陈玲 江红霞 刘基宏
摘要: 为探究不同参考点是否满足躯干参考对象的选取条件,将躯干参考点划分为两种,分别为胸骨上切迹点和剑突点。本研究让受试者穿着6款不同支撑强度的运动文胸,利用加速度传感器捕捉着装状态下躯干点的运动数据。通过SPSS软件对采集的数据进行处理,求取人体在跑步状态下两种躯干点合加速度的均值、标准差、方差、平均绝对值及极差,从而有效地选取躯干参考点。结果显示:运动文胸支撑强度不会影响躯干参考对象的选取,当选取胸骨上切迹点作为躯干参考对象,躯干运动数据波动更小,更加稳定。本研究可为加速度传感器应用在运动文胸中判断参考点的选取提供数据参考。
关键词: 运动文胸;躯干参考点;支撑强度;加速度传感器;运动状态;合加速度
中图分类号: TS941.17文献标志码: A文章编号: 10017003(2022)04005207
引用页码: 041108DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.04.008(篇序)
大多数研究通过计算乳房运动相对躯干运动产生的位移差值,从而得到乳房位移数据[3]。乳房运动通常由乳头点的运动代替整个乳房运动,在选取躯干运动参考点的时候,不同的研究中会选取不同的躯干点。因此,选取躯干参考点成为计算乳房位移的重中之重。近年来,大部分在躯干参考点划分上的研究主要为两种参考点。第一,选取胸骨上切迹记点(Suprasternal Notch,SN)[4-7]。例如,李上校等[4]参考王方圆等[5]的躯干选取方式,认为选取SN点相对较稳定,可以代表躯干的运动,以乳房点位移和速度的绝对值减去SN点的相关值,获得相对位移、速度,并由此计算出乳房各点的合速度;陈晓娜等[6]在探究文胸钢圈对乳房位移影响研究中均选取SN点的位移代表躯干位移,B点(乳头点)的位移代表乳房位移,获得乳房相对位移分析钢圈是否能有效提高文胸对运动时女性乳房竖直位移的控制;Zhou等[3]总结了历年的乳房运动位移研究,其中SN点位移可以代表躯干进行乳房位移计算。这些研究都是主观选取躯干参考对象,没有进行数据分析。第二,选取剑突点(Xiphoid Process,XP)作为躯干参考点[7-8]。XP点为胸骨最尾点,郑晶晶等[7]认为SN点在运动过程中会受到头部运动的部分影响,所以选择表皮运动影响较小的XP点作为躯干代表点,得到乳房位移百分比并结合主观舒适性,分析文胸的防震效果;Michelle等[8]认为躯干位移可以由XP点的位移表示,按照乳房位移减少率将乳房支撑划分为低、中、高三个等级。
本实验选择8名体型接近的女性作为受试者,其平均年龄21岁,平均身高164.1 cm,平均体重55.6 kg,平均体质量指数(BMI)为20.7 kg/m,平均上下胸围差12.8 cm,由专业人员测量受试者的乳房基本信息。受试者在实验前填写问卷调查,确保受试者身体状况良好,无运动系统、神经系统等疾病,没有接受过乳房手术,无妊娠史和哺乳史。在实验前告知受试者相关的测试流程及注意事项,受试者填写基本信息并签订研究内容知情同意书[10],受试者基本信息如表1所示。
由于乳房位移测试中穿着不同强度运动文胸,因此本研究选取6款不同支撑强度的运动文胸作为样本,避免由于穿着文胸不同造成参考点的选取误差。运动文胸样品款式及编号如图1所示,6款文胸的编号从1#~6#,文胸尺码为同一尺寸75 B,上胸围85~90 cm,下胸围73~77 cm,适合大部分B/C乳房罩杯的女性穿着。为了减少实验误差,本实验选取运动文胸时尽力挑选主体材质和款式不同的运动文胸。
本实验用BWT901蓝牙姿态传感器(深圳维特智能科技有限公司)进行测试,其内置模块为JY901型芯片,加速度计体积为15.24 mm×15.24 mm×2 mm。该加速度仪器由高精度的陀螺仪、加速度计、地磁场传感器组成,在保证仪器收集数据的情况下,自动求解出运动状态下物体的实时三轴加速度数据。一般情况下,加速度计的加速度精度为0.01 g,角度的静态精度为0.05度,动态精度为0.1度[10]。
在上位机软件上选择波特率为9 600,帧率10 Hz。实验校准一般分为两步:时间校准和传感器校准。首先,读取传感器配置,点击“校准时间”选项完成时间校准。其次,传感器校准中,将模块保持水平静止,点击配置栏里的加速度校准和磁场校准系统自动去除加速度计的零偏与航向角的偏离。当所有校准完毕,则进入正式实验。
实验在江南大学的气候仓中进行,根据夏季人体最佳舒适感,选择室温为(23±0.5) ℃,室内相对湿度为65%±3%,且风速低于0.1 m/s。实验中会使用到一张桌子,两台电脑,一台跑步机,剪刀,胶圈等实验用品。
测试者穿着统一的黑色长裤和运动文胸,将传感器粘贴在参考点上之后,在跑步机上以时速6 km/h进行3 min的热身。热身结束后,打开上位机与加速度计,确保上位机与加速度计处于连接状态;之后,实验者以时速10 km/h在跑步机上运动3 min,在运动中,加速度计中的JY901芯片可以采集运动的加速度信息,这些实时数据通过蓝牙发送到上位机;人体运动数据被上位机完整地接收后,程序自动保存数据。上位机与加速度传感器之间的数据收集与传输如图3所示。
当一款运动文胸测试完成之后进行3 min休息,等待受试者心率恢复到一定范围内,并且主观认为休息充分后开始下一款文胸測试。
从图4可以看出,穿着3#运动文胸的躯干在SN点和在XP点的合加速度值,跑步是一个连续性动作,躯干的运动频率都是有规律的,在图4中这两点运动的合加速度变化都是呈现波峰波谷依次交替现象,但是在波动幅度及峰值上两者有显著差异。在SN点,合加速度值数据变化约0.75~2 g;在XP点,合加速度值在0~2.25 g变化,波动范围比较大。
1) 运动文胸的支撑强度不会影响躯干参考点的选取。实验对比了穿着6款不同支撑强度运动文胸在SN点和XP点的合加速度的数值范围及均值,躯干在SN点的合加速度数据均小于躯干XP点的合加速度数据。对于不同的文胸支撑强度运动文胸,SN点的躯干运动幅度都更小。
2) 选取SN点作为躯干参考点更加稳定。分析对比了x、y、z三个维度的合加速度标准差、方差、极差和平均绝对偏差数据,SN位置的躯干运动数据的标准差、平均绝对偏差、方差及极差均小于XP,这说明相对于XP点,SN点的数据稳定性更佳。
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Analysis of trunk reference point selection based on wearable sensorCHEN Linga, JIANG Hongxiab, LIU Jihonga(a.College of Textile Science and Engineering; b.School of Design, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214028, China)
Abstract: In recent years, the participation degree of females in sports has increased significantly. At the same time, they begin to realize that it is very important to protect breast health during exercise. Therefore, the demand for sports bras is increasing step by step, and the market size of sports bras is also further expanding. The phenomenon of sagging breasts is easily caused by the vibration of the chest when females are running without wearinga bra. Sports bras designed to meet the needs of females during exercise can effectively reduce the vibration of the breast in the movement to protect its safety, thereby meeting people’s daily sport needs. Therefore, in most studies of sports bras, the amplitude of breast vibration is defined as breast displacement, which is regarded as an important parameter of sports bras for breast protection, and it is used to evaluate the protective effect of sports bra on the breast. As for females wearing a sports bra to run, the smaller the breast displacement, the better protection of the bra to the breast, and vice versa. In most studies, the breast displacement is calculated as the breast reference point displacement minus the trunk reference point displacement. The nipple point is often selected as the breast reference object, however, it is inconsistent with the selection of the trunk reference point. As for trunk reference points, most of them are selected based on subjective feelings, and there is no relevant data proof and basis. As a result, the breast displacement data of each research result cannot be compared for correlation.
