

丝绸 2022年4期

宋莹 相思曼 孙雅致

摘要: 為优化三维虚拟试衣设计流程、缩短研发周期、提升研发效率,本文以连衣裙为研究对象,CLO3D虚拟试衣软件为研究手段,改变由二维样板生成三维样衣的传统虚拟试衣流程。首先采用逆向流程设计方法,以松量人体模型为参照绘制连衣裙基础廓形,通过拟合工具首先生成三维曲面样板,并根据直观着装效果对样板进行优化设计,直至得出最佳的三维曲面样板;然后在此基础上,通过软件的展平工具将三维样板自动生成为二维平面样板;最后通过对连衣裙的着装效果与舒适性进行主客观一致性验证可知,该方法在实现连衣裙样板快速成型的同时,由于连衣裙着装效果直观可见,也保证了二维样板的准确性。

关键词: 逆向流程;人体模型;CLO3D;虚拟试衣;服装样板;服装压力

中图分类号: TS941.26文献标志码: A文章编号: 10017003(2022)04005906

引用页码: 041109DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.04.009(篇序)






根据GB/T 1335.2—2008《服装号型女子》[10]中的女体分类标准,本实验选取一名体型符合165/84A标准的女性为被试者,依据CLO3D虚拟试衣软件中的模特参数信息[11],从横向尺寸与纵向尺寸中提取创建人体模型的特征部位尺寸共计19个,并对上述部位尺寸做出标记。

利用Vitus Smart XXL无接触式三维人体扫描仪(北京力泰友联科技有限公司)对被试者特征部位进行数据采集,实验环境为室内温度25 ℃,相对湿度65%,并且关闭门窗避免风速造成实验误差。要求被试者在扫描区间内的规定位置完成扫描所需的指定动作,每个指定动作保证维持5~10 s[12],并将扫描后尺寸数据导出创建人体模型所需的19个特征部位尺寸。具体人体扫描数据如表1所示。


由于CLO3D支持人体数据任意调整变化,可实现无数种尺寸规格的模特人体。因此,本实验根据人体扫描所得出的19个特征部位尺寸,对选定的虚拟试衣软件中自带的虚拟模特进行参数设置,获得实验所需的基础人体模型参数。由于服装成衣尺寸与基础人体尺寸之间通常具有一定的松量,结合本实验样衣的款式特征,将胸围、腰围和臀围的放松量均设定为4 cm,上臂围放松量为3 cm,如图1所示。









利用CLO3D虚拟试衣软件中虚拟缝合工具对连衣裙进行基础人体模型的虚拟试穿,试衣效果如图8所示。本实验连衣裙款式较为合体,因此在进行虚拟试衣的同时,对试穿结果的服装压力进行测试,以确保连衣裙的着装舒适度。本实验采用CLO3D虚拟试衣软件中的压力测试工具,对连衣裙服装压力进行测试并在平台中进行直观展示。通过服装压力显示确定连衣裙的着装舒适性,并根据结果进行样板修正。当压力指示条的颜色由蓝变红的时候,表示服装压力逐渐加大。本实验服装压力测试结果显示,虚拟模特对连衣裙着装状态下的服装压力显示绝大部分区间压力指示条颜色呈蓝色,部分区间压力指示条呈绿色,服装压力为1.45~2.96 kPa的低压力数值,说明连衣裙在CLO3D虚拟试衣状态下的着装舒适性较高。


在此基础上继续对面料参数设置进行不同设置,分别设置为95%涤纶、5%氨纶,厚度0.47 mm和100%纯棉,参数厚度0.36 mm两种不同成分与质地的面料,按照相同的实验流程再次进行虚拟试衣,所得试衣效果同样符合款式要求,且具有较高的着装舒适性。利用虚拟试衣修正后的连衣裙平面样板分别制作3件实际成衣,由之前选取的5名女性被试者分别进行试穿。5名被试者对3件连衣裙样衣试穿的主观感受采用5级分制进行表述,具体分数含义为:1分表示极为不美观不舒适;2分为较为不美观不舒适;3分为美观度与舒适性一般;4分为美观度较高与舒适性较好;5分为极为美观,极为舒适。被试者对连衣裙各部位的试穿体验主观评分如表3所示。





