Surrealism aimed to transcend the realist depiction of scenes available to ordinary perception.Under the influence of the new discipline of psychoanalysis,surrealists made use of such techniques as dream analysis to uncover the unconscious workings of the mind and the symbols that the unconscious works with.Not much of Magritte’s oeuvre consists of literally inconsistent images, but at least one famous image does, The Blank Signature.
2This painting utilizes a technique like that of the Schuster fork, and illustrates how the mind constructs the impossibility.The mind puts together the separate elements into a “coherent” whole of these parts.The horse is thus bisected by a patch of background grass.Also, one of the tree trunks is in front of the horse but its base is behind the horse.It certainly seems that these elements are inconsistent with our conception of a rider in a forest.For example, it qualifies as an occlusion illusion, since reversal of occlusions is sufficient to produce a consistent image.■
2这幅画运用了一种技巧,使整个构图像舒斯特叉子,表明了大脑如何构建不可能之事物。大脑会将所见的分离元素组合成由这些元素构成的“连贯”整体。画中的那匹马就这样被背景的草地一分为二。还可以看到,有一棵树的树干在马前,但树干底部却在马后。显然,这些元素与我们所想象的森林中的骑手不一致。或许,可以将其视为一种遮挡错觉,因为把各处遮挡消除就足以产生连贯的图像。 □