

文化交流 2022年7期

文 /毋 丹

尾声:唯愿人情似月圆。(剧情图片)The ending scene of Qiantangli.



中国戏曲凝结着中国文化中乐观尚善的民族精神,浩如烟海的古今作品不乏对美好人性的讴歌,但往往立足于人们对现实的憧憬和想象。《钱塘里》营造的是一座新时代的“桃花源”,它并非极致和谐到失真的乌托邦。戏中人有着最平凡的欢喜和悲辛、迷茫与烦恼。他们也许是我们身边的人,也许,就是我们自己。在这里,人性的弱点被不加粉饰地呈现,但人性的光辉在与弱点抗争的过程中显得越发夺目。真实的现实生活避免不了一地鸡毛,正因如此,我们的世界需要一束光。这看似童话的故事,带来心酸,又给人宽慰,同时还发出一声灵魂的拷问 :我们应该用怎样的心态去面对不如意的人生?我想《钱塘里》给出了一个有分量的答案:与能力相比,更重要的是选择。







我曾听方小米的饰演者、“水袖公主”李云霄说起过她对《焚香记 · 阳告》的舞台处理 :在戏曲身段和情感表达中加入了部分影视剧的表演方式。若非她的自述,我竟丝毫未能分辨,最终所达到的妙不可言的艺术效果无疑能够说明她敏锐的艺术感悟力和程式创新的能力。在对她抱有十足信心的前提下,舞台上的方小米依然大大地超出了我的预期。祸事刚至时的六神无主,咽下心酸后的坚毅决绝,女儿生病时的焦急崩溃,绝望失落时拖着的沉重脚步……现在回想起来,都止不住眼中酸涩。


谢幕后,观众久久不愿离去。Audience calls for an encore after the end of the show.

来自陌生人的善意与信任。(剧情图片)A scene from Qiantangli.










Representing Real Life with Sincerity

By Wu Dan

Upon learning the premiere of(In Qiantang),Xiaobaihua Shaoxing Opera Troupe’s first modern drama based on realistic themes, I felt a bit apprehensive. Difficult to write,modern dramas are not popular even among drama fans. As a diehard fan, I couldn’t help but get concerned. Yet in the theater, after more than two hours of laughter and tears, my anxiety had long since been dissipated.

The silhouette of Qianjiang New Town high above the stage,soft light fell on the two families attached to each other because of a car accident — “The family sits leisurely, and the lights are lovely”. I suddenly understood the meaning of the play’s title.“Qiantang” is not only the place where the story unfolds, but a spiritual symbol for the character and disposition of Hangzhou city, conveying the beauty of human sympathy and humanity in the ordinary world.

Chinese opera epitomizes the national spirit of optimism and goodness in Chinese culture. There are many ancient and modern literary works eulogizing the wonderful human nature,which are nevertheless based on people’s longing for an ideal life in imagination., however, presents no unrealistically harmonious utopia. The characters in the play have the same joys and sorrows and confusion and troubles as ordinary people,and the human weaknesses are portrayed without modification.In fighting against such weaknesses, though, the brilliance of humanity becomes more dazzling. Bringing both sadness and relief, the play also sends out a profound question: What kind of mindset should people have in an unsatisfactory life?gives a powerful answer: more important than one’s personal ability is their choice.

Before seeing the opera, it was hard for me to imagine Xiaobaihua actors performing in modern attire. As the troupe is known for its poetic Yueju opera or Shaoxing opera, one might wonder whether the poetic spirit would fade away in realistic themes and modern expressions. After walking into the theater, I realized it was just a nonissue.

Taking an aspect of the real society,shows the vicissitudes of life with individual events, and draws a group portrait of living beings with images of individuals. A notable artistic feature of Chinese opera, this freehand-style technique embodies exactly the poetic spirit. Though traditional performing patterns are abandoned, virtual performances are still adopted in the drama. This undoubtedly poses a greater challenge to the actors, as they must effectively refine real-life movements and form a new set of body language.

