K-12 AI curricula: A mapping of government-endorsed AI curricula(Ⅰ)译题 K-12人工智能课程:政府认可的人工智能课程图谱(一)
Product by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) 联合国教科文组织
A diverse range of AI technologies are currently in use internationally, and there is a growing recognition of the importance of AI in the context of labour and in terms of its impact on everyday life. The impact of AI technology is not limited to the workforce. AI has profound implications for culture, diversity, education, scientific knowledge, and communication and information, especially insofar as they concern peace, sustainability, gender equality, and the specific challenges of Africa.
This report contributes further to the understanding of AI in K-12 education, in particular the ways in which students are currently being prepared for life and work in the AI era, by providing an analysis of the global landscape of government-endorsed AI curricula for grade school education and their design, content and implementation. This report is intended to inform the creation of supportive tools and frameworks, with a view to enabling the development of a guiding framework on AI competencies.
AI Literacy: Competencies and Design Considerations
Long and Magerko present a series of competencies and design considerations for AI literacy based on a scoping study of existing research, which sought to determine emerging themes in 1) what AI experts believe a non-technical audience should know, and 2) common perceptions and misconceptions among learners.
The study reveals 17 competencies and 15 design considerations. Competencies are universally at the lower levels of a knowledge taxonomy, largely confined to understanding, describing, and identifying.
The competencies and design considerations proposed by Long and Magerko are outlined in the right Table.