

疯狂英语·爱英语 2022年5期



Activity A Reading for understanding

一、The painting you are looking at was painted by a friend of mine.

二、Were I in your shoes, I would take action to persuade your father to give up smoking.

三、He seemed a little bit nervous in the presence of so many people, which was understandable.

Activity B Reading for writing

(一)It tells us one of the most significant glaciers in Antarctica is at serious risk of collapse because of warmer temperatures.

(二)(1)Topic (2)at serious risk of collapse (3)3 (4) the Amundsen Sea off western Antarctica (5)4~6 (6)carbon dioxide (7)increase the chances of significant melting (8)7~8 (9)protection


The melting of glaciers in Antarctica

Nowadays, the melting of glaciers in Antarctica has become a serious issue in the world. The reason why glaciers in Antarctica are melting dramatically is that Earth is getting warmer and warmer. If the melting continues, it will lead to rising in global sea level.

As high school students, we should take some effective measures. For one thing, it is strongly suggested that we should go to school more by bike or on foot instead of by car. For another, it is our duty to inform everyone of the melting, along with its cause and impact.



Reading Check

1~4 ACCD


Reading Check

1~4 CBBA


Reading Check

1~4 BDCB


Reading Check

1~4 DBDC



Paragraph 1:

So one day, the new governor was summoned to the palace. He came riding on his camel with the iron chest fastened securely behind him on the camels back. Now the king raised his eyebrows and thundered, “Why do you always carry that iron chest with you? What does it contain?” The shepherd gave a courteous bow and then asked his servant to bring in the chest. How eagerly everyone wanted to figure out what was inside the iron chest! Then the chest was opened! To their disappointment, no gold, no silver, but an old blanket!

Paragraph 2:

Holding it up proudly, the shepherd said, “This, my dear master, is my only treasure. I always carry it with me.” “But why do you carry such an ordinary blanket with you?” The king asked curiously. The shepherd replied with dignity, “This blanket is my oldest friend. It will accompany me at any time, even when Your Majesty should wish to dismiss me.” How pleased the king was and how embarrassed the jealous governors became! Now they realized the shepherd was indeed the humblest and wisest man in the land. The king appointed him governor of a much bigger district from that day on.



Paragraph 1:

When Friday finally came, I had to admit that Cassies Egg Force One looked pretty good. She had used a handkerchief to create a small parachute. It was tied to a basket that held soft packing peanuts and, in the center of it all, her egg. Cassie cast a challenging look at me as if to declare war. The competition was on. My classmates carried their egg containers up three stadium steps and dropped them off. One by one, the egg broke, and the owner was out. Sighs and yells echoed. Soon the sidewalk was already dotted with egg shells from failed drops.

Paragraph 2:

By the fourth round, only Cassie and I were left. Taking a deep breath, I let go of my box. Then I raced down and got to the bottom before Cassie did. When I saw yolk and egg white seeping from the container, my heart sank. Then I saw Cassies basket lying beside mine, empty. “My egg bounced out,” she explained, pointing to a broken shell in the grass. “I guess the pilot had an egg ejector seat,” I said. Cassie looked at me, and her glare softened. I grinned. She giggled. “A tie,” Mr Beal announced. But we knew wed won something more important than the Egg Drop Challenge.


预测一 书信类


Dear Mr Bert,

I am writing to invite you to join us in a meaningful activity. We are going to have a hike next Sunday.

First, we will set off from the playground at 8:00 am. The first destination is the City Exhibition Building, where we can learn about the culture of our city. Next, the Agricultural Sightseeing Garden in the western suburbs is waiting for us to enjoy its natural scenery. We will have lunch there. Last, we should put on sports clothes and shoes to make the journey comfortable.


Li Hua


Dear Peter,

Learning that you are wondering how to choose music optional courses, I will give you some suggestions.

