、爬楼梯、爬山等。 有氧运动要求全身肌群参与,运动持续时间较长并且是有韵律的。有氧运动能锻炼心、肺功能,使心血管系统能更有效、快速地把氧气传输到身体的各个部位。


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