In order to explore whether different reference points meet the selection conditions of trunk reference objects in the breast displacement study, so as to provide an experimental basis for the selection of trunk reference points, different trunk reference points were selected to compare the stability of reference points when subjects wore different sports bras to run based on wearable sensing instruments. Firstly, the trunk reference points were divided into suprasternal notch points and xiphoid process points, respectively by summarizing the selection of previous reference points. Secondly, the subjects were asked to wear six different sports bras and exercise at a normal running speed. The acceleration data generated by suprasternal notch point and xiphoid process point during human movement were collected by the Bluetooth attitude sensor. On this basis, SPSS software was used to process the trunk motion data to obtain the resultant acceleration range and mean value of the two points of reference for the trunk, which can reflect the intensity of human motion. The larger the value, the more intense the human movement, and vice versa. Whether the subjects wearing different styles of sports bras will affect the selection of reference points on the trunk was analyzed. After that, the mean, standard deviation, variance, mean absolute value and range of resultant acceleration of the trunk point in the running state of the human body were calculated and compared, which can reflect the dispersion degree of the acceleration sensor data, and the dispersion degree in turn reflect the data stability. The greater the degree of dispersion, the more unstable the data, and vice versa. In this way, the stability of the reference point can be judged and the trunk reference point can be selected effectively. In this study, Bluetooth attitude sensor was introduced to directly acquire the acceleration data generated by the human body, which provided data reference for the selection of reference points of the trunk and increased the accuracy of data. In addition, in order to avoid the selection error of reference points caused by wearing different bras, the numerical range and mean value of resultant acceleration of the two reference points under wearing six sports bras with different support strengths were compared to study the influence of sports bras with different support strengths on the reference points. For another, the mean, standard deviation, variance, mean absolute value and range of the resultant acceleration data of the two trunk reference points were obtained through analyzing the resultant acceleration data generated by the human body and collected by the Bluetooth attitude sensor by the mathematical dispersion degree statistical analysis method. The dispersion degree of resultant acceleration was used to represent the stability of trunk reference points to determine the selection of human reference points. It is found that the resultant acceleration values of the six sports bras at the suprasternal notch point are smaller than those at the xiphoid point, which indicates that the movement is less intensified at the SN point, and the support strength of sports bras will not affect the selection of the trunk reference point. In addition, the standard deviation, variance, range and mean absolute deviation of resultant acceleration are analyzed from three dimensions of x, y and z. It is found that compared with the xiphoid point, the standard deviation, variance, range and average absolute deviation of resultant acceleration at SN point are smaller, and the stability of data is better. Therefore, in the breast displacement experiment, it is better to select the suprasternal notch point as the trunk reference object.
Through experimental verification, the acceleration sensor is applied to determine the selection of reference points in sports bra to provide data reference. The acceleration data obtained by the acceleration sensor is used to analyze the stability of the trunk reference points, so as to select the trunk reference object. In the future motion displacement research, it is necessary to verify whether the trunk reference point is stable and meets the experimental requirements, which will increase the accuracy of the calculated breast displacement data.
Key words: sports bra; trunk reference point; support strength; acceleration sensor; motion state; resultant acceleration