

文化交流 2022年5期


中国香文化是华夏祖先在几千年的生活实践中逐步形成的,它是一个融哲学思想、文化、医学、药学、养生、美学、工艺制作等为一体的系统学说,许多天然的香具有很好的消炎、抗菌、催情、镇咳、袪痰、补身作用。 “静坐一炉香,万事可思量”,这是中国古代文人对香的认定,既确定了香的文化品位,又让香文化在中国文人的心目中成为雅事,它对中国人文精神和哲学思想的形成及发展都有着重要的促进作用。《诗经》《尚书》《礼记》《周礼》《左传》及《山海经》等典籍都有很多关于香的记述。孟子说:“香为性性之所欲,不可得而长寿。”香文化到南宋发展达到鼎盛,香文化融入日常生活。


南宋时期虽然内忧外患,但南宋朝廷还是延续北宋体制,设立香药局,属四司六局之一,掌筵席上备办各种香具、醒酒汤菜等。灌圃耐得翁 《都城纪胜 · 四司六局》记载:“香药局,专掌药楪、香毬、火箱、香饼。听候索唤诸般奇香及醒酒汤药之类。”南宋的香文化进入鼎盛时期。南宋设立了市舶司,负责海上对外贸易,并设置了各种贸易点。与南宋有外贸关系的国家和地区更是增至60个以上,海上贸易范围从南洋、西洋直至波斯湾、地中海和东非海岸。贸易港口多达二十多个,主要有广州港、泉州港、明州港(今宁波),当时泉州是最大的海上贸易集散地。朝廷还在贸易港口增设市舶司,加强海外贸易的管理和规范,并在市舶司所在的港口,增设专供外国商人居住的“番坊”和用于番货交易的“番市”。进口商品中香料是市舶司收入中最大的外宗物品之一,也是当时朝廷重要的税赋来源。宋绍兴二十五年,从占城运进泉州的商品中就有沈香(古代沉香写作沈香)等七种香料,达六万三千三百三十四斤,海外输入香料数量之大令人咋舌。 北宋初年香料收入为全国岁入的3.1%,到南宋建炎四年(1130年)达到6.8%,绍兴初达到13%,绍兴二十九年(1159年)仅乳香一项就达到24%,几乎占到全国岁入的四分之一。据《建炎以来朝野杂记》载,仅南宋绍兴三十二年(1162年),泉州和广州两地市舶司的税收就达两百万缗(一千文为一缗)。发达的海外贸易是南宋的重要财政收入来源,对政权的稳定和发展有重大作用,另一方面也加强了中外文化的交流,丰富了人民的物质生活,促进各国经济、文化的发展,开辟了古代中国东西方交流的新纪元。








Song’s Charming Culture

— Exploring the Incense Culture of the Southern Song Dynasty

By  Ye Xiangyang

Incense culture was gradually formed in the thousands of years of Chinese people’s life as a systematic theory that integrates philosophy, culture, medicine, pharmacy, health preservation, aesthetics and craftsmanship. Many natural incense sticks have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, antitussive, phlegm-expelling, as well as tonic effect. Ancient Chinese literati identified with incense intellectually, not only affirming the cultural status of incense, but also taking incense culture as an elegant thing in their minds, with an important role in promoting the formation and development of Chinese humanistic spirit and philosophical thoughts. There are many descriptions of incense in ancient Chinese classics, like Book of Songs, Book of Rites, Book of Mountains and Seas. Mencius (372-289 BC) also described incense as what one’s nature desired. Incense culture entered its heyday in the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279), when it was integrated into daily life.

The Southern Song dynasty was established in the southern part of China after the dynasty lost its northern territory. Its military strength was relatively weak, but it was a period in Chinese history when the feudal economy thrived, science and foreign trade flourished, and the degree of opening to the outside world was quite high. Hangzhou rose from a “noted city in Southeast China” to become the largest city in the country. In Mengliang Lu, or Dreaming Over a Bowl of Millet, a book published in the Southern Song introducing the urban style of Hangzhou, the capital city, “Burning incense and boiling tea, hanging pictures and arranging flowers” were the “four arts” of the elegant literati, which elevated everyday life to the realm of art. Along with these, Hangzhou gradually formed an elegant and free lifestyle and aesthetics, with a profound impact on later generations, as it has been integrated into the life of Hangzhou citizens.

