My Mother Coming to See Me母亲来看我


英语世界 2022年5期

沙博理 任东升 焦琳

To add to the excitement2, a few months after I obtained Chinese citizenship my mother came to visit us. We had been talking about getting together for years. I might have gone to New York when I was still a US citizen, but my American passport had long since expired, and what with the atmosphere of implacable hostility to China prevailing in Washington, I wasnt sure I could get another one and be able to return to China. Besides, my mother wanted to see my wife and daughter, see how we lived, see this place3 which had so enchanted her darling boy that he was willing to forgo the joys of Brooklyn.

She was over 70 when she boarded a Northwest Airlines plane at Kennedy airport, a brave venture for a lady who used to get seasick on the Staten Island4 ferry and had never been on a plane in her life. During our summer family tours when I was a child she was accustomed to giving invaluable admonitions from the back seat to my father as he drove the Buick through New England mountains. On the plane, after a first uneasy half-hour, she had no choice but to relax and let the pilot drive the plane himself. To her surprise, they reached Anchorage in one piece. By the time they arrived in Tokyo she was such a veteran traveler that she didnt trouble to stay over and rest a few hours but took the next available shuttle to Hong Kong. There, a China Travel Service man met her and took charge. The next day he delivered her to the border at Shenzhen, where Phoenix and I were waiting.

I recognized her immediately as she walked across the short iron bridge linking Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong. Older, but not much grayer5, and the same ramrod-straight back. She stared at me, then threw herself into my arms. Later she told me she thought for a moment I was her brother Jerry. I looked more like him than the much younger impression she had retained of me in her memory.

She and Phoenix were promptly enamored of each other. The exchange of letters over the years had made them somewhat acquainted, but both were very pleased with what they found in person. The normal courtesy and solicitude of the Chinese toward older people was, in Phoenixs case, underscored by a strong warmth and affection that went straight to Moms heart.

We rode back to Guangzhou (Canton) on the comfortable air-conditioned train which plies between that city and border, and drank fragrant tea. Mom, like all in-coming travelers, was struck by the contrast with what she had seen in Hong Kong. “Its so clean here,” she said. “And theyre so bright and fresh and darling,” she added, indicating the pretty girl attendants pouring tea and handing out scented washcloths.

She liked our hotel, too—a huge sprawling affair surrounded by lawns and palm trees and lush tropical flowers. Everything was new, everything was interesting6—and very different from what she had been led to believe. But her main interest was me and mine7. So we strolled around a bit and the next day took the train for Beijing.

Yamei and her grandmother were mutually delighted the moment they met. They could hardly speak a word at first, but they soon picked up enough in each others language to enable them, adding gestures and drawings, to engage in long conversations. Both of Phoenixs parents were dead, and Yamei keenly felt the lack of a grandmother. In her schoolmates families the grandma often outdid even the grandpa in pampering the children. Coming from a similar tradition herself, Mom certainly didnt let Yamei down.

We gave Mom our room and borrowed a daybed for ourselves. She found our meals quite palatable, asking only for bread instead of rice. She spent hours in the kitchen with our housekeeper, who had not had the benefits of even a few weeks of “the English of southern England” which Yamei was then absorbing in her first year of junior high. Nevertheless, the ladies managed a fruitful exchange of recipes, beef in oyster sauce heading for Flatbush, and potato pancakes with onion grated in pacing into Chinese culinary lore8.

Mom brought me up to date on the births and marriages and deaths among relatives and friends in the States, briefed me on the rise in prices and crime and the drop in moral standards. We did our best to explain what we could about China. But mainly we let Mom see for herself—in the stores, on the streets, in the residential lanes.

Our friends and colleagues—Chinese and foreign—were marvelous. Both Phoenixs office and mine gave dinners in Moms honor. Chinese friends were constantly calling, presenting her with little gifts, showing her around. We were overwhelmed by their kindness. Mom had a whale of a good time.

A few things took a little getting used to, on both sides. Fresh from the land of the youth cult, she bridled a bit at their frequent reference to her “great age.” We had to explain that this was said admiringly, that the term “vener-able” was a mark of respect. Mom finally accepted this, though only, Im afraid, reluctantly.