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Reverse flow optimization design of garments based on virtual simulation technologySONG Ying, XIANG Siman, SUN Yazhi(College of Clothing and Textile, Eastern Liaoning University, Dandong 118003, China)

Abstract: With the rapid development of digital and intelligent garment industry, as well as the rapid growth of individualized garment demand, consumers’ demand for clothing is not limited to a single homogeneous model, but more attention has been paid to the quality of clothing, modeling and the pursuit of comfort. In view of this situation, this article takes dresses as the research object, CLO3D virtual fitting software as the research method, and changes the traditional 2D patterns to generate the virtual fitting process of the 3D patterns. In order to improve the speed and efficiency of garment pattern generation, the reverse process design method is adopted, which firstly creates 3D surface patterns and then quickly generates 2D plane patterns.

First of all, taking the ease allowance mannequin as the reference, the author draws the basic structure outline of the dress according to the style requirement, and uses the fitting tool in the software to fit the ease allowance mannequin with the clothing, that is, to create a dress surface close to the human body on the surface of the ease allowance mannequin. Then, the ease allowance mannequin is transformed into the base mannequin, and the structure and shape of the dress can be directly modified and adjusted to ensure that the dress structure shape is consistent with the actual style according to the dress effect of the basic mannequin. Next, the modified and fitted surface of the dress is hardened to make the whole surface of the dress smooth and consistent with the ease allowance mannequin curve. Then the final 3D surface pattern of the dress is obtained.

The surface of the human body is uneven, so in the process of flattening out the curved surface of the dress to obtain the 2D plane pattern, it is necessary to use the dart design in the traditional plane pattern making way to design and modify the internal structure modeling of the pattern, and eliminate the redundant part of the fabric through the dart. According to the actual style of the dress, the positions and shapes of the bust and waist of the dress and the horizontal division of the waist are drawn on the curved pattern. The scissors of CLO3D are used to cut the darts of each part in turn, so as to ensure that the 3D curved pattern can be correctly paved into the 2D plane pattern. Next, with the flatting tool of the software as the plate tool, the curved surface is automatically flattened to realize the reverse flow from 3D surface template to 2D plane template.

The sewing tool in CLO3D virtual fitting software is used to do the virtual fitting of the basic mannequin of the dress, and the pressure test tool in the software is used to test the clothing pressure of the virtual fitting results. The result shows that the dressing effect of the virtual fitting is consistent with that of the actual dress style, and the overall clothing pressure of the dress belongs to blue low pressure. It shows that the pressure of the dress is low and the comfort of the dress is high. On this basis, the conclusion of reverse flow design is further verified. First, the original fabric parameter settings are changed. Two different settings are made for the fabric parameters to obtain two fabrics with different components and texture, namely, the 0.47 mm thick fabric made of 95% polyester and 5% spandex and 0.36 mm thick fabric made of cotton. The virtual fitting is carried out again according to the same experimental process, and the dressing effect of the virtual fitting is also in line with the dress style requirements. Three garments are made by using the dress plane pattern modified by virtual fitting, and five female subjects are selected to try on the dress samples respectively. The results of the fitting are compared with the virtual fitting results, and the participants are asked to give subjective ratings on the comfort of the dress according to their own feelings. The results show that the shape and comfort of garments are consistent with the virtual fitting results, which verifies the feasibility and accuracy of the one-time rapid prototyping of the sample by reverse process design.

CLO3D virtual fitting software can optimize the accuracy of garment patterns greatly because of its powerful functions such as efficient online revision, visual dressing effect and real-time synchronization of plate data. Combined with the reverse process design method, it can shorten the research and develop cycle, improve the research and develop efficiency and the satisfaction of consumers. The research results can be used for reference in the technology and method of intelligent manufacturing in garment industry.

Key words: reverse flow; mannequins; CLO3D; virtual fitting; garment pattern; clothing pressure


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