伴随着 5G、大数据、云计算、区块链、人工智能、物联网等新一代信息技术不断深化融合发展,智慧城市建设获得全新的“智慧支持能力”,催生了众多以智慧交通、智慧安防、智慧社区为代表的智慧城市建设。
另一方面,智慧城市已经成为推进全球城镇化、推动城市治理更加科学化、精细化、智能化,提升公共服务质量、发展数字经济的战略选择,是引领和驱动城市创新发展的新路径,是形成智慧高效、精准治理、安全有序、人与自然和谐相处的城市发展新形态和新模式 。
Cities have enthusiastically embraced smart concepts and technology since 2008. A two-way, fully interactive digital network powers smart city initiatives. A smart city is an urban area that uses an array of digital technologies like 5G, big data, cloud, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things to enrich residents lives, improve infrastructure, modernize government services, enhance accessibility, drive sustainability, and accelerate economic development. It all comes together to elevate experiences for the urban areas residents, visitors, and businesses—and build a brighter future for the city.
The creation of smart cities is a key enabler for implementing the state-led urbanization program that satisfies the peoples aspiration for a better life. China has had over 700 smart cities pilot programs underway or in planning by the end of 2019. It follows the path from system creation, “city brain” establishment, to smart city construction.
The leadership has clearly signaled the importance of smart cities development, elevating it to a national strategy, and has poured government resources into furthering its growth. In the 2020 National Peoples Congress,“new infrastructure” was written into the governments work report, and how to make the “city brain” smarter has become the lynchpin of smart city construction. This topic gave rise to a heated discussion during the National Peoples Congress in 2021. The Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) gives references to develop smart cities, with specific suggestions about new infrastructure, digital economy, digital society, digital government and digital ecology. As a public concern this year, smart city will be energized by building digital information infrastructure, promoting the large-scale application of 5G technology, facilitating the digital transformation of industries, developing smart cities and digital villages, according to the government work report.
As forward-looking technologies are developing at a furious rate, technological concepts, ideas and means will grow iteratively. A fully-connected smart city will allow for the creation of friendlier, more accessible, and more human urban spaces, based on further improvements in top-level design, new digital infrastructure, integrated data application and digital ecosystem.
Theres a huge expectation of smart cities—cities of the future.