To our Chinese friends, she was something of a phenomenon9. Red—one of her favorite colors—was worn in China mostly by young brides. They were puzzled, too, by smartly cut dresses, lipstick and permed hair10 on a woman of 70. But they liked her honest modesty, her courage, her independent spirit. When they learned that she was a widow and had been working for a living until only recently, they paid the highest accolade in urging me, her son, to “learn to be like her.”

We had been separated for 16 years. Mom confessed that she had frequently worried about me, wondering, in spite of my letters, whether I was “really” alright. Now she had come and seen that I was very much alright indeed, that my life and family were everything I had said they were.

But you couldnt deprive a mother and grandmother of her “worries.”11 Having disposed of the Chinese branch of the family, she was able to concentrate her full attention on the American side. Could she be positive that they were getting along without her? There was no way to reassure her. After nine weeks in Beijing she was burning12 to get back to New York.

The border again, everyone being very tight-lipped until, half-way across the iron bridge, Mom turned and waved. Then I couldnt see her for my tears. Was this13 the last time we would meet? Very possibly.
















1本文选自沙博理英文自传My China: the Metamorphosis of a Country and a Man(1997)第160—164页,有删节,题目为译者所加。  2 to add to the excitement译为“喜上加喜”,灵活使用汉语四字格,生活气息浓厚。  3 this place转换为“什么地方”,衔接更为顺畅,能传达出母亲对中国强烈的好奇心,正因如此才有了这一次的中国探亲之行,解释了全文首句“母亲来看望我们”的原因,也为下文母亲“看这个地方”做了铺垫。以中文行文方式进行再写作,能在很大程度上避免词不达意、行文阻滞的问题。  4斯塔滕岛,位于纽约布鲁克林区西南的岛屿,与布鲁克林的直线距离不超过10千米。

5 older, but not much grayer是阔别16年后再次重逢时沙博理对母亲的第一印象,这种印象是沙博理内心情感的反映。这句话可以有多种处理方式,基于对语篇的理解和对沙博理心理活动的合理推测,此处选择将其转换为“是老了些,但白发还不算多”:“是”字表确认,表明沙博理在与母亲相见前已有母亲会更苍老的心理准备,是对母子分离多年的无奈;“白发还不算多”,是猜想母亲应该没有太过操劳,故自己在愧疚与感慨中仍有一丝宽慰。

6连续用“草坪环绕”“棕榈挺拔”“郁郁葱葱”“样样新鲜”“样样有趣”几个四字格,译文行文工整流畅,朗朗上口。  7将mine译为“我的一切”,涵盖的意思更广,透露出母爱之深切,令人动容。

8 culinary lore义为“烹饪的知识或學问”,Chinese culinary lore代指“我们家的菜谱”,指“我们家”的保姆学会了美国菜。

9这一词组被译为“稀罕景儿”,为的是让译文带点“京味儿”,一看就是中国朋友的语气。经此处理,母亲“精致外国老太太”的形象也就立住了。  10译文特意采用“三字格”——穿套裙、抹口红、烫头发,着意贴近中国朋友的语气。dresses、lipstick、hair等并列名词成分均被转换为动作,更能突出流程感与复杂性。

11虚词作为语篇的“缝合线”与“黏合剂”,能起到贯通语义脉络、重现语气与感情色彩的作用,往往能赋予译文灵动之气,为其增色。此处译文便添加了不少虚词来烘托情感。母亲与沙博理相隔万里之遥,骨肉分离16年,对儿孙本能的“担忧”是她表达牵挂与想念的唯一方式,面对这种含蓄的爱意,儿子又怎能忍心说出拒绝的话——“到底”“总”“连”“这点”将这种字里行间的情感明晰化,意在展现母亲的拳拳爱子之心和儿子的动容与无奈。  12 burning译为“心急火燎”,巧妙使用汉语四字格,生动地表现出人物急切的心情,又传达出一种诙谐的语气,让读者不禁莞尔。  13文章题目是“母亲来看我”,“母子相聚”也是全篇的话题,出于首尾呼应与篇末点题的考虑,译者将结尾的this具体化,处理为“相聚”,突出母子彼此的牵挂和无奈,表达一种双向的真挚情感。


菜谱 经典菜翻花样