

文化交流 2022年5期


赛龙舟,无疑是一种独具中国传统文化内涵、既古老又年轻的运动。宋代文人黎廷瑞在《端午东湖观竞渡》中留下了这样的诗句 :“记得当年年少时,兰汤浴罢试新衣。三三五五垂杨底,守定龙舟看不归。”


来自塔吉克斯坦的阿珂莫(Ergashev Akmal)是一名十足的中国文化爱好者,他在中国已经生活学习八年了,目前就读于温州医科大学,攻读普通外科医学博士学位。阿珂莫表示,自己来中国后观看过很多次赛龙舟比赛,但是从来没有实地感受过龙舟的魅力,所以他对亚运龙舟赛事场馆的探访十分期待。






在人数上,民间龙舟赛通常为20~40人,而亚运龙舟赛则选取了国际赛事标准的12人;在比赛时间上,如亚运龙舟赛,200米的赛程可能用五十几秒就能完成,500米的赛程用时约两分钟,这也使得竞技赛场上的龙舟赛更具觀赏性 ;在赛道上,民间龙舟赛一般是在天然的河道里进行,而亚运龙舟赛事的场地则须选择专业的赛道。温州龙舟运动中心内,设有一条全新开挖的赛道,长1200米,宽130米,深度达3.5米,还有6条主赛道和1条副赛道以及缓冲区,可自由调节水位,平时可起到防洪、排涝的作用。


阿珂莫在参观即将结束时说 :“这次探馆之旅让人印象深刻、感触颇多,我不仅学习了龙舟比赛的规则,还了解了与赛道有关的知识,此刻我最大的愿望就是自己划一次龙舟!”最后,阿珂莫还用中文和母语为杭州亚运会加油,期待在不久的将来再次来到温州龙舟运动中心与大家一起见证蛟龙入水之美。

Akmals Visit to Wenzhou Dragon Boat Center

By  Zhou Jiayue

Dragon boat racing, a traditional Chinese custom, was incorporated into the Asian Games in 2010. The competition will be staged at Wenzhou Dragon Boat Center where six gold medals will be up for grabs during the Hangzhou Asian Games.

A huge fan of Chinese culture, Ergashev Akmal from the Republic of Tajikistan has been studying in China for eight years. He is pursuing his PhD degree in surgery at Wenzhou Medical University. Although he has watched many dragon boat races since he came to China, Akmal had never had an opportunity to see the charm of these boats on site, so he was eager to visit the Dragon Boat Center.

Situated in the central area of Ouhai district of Wenzhou, the facility covers a total land area of 532 mu (35.47 hectares). It features a race course, a competition venue and landscaping works and the competition venue mainly consists of an athletes complex, a viewing area and a finish-line tower.230992B8-E704-4748-B0F9-339C00F59186

Akmal was immediately impressed by the grandness of the venue as he set foot on the Center, whose main structure is located beside a river like a dragon leaping out of water. Next to the hall stands a tower that looks like a giant vertical paddle. It is also worth noting that the hall is an energy-efficient building whose “dragon back” in the glass roof maximizes natural light and reduces energy use as the curving flow moves.

Besides, covered with a lawn, the green roof can collect, store and reuse rainwater as well. Viewed from afar, the roof looks like a dragon lying on a green field. The designer of the venue successfully integrates the requirements of the Asian Games with the dragon culture of China, making it a modern facility with a traditional flair. Seen from above, the main venue also resembles a dragon winding its way forward. With all the dragon-related visual elements, Wenzhou Dragon Boat Center will undoubtedly become a landmark of Hangzhou Asian Games that showcases fine traditional Chinese culture and it will stand the test of time just as the time-honored boating tradition has.

Akmal learnt from Mr. Weng Dingbo, director of Ouhai Sports Development Center, that the first basement is home to a dragon boat racing museum where visitors can learn about the history of the folk custom while enjoying the event. Akmal thought itd be a good idea to bring friends to the museum for a unique experience of the folk water sport.

Out of curiosity, Akmal noticed a race boat which turned out to be different from the ones he knew of. In fact, the boats used for the Asian Games are a lot different than their counterparts used for races among the folks.

For example, a boat is normally powered by 20 to 40 paddlers in a traditional race, whereas the number decreases to 12 in a competition organized at an international level. As for race time, 200m and 500m races at the Asian Games take a little over 50 seconds and approximately 2 minutes respectively, making the competitive sport event more entertaining to the spectators. In terms of race courses, the matches at the Asian Games take place on dedicated watercourses rather than natural ones. Wenzhou Dragon Boat Center features a new course that is 1,200 meters in length, 130 meters in width and 3.5 meters in depth with six lanes, a spare lane and a buffer zone.

The construction of the center started in October 2019 and was completed in March 2021. It has received extensive media attention and garnered considerable positive reviews since its completion. After the Games, the facility will be open to the public who can enjoy sports and have fun there.

At the end of his visit, Akmal said it was an informative and impressive journey, expressing his strong desire to come to the place for many more times. He wrapped up the visit with his best wishes to the 19th Asian Games in both Chinese and his mother tongue and with his eager anticipation to races at Wenzhou Dragon Boat Center in the coming Asian Games.230992B8-E704-4748-B0F9-339C00F59186


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