

时代英语·高二 2022年3期

V. M. Hillyer

——V. M.希利尔(仲秋 译)

V. M.希利尔(1875—1931),美国著名儿童教育家、科普作家 ,创建了卡尔弗特教育体系。他为孩子们编写了一套趣味盎然的历史、地理、艺术读物,即《写给孩子看的世界历史》《写给孩子看的世界地理》《写给孩子看的艺术史》。本文选自《写给孩子看的艺术史》,该书写于20世纪二三十年代。

The best Italian sculptor since the time of Michelangelo was named Antonio Canova. We generally call him simply Canova. He lived from 1757 to 1822.

Canova was brought up by his grandparents and as his grandfather was a stone cutter, the boy had from the beginning a chance to be a sculptor. When he was only eight years old he carved in marble two small shrines. When he was about ten, he was said to have carved a lion out of butter for the banquet of a rich nobleman, who liked it so much that he became Canovas patron, or backer.



Canova studied hard to become a sculptor and by the time he was a man he was doing a great many good statues. These brought him much fame and much money. The money he spent by giving it away to poor people, founding art schools, helping sculptors, and giving prizes for good sculpture.

Canovas statues are very smooth and pretty, but not very strong in appearance. He carved a great many of the ancient gods and goddesses and seemed to imitate the old Greek and Roman art. He also carved portrait busts of famous men, including George Washington.

Canovas Perseus with the head of Medusa reminds you of another Perseus. Canovas Perseus isnt so good as Cellinis, but probably it is just as famous.




Word Study

sculptor /'sk?lpt?(r)/ n. 雕刻家;雕塑家

carve /kɑ?v/ v. 雕刻

The wood had been carved into the shape of a flower.

smooth /smu??/ adj. 平滑的;光滑的

The water was as smooth as glass.

When Canova was at the height of his fame there came to Italy in 1797 a young man from Denmark. He liked Italy so much that he stayed there for twenty-three years and soon became famous as a sculptor.

Perhaps you have seen pictures of the dying lion he carved in solid rock—the famous Lion of Lucerne. It was made by a Danish sculptor in Italy in honor of the Swiss guards who died in France rather than surrender.

Who was this Dane? His name was Thorvaldsen. He knew Canova and, like Canova, imitated the style of the statues of ancient Greece and Rome. He was the most successful of the imitators. Some of his works, like the Lion of Lucerne, were not in ancient style.




When Thorvaldsen returned from a visit to Denmark after twenty-three years abroad, he had become so famous that he was asked to make a colossal statue of Christ and twelve colossal statues of the Apostles for a church in Copenhagen. Colossal, you remember means tremendously large. (Think of the Colossus of Rhodes.) These huge statues were completed in Italy in twenty years and sent to Copenhagen. A copy of the Christ stands in the lobby of the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.

When Thorvaldsen died, he left much of his fortune for the building of an art museum in Copenhagen. There most of his works are kept and in the courtyard the sculptor himself is buried.



Word Study

solid /'s?l?d/ adj. 坚硬的

The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid.

surrender /s?'rend?(r)/ v. 投降

The soldiers were forced to surrender.

colossal /k?'l?sl/ adj. 巨大的;庞大的

The singer earns a colossal amount of money.

lobby /'l?bi/ adj. 大厅;门厅