There are various music optional courses in our school, including folk music, choir, playing instruments and so on. Considering that you are interested in Chinese culture, you can choose folk music. In class, you can learn to sing folk songs. In addition, you will enjoy music pieces played with traditional instruments, which is a good way to learn Chinese culture. I think they will be a feast for your ears. Sincerely hope my advice is helpful to you.

Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua


Dear James,

How are you doing? Thank you for the birthday gift you bought for me. I like it very much. Actually, the moment I opened the package, it made me smile. How considerate you are!

To be honest, it made me think of the time we spent together. During the past two years, we have had so many happy memories. We played together and studied together. And with your help, my oral English has greatly improved. I really hope to see you again.

Thank you again and Im looking forward to seeing you!


Li Hua


Dear Peter,

Im sorry that I cant go with you to the Chinese Folk Music Festival to be held in our city this Saturday. Please accept my sincere apology.

I have to look after my little sister at home that day since my parents will be occupied with their work. To make up for my absence, Im wondering if you would like to go there with Zhang Ming, who is into Chinese folk music and knows much about it. If its OK with you, please let me know by this Thursday and I will make the arrangement.


Li Hua


Dear Miss Evans,

As Senior Three students, we are having a busy but very meaningful year. Therefore, we intend to make a documentary for it. So, please do us a favor.

We have decided to focus on both our study and life. On the one hand, we will record some wonderful scenes at school; on the other hand, we are going to insist on videoing us once a month to record our life. However, we find it demanding to write English subtitles. I would really appreciate it if you could write the English subtitles for us and give us some valuable suggestions.

I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

預测二 短文类


Ladies and gentlemen,

Im Li Hua. Its my honor to give a speech about “What I want to learn in senior high school”.

Firstly, we are supposed to have good learning ways and habits. Of course, dont forget to set a college goal and make all efforts to realize it. Furthermore, a class is like a family where we should get along well with others. As we know, only if we are sincere and kind to others can we have good relationships with them. Finally, we will learn to develop good qualities like being determined, being optimistic and so on.

Thanks for listening.


The last ten years of my country

The last decade has witnessed enormous changes in my country China. What impressed me most was the easy access to the Internet and online shopping, the popularity of smart phones, the convenience of Alipay and WeChat Pay, and the fast and comfortable transport especially the bullet trains, which have made a significant difference to our life. In addition, we have been living happily in great peace and safety. Im so proud of my country with such innovation, creativity and vitality.

Dear friends, you are warmly welcome to pay a visit to China in person.


Volunteers in action

Last Saturday, over 50 volunteers of our school participated in serving the community. Early in the morning, these volunteer groups gathered at the school gate and set off to different neighborhoods. Some groups visited the elderly to have a chat or help with the household chores. Other teams gave speeches or delivered leaflets about how to keep fit to raise peoples awareness of health.

After volunteering in the community, all students said it was an unforgettable experience. Its meaningful and beneficial in helping students gain some practical social experience and promote their all?

round ability.


My fellow students,

Currently, some students in our sch?

ool read little English literature. Its not only because they consider it too difficult, but because they dont think it necessary. In my view, however, English literature is what we cant afford to miss. It offers us an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of English and have a taste of a different culture. Better yet, it allows us to communicate with those great minds.

I appeal to every one of you to read more English literature and you wont regret it!

The Students Union



To experience Chinese culture, we will hold a traditional Chinese food making contest in our school and invite the exchange students.

As scheduled, the contest will start in the classroom at 3:00 pm on May 14th. Through the activity, you will gain a lot. Not only can you learn how to make dumplings, zongzi, spring rolls and other traditional Chinese food, but also you can enjoy the delicious food.

If you want to be part of it, please sign up for it before May 2nd on our school website. Welcome your active participation!


I love sports

I love all kinds of sports, among which jogging is my favorite. I think jogging is a good warm?up exercise.

Of course, it has certain rules. Firstly, the intensity of jogging should be reasonable. Besides, jogging posture does not have to be that of a professional athlete, so long as we do it at a relaxing pace. Just relax your shoulders and lean forward while jogging.

