The Tiger and the Fox狐假虎威


阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2022年5期

胡舒祺 刘佳丽

Once upon a time, many animals lived in a jungle. As everyone knew, the tiger was the king of the jungle. One morning, the tiger went out to find some food and he met the fox. What happened to the tiger and the fox?让我们一起来欣赏江苏省南通市海门区证大小学同学们演绎的《狐假虎威》的故事吧!

Actors:蔡易鹏 沈辰睿 陶铠乐 曹以凝 赵安芯

Sites: 江苏省南通市海门区证大小学

Tiger: I am the king of the jungle. Strong, fierce, tough and really hungry.I need food, but there is nothing here. What to do? What to do? Sounds like food. Smells like food. I am going to hide behind that tree. Shh ...

Fox: Have you seen any food around here?No food. I am so hungry.

Tiger: Now, where to start? Here, here, or here?

Fox: You want to eat me?

Tiger: Yes.

Fox: Haha! I am the king of the jungle.

Tiger: No, I am the king of the jungle.

Fox: No, I am the king. I walk in that way. Come with me. Whoever sees me will run away, because they are so scared.

Tiger: Fine, you first. But if you cheat me, I will tear(撕碎) you.

Monkey: Listen, listen! Bananas are the best food.

Bunny: Bananas? Yeah, right. Carrots are the best food.

Monkey: Woo, that’s crazy. You are crazy.

Bunny: You are crazy.

Monkey: Let’s play.

Bunny: Oh, look! Our friend, the fox.

Monkey: Oh, the fox.  There is a tiger behind the fox. Why  is a tiger behind the fox?

Bunny: What’s the matter? You want me to be a dinner,right? Let’s run away.

Fox: Hahahaha. Did you see that? They saw me and ran away. So I am the king of the jungle.

Tiger: Did that just happen? God! I am still hungry. Well, I guess I can find food somewhere else.

Aside: A few days later, the animals of the jungle feel curious(奇怪).Why the fox becomes the king?

Bunny: Fox, dear friend. Tell us, why the tiger didn’t eat you?Tell us, why he was walking behind you?

Fox: I told the tiger I was the king of the jungle.

Bunny: You cheat him! Unbelievable!

Aside: One cuckoo(杜鵑) saw this, and she went towards Little dog.

Cuckoo: What’s wrong with you?

Little dog: Nothing. I’m OK.

Cuckoo: Why are you so sad?

Little dog: There’s nothing serious. I just can’t bark.

Aside: One day, in the morning, the tiger went out to find something to eat.

Tiger: I have been walking for hours and I am still hungry. Oh, I found no food everywhere. It sounds like the new king of the jungle. I’d better go and have a look.

Fox: He wanted to eat me.

Tiger: The king of the jungle? What is he doing? Oh! He is giving a speech on how to find food. I’d better listen to him.

Monkey: Oh, fox, you are so clever!

Bunny: You are the smartest in the whole jungle!

Tiger: What are you guys talking about?

Fox, Bunny&Monkey: (scream)Ah!

Tiger: Why are you scared of me?

Monkey: Aren’t you the king of the jungle?

Fox: I was just telling them that ... I am tired. And I want you to be the new king. Because you are so big.

Bunny&Monkey: So big!

Fox: And so strong!

Bunny&Monkey: So strong!

Fox: And so smart!

Bunny&Monkey: So smart!

Fox: So as the new king, you will protect us and take care of us.

Tiger: As the king of the jungle, you may leave. Go, go, go!

Bunny&Monkey: Thanks. Your Majesty, thank you so much.

Tiger: Yes! I am the king of the jungle. I am big. I am strong. I am smart. Oh, I am still hungry. Wait a minute, you are all my food. Stop there!


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