

世界建筑 2022年5期

刘加平 WA技术进步奖评委中国工程院院士西安建筑科技大学绿色建筑研究中心主任、教授

LIU Jiaping Jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award Academician,Chinese Academy of Engineering Director,Professor,Institute of Green Building,Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology

WA 技术进步奖评审中的技术进步,我以为既包括申报作品中如何将建筑新理念、新产品和新技术融入建筑创作之中,又包括作品建成后各种技术性能指标的提升和进步,还包括建筑创作与设计方法的进步,最终表达为整体上是一栋好建筑。本次申报的所有作品,主创建筑师在以上几个方面都有所考虑,评出的获奖作品,较好地综合体现了技术进步的方方面面。中国社会已进入绿色发展新时代,绿色低碳建筑成为新的“时尚”和潮流,一线建筑师给予了积极响应,巧妙融合节能低碳新技术的新建筑如雨后春笋般地涌现。祝贺获奖建筑师。

The technological innovation in the review of WA Technological Innovation Award is,in my opinion,not only about how new architectural concepts,products and technologies can be integrated into the architectural design,but also about the improvement and progress of various technical performance indicators after the completion of the building;moreover,it includes advances in architectural creation and design methods,which are ultimately translated into a good building as a whole.For almost all the entries,the chief architects have considered the above aspects,while the prize-winning works reflect the various aspects of technological progress in a comprehensive way.China has entered a new era of green development,and green and low-carbon architecture has become a new "fashion" and trend.Front-line architects have responded positively,whilst new buildings with skilful energy-saving and low-carbon technologies are springing up like mushrooms after the rain.Congratulations to the award-winning architects!.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


FENG Zhenggong Jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award National Engineering Survey and Design Master President and Principal Architect,ARTS Group Co.,Ltd.

有幸参加WA 技术进步奖的评审,从送评的作品及获奖项目来看,总体代表了我国现阶段建筑技术的关注方向及发展水平。从首钢园区炼铁工艺核心区(三高炉+冬奥广场+星巴克)获优胜奖可以看出,建筑遗产保护与再利用技术受到评委的一致肯定。纵观建筑几千年的发展历程,既是一部建筑艺术史,同时也是一部建筑技术进步史,两者如同前进的两条腿,具有举足轻重的地位,缺一不可。建筑具有艺术品与技术产品的双重属性,建筑技术涵盖了多学科跨专业范畴,技术的提升与极限的应用往往正是建筑艺术创新的体现。

It is my honour to participate in the selection of the WA Technological Innovation Award.The entries and the award-winning projects generally represent the direction and development level of the architectural technology at the current stage in China.The winner project,the Iron-making Core Area of Shougang Park (Shougang No.3 Blast Furnace Museum+Winter Olympics Plaza+Starbucks),shows that protection and reuse techniques of architectural heritage were unanimously approved by the jury.Throughout the development of architecture over thousand s of years,it is not only a history of the art of architecture,but also a history of technological progress in architecture.Both,like the two legs of a walking body,have a crucial position -neither of them is dispensable.Architecture has both the attributes of artworks and technological products.While the architectural technology covers a wide range of multi-disciplines and inter-disciplines,the improvement of technology and the application of limits are often the innovative expression of the architectural art.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


GUO Jianxiang Jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award National Engineering Survey and Design Master Deputy General Manager,Principal Chief Architect,East China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd

很荣幸能够参加本届WA 技术进步奖的评选。建筑学自其诞生开始即包含了其技术性与艺术性的“协调性”与“统一性”。技术进步一直是建筑学不断发展的源动力。技术的发展能够折射时代的变迁。在建筑设计由增量发展转入存量更新的今天,建筑师更要关注多学科之间的跨界与融入,关注在技术不断发展下城市空间形态的变化,在实践中寻求一种建筑技术营造与建筑艺术表现之间的适配性,将结构、绿色、智慧等诸多方面构建为统一建筑学语境下的技术体系,实现创意—技术—空间之间的和谐统一。

It is my great honour to participate in the review of this year's WA Technological Innovation Award.Since its birth,architecture has included both "harmony" and "unity" of technology and art.Technological progress has always been the driving force for the continuous development of architecture.Furthermore,the development of technology can reflect the changes of the times.Today,architectural design changes from incremental development into inventory renewal.Architects should pay more attention to the crossover and integration of multi-disciplines,focus on the changes of urban spatial form under the continuous development of technology,and seek a kind of suitability between the creation of architectural technology and architectural artistic expression in practice.Additionally,they should integrate the different disciplines,including structure,environmental protection and intelligence,into a technological system under a unified architectural context,reaching the harmony and unity between creativity,technology and space.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