Jogging has great physical and mental benefits. It can not only improve the function of the heart, but also release bad emotions. So I decide to stick to it.



第一部分 阅读



本文是一篇应用文,介绍了Amity English School的师资力量、课程设置和地理位置。

1~3 CBB


本文是一篇记叙文。作家Laura Fanucci写了一首诗鼓励自己,出乎她意料的是,这首诗在网络上迅速走红,并激发一群学生对这首诗进行再创作。

4~7 CBCA



8~11 ABDC



12~15 CBDC



16~20 CBFGA

第二部分 语言运用



21~25 BDABC 26~30 CDACB

31~35 BADCC



36. to 37. staring 38. and

39. correctly 40. the 41. was

42. your 43. others 44. advantages

45. most popular

第三部分 写作


A lesson of responsibility

Responsibility is one of the most important virtues of a person.

Once, my deskmate fell ill. So he was afraid of falling behind others. Thinking of giving him a hand as my responsibility, I helped him with his lessons after class.With my help, he eventually caught up with us. Both of us felt so delighted. It was my responsibility to help others and his hard work also helped him out.

This experience always gives me an important lesson in life:we should be responsible for what we do.Responsibility makes a full man.


Paragraph 1:

Beatrice adjusted her glasses, looked for a moment, but didnt say a word. She brought out an old photo, in which there was a little boy and a little girl. Henry stared at the photo and said softly, “Beatrice! Im Henry. Im your brother.” She said excitedly, “Henry! I cant believe it! Its

you!” He walked towards her and they hugged. They had traveled far in search of each other for years, only to find they were close at hand. It was the coincidental connection that brought them together. They told each other many stories that happened after their separation. I left with tears welling up in my eyes.

Paragraph 2:

About three weeks later, I got a call at my office from Beatrice. “Are you free now to come to our family and friends party to welcome Henry home?” Beatrice asked. I said yes. I hurried over. It was a warm party with all relatives and friends talking, singing, dancing and laughing. I saw their mothers face brightened. It was a perfect moment. All these years since the party, Ive cherished my family more. I believe no matter where you go, family affection is always there.


第一部分 阅读




1~3 CAC



4~7 BDAC



8~11 ACDD



12~15 DCAA



16~20 FECAG

第二部分 语言运用



21~25 ACBCD 26~30 BACBD

31~35 CBADD



36. was used 37. equipment

38. activities 39. for 40. to search

41. its 42. Additionally 43. the

44. saying 45. that

第三部分 写作


An event of the intangible

cultural heritage

Today, our school held an event named “Intangible cultural heritage into school”, which was to promote traditional Chinese culture and inspire the teachers and students interest.

There were many activities in the event, such as paper?cutting, lion dance and sugar painting. The teachers and students, who were excited and full of curiosity, interacted actively through watching, listening and touching during these activities.

In general, the successful event was quite popular with the teachers and students. They did feel the charm of the intangible cultural heritage of China, which raised their recognition and strengthened their confidence.


Paragraph 1:

As she reached into her baggage, she gasped with surprise. Right at the bottom of the bag lay a packet of cookies, HER cookies. In that split second, it dawned on her that she, herself, was actually the cookie thief instead of the annoying, greedy man. Recalling every detail of what she had done to the man, she felt a crushing guilt creeping over her. Leaning against the window, the woman sighed a bit regretfully, “If only I had the chance to apologize to that man.” Then she looked around the plane unconsciously.

Paragraph 2:

To her surprise, her eyes just met the mans behind her. His charming eyes were locked on hers, as if he waited for her further information. “Er...Im so...sorry...” the woman could barely utter any more word with her face burning with embarrassment. “Well, it was really my pleasure to share cookies with a pretty lady,” the man interrupted in a tolerant manner. At his sudden compliment and consideration, the woman felt as if she were on top of the world! To show her gratitude for his tolerance, the woman offered to share with him her packet of cookies!

