关键词:玉米 苗情监测 技术规范
中图分类号:S513 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1001-1463(2022)06-0090-04
Monitoring Technologies for Growth of Spring Maize Seedlings in Gansu
LI Yadong
(Gansu Agricultural Technologies Extension Station, Lanzhou Gansu 730020, China)
Abstract: To improve the application level of maize growth monitoring in Gansu, monitorning of maize seedling growth was conducted. On the basis of maize growth monitoring, soil investigation, agricultural microclimate, production management, growth stages, yield components, major meteorological disasters and standardized investigation of pests and diseases were conducted, standardized and unified index system for classification and evaluation of maize seedling growth was established. Monitoring technologies suitable for growth of spring maize seedlings in Gansu were summarized.
Key words: Maize; Seedling growth monitoring; Technical specification
收稿日期:2022 - 03 - 09
作者简介:李亚东(1976 — ),男,甘肃通渭人,高级农艺师,主要从事玉米高产高效栽培研究与技术推广。Email:3186233787@qq.com。