LIN Borong Jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award Vice Dean,Professor,School of Architecture,Tsinghua University

本届WA 中国建筑奖技术进步奖评审,充分体现了技术与建筑设计的融合创新,是建筑设计引领下的技术创新,特别是材料、科技与空间、平面、形体的新美学融为一体,令人印象深刻,为之点赞。这样的项目,既有服务于北京2022 冬奥会的首钢改造项目,也有像亚投行总部大楼这样的国际高品质顶级办公建筑,还有获得过全国绿色建筑创新奖一等奖的博览会等公共建筑。此外,像扎根西藏、与自然一体化的酒店建筑,与自然景观融合一体的展览建筑,亦卓然不群,有别样的新颖,充分体现了中国建筑师在新时代的技术创新和创作自信。

The WA Technological Innovation Award fully reflected the integrated innovation of technology and architectural design.It is the technological innovation led by architectural design,especially the integration of materials,technology and the new aesthetics of space,plane and form -impressive and praiseworthy.These projects include the Shougang Renovation for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics,high-quality international office buildings like the Asia Financial Centre and AIIB Headquarters,and public buildings such as the Expo buildings which won the first prize of the National Green Building Innovation Award.In addition,works such as the hotel building rooted in Tibet and integrated with nature,and the exhibition buildings that integrate with the natural landscape,are also outstanding and innovative,fully reflecting the technological innovation and creative confidence of Chinese architects in the new era.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


SUN Cheng Jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award Professor,Dean of School of Architecture,Dean of International School of Design in Shenzhen,Harbin Institute of Technology

本届WA 中国建筑奖技术进步奖的参评作品充分展现了我国建筑产业取得的长足发展和进步,体现了信息化转型和工业化升级为建筑产业赋予的新动能。这次评审过程对我来说也是一次学习的过程,在评审中既能感受到“碳达峰”与“碳中和”国家战略推动下的建筑创作理论方法创新,又能体会到人工智能时代语境下的建筑创作技术与平台革新;更难能可贵的是作品中呈现出的面向世界科技前沿、面向经济主战场、面向国家重大需求和面向人民生命健康的建筑创作价值导向。

The entries of this year's WA Technological Innovation Award fully demonstrate the great development and progress of China's architecture industry,and reflect the new momentum given to the industry by the information-based transformation and upgrading of industrialisation.The review process was another learning experience for me.During the review,not only did I find the theoretical and methodological innovation of the architectural creation promoted by the national strategy of emission peak and carbon neutrality,but also the innovation of architectural creation technology and platforms in the context of artificial intelligence era.What is more valuable is the value orientation of architectural creation in the work towards the frontiers of science and technology in the world,the main battlefield of the economy,the major needs of the country and people's lives and health.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


ZHENG Shiling Jury member of WA City Regeneration Award Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor,College of Architecture and Urban Planning,Tongji University Laurea Honoris Causa,Università di Roma,La Sapienza Membre de l'Académie d'Architecture de France Honorary Fellow,American Institute of Architects

作为WA 城市贡献奖的评委主席,我对此次评审过程感触颇深。这一奖项的参评数量、建筑师的踊跃程度、作品的整体水准都令人印象深刻,其评判标准也已超越传统建筑学的价值判断体系。在抉择、评审的过程中,多样性和代表性是评委们普遍关注的,包括既有类型、规模、实践形式、建筑师介入方式等方面的多样性。最终评委们一致同意的入围项目,所呈现的正是这样的特点。一座在传统建筑学意义上的好建筑,已不足以应对人们对所谓“城市贡献”的考问。WA 城市贡献奖的获奖项目,反映了建筑界对于城市问题的普遍关注。越来越多的建筑师关注自己应承担的社会责任与城市公共责任,他们更多地视自己的作品为城市的有机组成部分,力图使自己的作品在功能、尺度和空间上融入城市,服务人们高品质的社区生活——这正是我国建筑界近年来的核心转变与主要趋势之一。

