Client:Beijing TianJie Group Co.Ltd
Principal Architect:WU Chen
Project Team:ZHENG Tian,DUAN Changli,LYU Wenjun
Master Plan Scope:18 hm2
Design Period:2016.05-2016.09
Drawings:XIAO Jing
Photos:LIU Di
1 规划核心区总平面 Site plan
2.3 改造前后对比 Before and after renovation
河湖水系自北京城诞生以来就与之密不可分,前门三里河水系是前门东区独特肌理的源头。项目以水系恢复为契机,秉承“老胡同,新生活”,提出“城市修补、生态修复、文脉传承”的城市复兴思想,以800m 的水系恢复带动周边18hm2街区的更新,传承历史文化,恢复生活气息,复兴地区活力,将水系、建筑及城市生活融为一体。其被誉为北京新十六景之首“正阳观水”,是北京新总规批复后老城内恢复的第一条水系,是历史街区保护复兴的典范。
4 规划效果 Rendering image
Water systems have inseparable relationship with the city of Beijing,the Qianmen Sanli River system is the origin of Qianmen East District's unique fabric.The project takes the restoration of water system as an opportunity.With the concept of "old hutong,new life",it puts forward the urban renewal idea of "urban maintenance,ecological rest oration and cultural heritage".The restoration of the 800 m water system drives the regeneration of the neighbouring properties covering 18 hm2,carrying on the history and culture,restoring the lifestyle,and revitalising the area,integrating the water system,architecture and urban life.It is known as the "Zhengyang water view",the first of the 16 new scenic spots in Beijing.It is the first water system restored in the old city after the approval and application of the new master plan of Beijing,and a model for the protection and revival of historic districts.
5 景观节点“冠云落影” Landscape nodes "Guan Yun Luo Ying"
7 “冠云落影”夜景 Long lane curtilage after renovation
8 水系与周边空间节点 Section of water system and surrounding space
9 河道景观凉亭夜景 Night view of pavilion