Although there were external troubles, the Southern Song continued the system of Incense and Pharmacy Bureaus as major administrative organs in charge of arranging banquets and providing various incense utensils, hangover soups and the like. The imperial court established the Maritime Trade Bureau and set up various trading posts. The number of countries and regions that traded with the Southern Song increased to more than 60, with trading routes ranging from the Southeast Asia, India to the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea and the coast of East Africa. There were more than 20 trading ports, including the Guangzhou Port, Quanzhou Port and Mingzhou Port (now Ningbo), with Quanzhou as the largest gathering and distribution center for maritime trade then. The court also set up maritime trade supervisorates at the trading ports to strengthen its management and regulation of overseas trade, and in some ports, there were Fanfang (foreigners’ quarters) for foreign merchants and Fanshi (markets for foreigners) for foreign merchandise transactions. Spices as imports were one of the largest foreign items in the income of supervisorates, as well as an important source of taxation for the imperial court at that time. In 1155, among the commodities shipped from Champa Kingdom to Quanzhou, there were seven kinds of spices, which amounted to a staggering 63,334 catties. In the early Northern Song dynasty (960-1127), revenue from spices accounted for 3.1 percent of the annual national total, and it reached 6.8 percent in 1130, 13 percent in the early 1130s, and in 1159 revenue from frankincense alone reached 24 percent, or almost a quarter of the country’s annual revenue. According to historical records, the tax revenue in 1162 from the supervisorates in Quanzhou and Guangzhou amounted to 2 billion cash. The developed overseas trade was an important source of fiscal revenue, playing a major role in the stability and development of the regime. A new era of East-West exchanges in ancient China began, enriching the local people and promoting the development of economy and culture in various countries.

The cities were prosperous and the people well-off. Song people emphasized their dress and the taste of life. Incense culture was completely integrated into people’s leisurely daily life along with wine and tea drinking, flower arranging, music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Not only was incense needed in various religious ceremonies, but people also used a lot of spices in daily life, and developed an elegant art of incense mixing, incense fumigation, incense evaluation and incense contests. In ordinary people’s everyday life, there was incense in their living rooms and halls, and incense was also burned in various banquet and celebration venues, with specially designated people responsible for incense burning. There were not only incense fumigating, but all kinds of exquisite sachets and pouches were hung, and spices were also added when making snacks, tea soup, ink sticks and other items. There were shops specializing in incense in the market. People could buy incense, but also invited professionals to make incense at home. In market taverns, an “incense lady” would place lit incense burners on the wine table of guests, as recounted in Wulin Jiushi, or Ancient Matters from the Wulin Garden. Wealthy ladies went out often accompanied by maids holding aromatherapy balls; scholars often set up incense studios, not only to savor incense, but also to make incense sticks by themselves, and they used to invite friends to appreciate incense together.

The literati burned incense sticks when reading and feasting, and had the habit of burning them when idle. Many contemporary poets, for example, Yang Wanli (1127-1206) and Lu You (1125-1210), wrote about the taste of such life. Ma Yuan (1160-1225), a famous painter then, painted Burning Incense by a Bamboo Stream, a picture of enjoying incense when elegant scholars lived alone. In the women’s boudoir of the Song dynasty (960-1279), an incense burner was an essential daily utensil as well. Li Qingzhao (1084-1155) the poetess described this several times about her leisurely life in the early stage and her lamentable life experience in the later stage.

Incense burners were a tool used by the ancients to fumigate incense, but later mostly used in worshiping gods and Buddha. In the Southern Song dynasty, the custom of burning incense and offering sacrifices was practiced even more fiercely. Burning incense in an incense burner was also an elegant thing to do then. Thus requirements for incense utensils were increasingly diversified. These were small, especially in antique style. Popular after the Southern Song, this barrel-type vessel had a special shape with three flat feet. The technique of firing porcelain was superb, and porcelain kilns were spread all over the country. Although not as finely crafted as the copper furnace, the porcelain furnace was simple in style and high in aesthetic value.

Longquan Kiln emerged suddenly. Due to its fetal glaze formula and repeated glazing techniques, the glaze color was pure, and the glaze layer thickened. Hence the peak in the history of celadon, with its either pale or plum green glaze. The Longquan Kiln plum green celadon incense burner collected by Yongxintang in Yangzhong of Zhenjiang is in the form of an ancient bronze cooking tripod, with a gray and white body and covered with plum green glaze, and the rich glaze layer makes the glaze color thick and green. The shape of this utensil is concise with its straight and curving lines, and its “ribs” showing from the body to the feet not only strengthen the beauty of the utensil by imitating the structure of bronze ware realistically, but also reflect the beauty of plum green glaze.

The Southern Song court also set up the Xiuneisi Kiln and Jiaotanxia Kiln. At the foot of the Phoenix Mountain in Hangzhou, there are still the remains of the Southern Song Guan (or Official) Kiln. The incense burners unearthed from the kiln site in the shape of a bronze ritual vessel show a black body and green glaze; the glazed surface is green, sleek and elegant in color, with ice cracks all over. The shape of the incense burner is dignified and simple, as a typical artifact of the Official Kiln.

Although it has been nearly a thousand years since the Southern Song period, after the vicissitudes of life, its incense culture is an invaluable heritage left to us. We need to study and excavate it and carry forward its positive and healthy functions of character cultivation, happiness nurturing, epidemic and disease prevention, so that the incense culture can regain its brilliance.