As the chairman of the jury for 2020 WA City Regeneration Award,I was greatly impressed by the process of evaluation.The number of entries,the enthusiasm of the architects and the overall quality of their work were all remarkable.The criteria for evaluation have transcended the value system of traditional architecture.In the process of selection and evaluation,all juries highlight diversity and representativeness,including the diversity of the existing building type,size and practicing form as well as the methodology architects intervene.The final shortlists all jury members approved presented exactly such characteristics.A good building in the conventional sense can no longer satisfy the calling for "contribution to the city" .The WA City Regeneration Award reflects that architectural community now all concern about urban issues.Architects pay more attention to their own social and public responsibilities.They tend to see their work more as an organic part for the city,attempting to integrate it into the city in terms of function,scale and space,in order to further improve the quality of community lives.This is exactly the core transformation and one of the main trends for China's architectural field in recent years.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


FENG Jiang Jury member of WA City Regeneration Award Professor,South China University of Technology

建筑可以为城市做出怎样的贡献?WA 城市贡献奖的百余个候选作品从不同角度诠释了各自的理解。如何评价这些无论从尺度、类型、造价、技术标准上差异特别大的作品?绝大部分作品显示出建筑师总体上摆脱了对符号化的地标性城市象征物的迷恋,很少出现通过引经据典追求建筑永恒性的情况,而更加看重建筑在社会公平、环境友好、地域适应性等维度上对城市和普通人的实际作用。候选作品涉及市民中心、学校、市场、公共厕所、口袋广场、滨水空间景观、工业遗产改造、历史文化街区微更新等,建筑师所采取的策略与途径也颇为不同。我更加认同在设计中深入思考建筑与城市、基地、生活之间具体而真实的关系,在解决实际问题(哪怕是很微小的问题)的过程中朴实自然地融入城市和市民生活,建筑因此而获得力量和意义。本次评审在线上进行,评委之间的讨论十分坦诚。最终优胜奖授予一座临时建筑,虽有引发争议和不恰当模仿的担忧,但建筑师通过设计对提升城市社区日常生活品质的贡献最终赢得了认同。

How can architecture contribute to a city? More than 100 entries for the WA City Regeneration Award have provided their own answers from different perspectives.How can the contribution of these works,which differ greatly from each other in terms of scale,type,cost and technical standards,be evaluated? The majority of the works demonstrate that architects have generally freed themselves from the obsession with the symbolic landmark of a city,and rarely pursued the permanence of architecture through references to the classics,but paid more attention to the contribution of architecture to the city and its residents from the social fairness,environmental-friendliness and regional adaptability dimensions.The projects involve a variety of types,such as civic centres,schools,markets,public toilets,pocket plazas,waterfront landscapes,industrial heritage renovations,historic district micro-renewals etc.,while the architects also employed quite different strategies and approaches.I prefer to think in-depth about the concrete and real relationship between architecture,the city,the site and daily life in the design.In the process of addressing practical problems (even small ones),the significance of architecture to the city and its citizens can be revealed simply and naturally,which often gives architecture its strength.This year's selection was conducted online and the discussion among the jurors was quite candid.The winner was awarded to a temporary building that,despite concerns about controversy and inappropriate imitation,won recognition for its positive contribution to the vitality and spatial quality of the urban community's daily life.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


Boris Schade-Bünsow Jury member of WA City Regeneration Award Editor-in-Chief,Bauwelt

我非常荣幸能与尊敬的中国教授和建筑师一起担任WA 中国建筑奖的评审。WA 城市贡献奖向公共建筑致敬:该奖项表彰了中国越来越多具有社会价值的优秀建筑和城市更新项目。入围项目和获奖作品即使规模不大或非临时建筑,也具有很高的社会意义。该建筑在历史结构复原及新建筑语言的应用方面,成功地将日常生活方向与场所感相结合。通过探索轻量化的快速干预,以最少的干预手段为城市空间带来最大的影响,并为日常活动提供场地。(王单单 译)

I'm most honoured to participate in the WAACA jury,collaborating with the honourable professors and architects from China.The WAACA 2020 City Regeneration Award pays tribute to architecture as a public act:The award recognises the growing number of extraordinary buildings and urban renewal projects in China with an added social value.The shortlisted and award-winning projects have a high societal relevance,even if they are small of scale,if not temporary.This architecture succeeds to combine an everyday life orientation with a sense of place,whether restoring historical structures or operating with a new architectural language.Quick and light interventions are being explored to achieve the greatest impact on urban space with the least means and to provide shelter for daily activities.