I once heard Li Yunxiao, known as a “Water Sleeve Princess”,who played the role of Fang Xiaomi here, talk about her stage handling in the playthat performances used in films and TV dramas were employed in the figure and emotional expression. But for her explanation, I couldn’t have told any difference here. Fang Xiaomi on the stage greatly exceeded my expectations — her angst when the accident just happened, her determination after swallowing the sadness, and her distress and emotional collapse when learning her daughter was ill. ... Looking back now, I can’t stop the tears in my eyes.

The(male) role players of the troupe are faced with even greater challenges. Usually performed by an all-female cast,Yueju opera features, i.e., female role players as,who enjoy natural advantages in expressing subtle emotions and presenting refined scholar images. However, playing male roles in modern dramas deprives them of the blessings of makeups, hair styling and traditional performing patterns. They have to base themselves on the opposite of natural gender when refining reallife movements. Sitting in the audience, I was impressed by their superb acting skills. Lu Yafei, played by Li Xiaowen, a(young male) actor, is handsome and heroic, who meets the aesthetic standards of the current youth group.

Excellent actors interpret roles, and profound roles make actors. Watching the play, the audience are lucky enough to enjoy a wonderful spiritual journey. On the stage, not afraid of committing herself, Fang Xiaomi confessed faults and made amends instantly, which left me in awe. Lu Yafei, the character who aroused my emotional resonance the most, got physically and mentally exhausted in the rat race of city life, letting me see myself.

The most touching thing aboutis the perfect integration of role players and the characters. With no deliberate exaggeration but in-depth exploration of humanity, the opera reproduced human nature in real life. Perhaps because of this,the whole drama is realistic yet not rigid, popular but not vulgar,forming a unique artistic style.

Chinese opera is an art of living inheritance, and we are currently writing its history. Since its inception, it has been going back and forth between “breaking the old” and “making something new”.

After a thousand years of development and transformation,Chinese opera has formed a unique spiritual charm and aesthetic style, which is a valuable asset that contemporary opera actors should hold onto. However, to preserve the heritage does not mean blindly sticking to the old. The best way is to infuse fresh blood and make the art live on. Where should the traditional opera art head under the impact of multiculturalism?is a successful innovative practice for exploring the contemporary opera stage.

The play sparked heated discussions as soon as it debuted.Whether it was in the theater or in the promotional videos on various media platforms, there were many a young fan. Young people are appreciative of the ancient art if provided with a chance to get closer, and the ones that impress them the most will always be the classics which have withstood the test of time. From this aspect, modernity puts more pressure on the playwright. To gain the audience’s acclaim means establishing a new aesthetic paradigm and standing on the same track as traditional dramas with their profound cultural accumulation. The great success oflies not in its modernity, but in the personality power that transcends the limitations of time and space, and the perfect combination of traditional opera spirit and modern stage.

casts a profound idea in a modern stage expression, which is cordial yet not blindly pandering to popular tastes. Though abandoning the traditional performing patterns,the actors portrayed the complex humanity incisively and vividly,penetrating the souls of the characters. The stage setting showcased the new look of Hangzhou, a digital and high-tech city, shortening the psychological distance between the actors and the audience.However, there is no sense of incongruity with modernity. The digitalized background silently renders the atmosphere of the stage. Modern music and Yueju opera singing are combined appropriately, not only retaining the general style of the opera’s melodious and graceful voice, but expressing the tension of the characters.

观众几度潸然泪下。Many spectators are in tears watching the show.

《钱塘里》主创人员在集体研讨剧情。The production team of Qiangtangli discusses the plot of the play.

In the era of integrated media, ways of entertainment and cultural consumption have undergone many new changes. As guardians of traditional opera, we should take advantage of our strengths to carry the spirit of the times with the beauty of opera, and commit ourselves to creating immortal legends for the contemporary stage. We look forward to more masterpieces like


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