SHEN Di Jury member of WA City Regeneration Award National Engineering Survey and Design Master Chief Architect,Arcplus Group PLC.

这是一次让我感受到在评选参评项目的同时,也在检视评委自身设计价值观的评优活动。从本次评奖标准到参选的设计作品都清晰地反映出这个特点。当我在面对一个个参赛作品进行相互比较时,始终在考问自己:在当下,对于建筑设计我们应该提倡什么?在衡量每个作品建筑设计水平的高低中,专业维度与社会维度的权重关系又是如何?两者关系的统一度是否也决定了各个设计作品的高低?我们平时所关注的设计创意和技术创新是否就是这一结合度的表达,而不是创意与创新本身?其实,这些关于建筑学本体方面的哲学意味的考问,对今天我们建筑设计领域来说非常必要,这不仅关系到今天的建筑设计目的与意义,也影响着建筑设计未来的方向,我们太需要这方面的思考和自省。回顾评奖工作的过程,也让我看到WA 城市贡献奖强调建筑对社会的意义的原则立场不仅成为该奖项的特点,也是它存在的意义。

During the review event,I perceived the jury was also examining their own values of design while selecting the entries.This was clearly reflected in the criteria of the evaluation of the submitted design works.When comparing one of the entries with another,I was always questioning myself:what should we advocate for architectural design at the present? In measuring the level of each architectural design (high,medium and low),what is the relation between the weight of the professional dimension and social dimension? Does the degree of unity in the relationship between the two also determine the level of each design work? Is it the expression of this integration of design creativity and technological innovation that we usually pay attention to,rather than the creativity and innovation per se? In fact,these philosophical questions about the ontology of architecture are very necessary for today's architectural field.This is not only related to the purpose and significance of the current architectural design,but also affects its future direction.We truly need this kind of thinking and introspection.Reviewing the process of the selection,I also see that the WA City Regeneration Award's principle of emphasising the significance of architecture to society has not only become the feature of the award,but also the meaning of its existence.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


ZHU Pei Jury member of WA City Regeneration Award Dean,Professor,School of Architecture,Central Academy of Fine Arts Founding Principal,Studio Zhu Pei

从当代建筑学的角度而言,所谓“城市贡献奖”应该授予那些能够敏锐感悟到特定地域文化与气候根源,并采用实验性、批判性的方法将其融入到自己的建筑创作过程中,以实现从生态、文化的角度上建构当代建筑、城市的可持续发展的建筑作品。此次WA 城市贡献奖的获奖作品,虽然在建筑材料、空间语言、结构形式的诗意化、艺术性表达上都相别较大,但是,它们在对待历史、传统及自然气候环境的关注上都显示出共同的兴趣,也在不同程度上表达了自己对建筑理解的角度,令人深受启发。

From the perspective of contemporary architecture,"City Regeneration Award" should be awarded to those works that can keenly understand the roots of specific regional culture and climate,and integrate them into their own architectural creation process with experimental and critical approaches,so as to realize the contemporary architecture with ecological and cultural sustainability.Although the award-winning works are quite different in terms of the poetic and artistic expression of building materials,spatial language and structural forms,they all show common interest in paying attention to history,tradition and climate,and express their understanding of architecture to varying degrees,which is deeply inspiring.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


MENG Jianmin Jury member of WA Housing Award Academician,Chinese Academy of Engineering National Engineering Survey and Design Master Chief Architect,Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co.Ltd

感谢《世界建筑》邀请我参加2020WA 中国建筑奖的评选。我一直倡导“建筑服务于人”的本原设计思想,强调在建筑设计中应充分考虑健康、高效与人文三要素。这次评选中,我们多位评委在近400 项的设计作品中甄选出了50 多项建筑佳作,这些作品展现着国内建筑师对公众、对居住、对城市、对社会等各方面的设计思考与大胆探索,成为中国当代建筑发展史上的重要素材。同时,从这些获奖作品中,我们看到了中国建筑经过数十年的发展,正逐步走向多元,走向世界。WA 中国建筑奖自2002 年创立以来,已成为国内最受关注的建筑奖项之一,是中国当代建筑发展的见证者与推动者。祝愿WA 中国建筑奖越办越好!

I would like to extend my thanks toWorld Architecturefor inviting me to participate in the selection of the 2020 WA Awards for Chinese Architecture.I have always advocated the fundamental design idea of "architecture serving people",emphasising the importance of health,efficiency and humanity in architectural design.More than 60 architectural masterpieces were selected from nearly 400 entries by our jury.These works demonstrate Chinese architects' design thinking and bold exploration of the public,residential,urban,social and other aspects of architecture,and become important materials in the history of Chinese contemporary architecture.At the same time,from these award-winning works we can see that after decades of development,Chinese architecture is gradually diversifying and reaching out to the world.Since its establishment in 2002,the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture has become one of the most popular domestic architectural awards,serving as a witness and promoter for the development of contemporary architecture in China.I look forward to the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture's bright future! (Translated by Dandan Wang)


CHEN Xiong Jury member of WA Housing Award National Engineering Survey and Design Master Vice President,Chief Architect,Architectural Design &Research Institute of Guangdong Province (GDAD)

虽然是第一次参加WA 中国建筑奖的评审,但之前一直都有关注这个奖项和获奖作品,参加评审有机会看到同行的前沿实践和前卫思考。居住建筑在评优上具有相当大的挑战,有些设计理念和手法容易趋同而难于比较选择,所幸的是参赛作品多元而具有品质。获得优胜奖的“广州蒙圣住宅改造”,是建筑师在极其有限的条件下于历史街区内进行的一栋极小住宅的改造实践。它作为一个城市微更新的样本,对当下防止大拆大建的城市更新是一个很好的启示。同样是旧改更新,“紫泥十二门无界社区”探讨了居住与多功能空间以及朋友聚落的结合,是一种非典型的居住类型。“挚舍·南禅观水”项目是老宅子改扩建为民宿,解构重构中传承了历史文化遗产的精髓,赋予居住功能与空间新的含义。“苏州万科大家”项目也是演绎了传统与现代结合的历史城市创新发展特质。后3 个项目获得了佳作奖,加上入围的多个项目,从不同维度探索了以居住为主题的建筑设计实践。WA 中国建筑奖以相对独立的视角为我们提供了丰富且可供借鉴的建筑学借鉴意义。

Although this was my first time participating in the review of the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture,I had always paid attention to this award and the prize-winning works.Bing a juror gave me the opportunity to see the cutting-edge practice and avant-garde ideas of my peers.The selection of residential buildings was quite challenging:the design concepts and techniques tended to be similar,and it became difficult to compare and select.Fortunately,the entries were diverse and of high quality.The Renovation of Guangzhou Mengsheng House project that won the Winner prize is a renovation of a very small house in a historical neighbourhood of Guangzhou.Under extremely limited conditions,the architect's inspiration for the current urban renewal served to prevent large-scale demolition and construction,providing an example of urban micro-renewal.Likewise,the renewal project of the Borderless Community of Zi Ni Twelve Gates is an atypical residential building,which explores the combination of living,multi-functional space and friends' gathering.The Sincere Hotel transforms an old house into a guesthouse,inheriting the essence of historical and cultural heritage in the deconstruction and reconstruction,while giving a new meaning to the function and space of living.Furthermore,the Vanke Dajia project also illustrates the characteristics of the innovative development of historical cities combining tradition and modernity.The latter three projects received the prize of Highly Commended,and,together with the shortlisted projects,all explored the architectural design practice with the theme of residence from different dimensions.The WA Awards for Chinese Architecture provides us with a rich and extensive architectural reference from a relatively independent perspective.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


KONG Yuhang Jury member of WA Housing Award Dean,Professor,School of Architecture,Tianjin University

在城市更新与文化复兴的语境下,本届WA 建筑奖的获奖作品均有在设计理念与形式语言方面兼顾传统的作品问世。“大隐于市”在高密度的老旧历史街区中建造了一栋微型住宅,在有限的用地范围内进行垂直空间生成,关注日常生活与城市景观。运用垂直叠合的方式,进行空间嵌套;独特的“采光斗”巧妙地将天光层层渗透至底层空间,构建了紧凑而巧妙的生活场景。“挚舍·南禅观水”属民宿设计类型,方案在原有院落结构中,置入由木材与玻璃构成的方体,在优化界面的同时,使室内外空间相互渗透,形成丰富的景构。平面布局疏密有致,不同庭院层层递进,结合园林置景手法将传统空间意象与当代材料有效并置。“苏州万科大家”项目以中国传统屋顶为原型,结合当代工艺,营建出具有秩序感与仪式性的空间序列与场所感。从诗意栖居到园林转译,再到城市微更新,获奖者以新的形式回应生活的日常、文化的记忆与复杂的环境,对中国未来城市具有一定的示范意义。

In the context of urban renewal and cultural revitalisation,the winning entries of this year's WA Awards greatly respond to the tradition of Chinese culture.The Renovation of Guangzhou Mengsheng House creates a micro apartment in a high-density historic district,applying vertical stacking for spatial nesting to construct a subtle place.The Sincere Hotel inserts boxes made of wood and glass in the original courtyard organically.The Vanke Dajia,combined with contemporary techniques,reconstructs the model from the prototype traditional Chinese roof.Overall,the three projects respond to cultural memory,daily-life,and a complex environment,generating the poetic atmosphere and casting a glimmer of light towards the future of Chinese urban renewal.(English Proofread by Dandan Wang)


SHEN Zuowei Jury member of WA Housing Award National Engineering Survey and Design Master President,Chief Architect,Shandong Dawei International Architecture Design Co.,Ltd.

这次参加WA 中国建筑奖的评审活动,我倍感荣幸,也深有感触。首先,居住贡献奖参赛作品的种类之丰富超出我的预期,从私人住宅到商品房,从城市到乡村,有新建也有旧房改造,既有为社会新人设计的公寓,又有为老年人设计的住房,这深刻反映了建筑师们对城市更新、适老化设计等国家政策的理解与把握,体现了强烈的社会责任感;其次,可以看到建筑师们在尝试多方面的创新,有的利用本土化的设计语言体现文化自觉、文化自信,有的尝试将绿色节能减排理念与人居空间做更好的结合,探索未来住宅的发展方向,这些都为居住建筑的设计创新提供了很多可能性;最后,作为一名坚持工作在一线的建筑师,我一直强调居住建筑是最具人文关怀的建筑,在其设计中一定要加强对人体尺度、行为模式、生活习惯、家庭成长等方面的设计关注,希望在以后的参赛作品中能看到更多在这些方面的设计突破。

I was honoured to participate in the review of the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture,and I was deeply impressed.First of all,the abundance of the WA Housing Award entries was beyond my expectation.From private residential to commercial housing,from the city to the countryside,there are newly-built structures and renovation projects;there are apartments designed for newcomers to society as well as housing designed for the elderly.It fully reflects the architects' understanding and grasp of national policies such as urban renewal and design for the aged,presenting a strong sense of social responsibility.Second,I can see architects attempting to innovate in different fashions:some use local design language to showcase cultural awareness and confidence,while others try to better combine the concept of green energy conservation and emission reduction with the living space to explore the direction of development for future housing.All these aspects provide many possibilities for the design innovation of residential buildings.Lastly,as an architect who insists on working at the front line,I have always emphasised residential buildings represent the most humanistic form of architecture.In its design,we must pay more attention to the human scale,behavioural patterns,living habits,family growth and other aspects.I look forward to seeing more design breakthroughs in these aspects in future entries.(Translated by Dandan Wang)


ZHANG Tong Jury member of WA Housing Award Dean,Professor,School of Architecture,Southeast University

居住建筑在中国当代建筑中一直有点畸形。一段时间里住宅设计很少面对住在里面的人,而是服务于资本和市场的需求。可喜的是这次参评WA 居住贡献奖的35 个作品,大部分都有居住者,这让我倍感兴趣。这些作品关注到居住的方方面面,尤其有价值的是关乎社会公平和民生福祉的类型,如养老院、棚户区改造和乡村农宅。需要着重提及的是,不少作品对存量化时代的旧建筑更新改造做出了令人欣喜的探索,获得优胜奖和佳作奖的作品无疑是其中最突出的代表。

Residential buildings have always been somewhat awkward in Chinese contemporary architecture.For a while,residential design was less about the people who lived in it,and more about serving the needs of capital and the market.What is nice is that most of the 35 entries for the WA Housing Award have given consideration to residents,which was of particular interest to me.These works focus on all aspects of living,and are especially valuable in building types related to social equity and well-being,such as nursing homes,shantytown transformations and rural housing.It should be emphasised that many projects have gratifyingly explored the renewal and transformation of old buildings in the era of inventory renewal,and the works that won the Winner prize and the Highly Commended prize are undoubtedly the most outstanding representatives.(Translated by Dandan Wang)

