

疯狂英语·新读写 2022年4期

浙江 江 丽



Automation,digital technology,and artificial intelligence are changing the labor land⁃scape in a big way, paving the way for the creation of new jobs that never existed before.Below are several jobs that experts claim will be highly in demand in the future.

Space pilots

The commercial space industry is getting“ready to launch”, which means that pilots who can fly a spacecraft will become a popular job. As pilot jobs go, the most important qualification is logging in a specific number of hours in flight,but since we're talking about outer space, a background in astrophysics (天体物理学), astronomy, and engineering will also be necessary.

Extinct species revivalists

Scientists estimate that between 200 and 2,000 species die off each year, with the ef⁃fects of climate change expected to double the losses by 2040. Fortunately, the technology exists to revive extinct species—thinkJurassic Park. From genome (基因组) editing to DNA studying, extinct species revivalists will soon be able to recreate organisms and rein⁃troduce them to their natural habitats. Extinct species revivalist jobs of the future 2040 re⁃quire a strong understanding of biology, chemistry, and medicine, as well as a full under⁃standing of geographical,ethical,and legal concerns that affect each revived species.

Companions for the aged

By 2050,the number of people aged 60 years and over is projected to reach over 2 bil⁃lion. As general life expectancy gets longer thanks to technology, aging is expected to be⁃come one of the most important social concerns of the future.The job of companions for the aged will involve listening to them, helping them with their daily chores and even taking them out for a walk or some fresh air from time to time.Some of the key competencies nec⁃essary for this job of the future 2050 include patience, empathy (共鸣), and keen observa⁃tion skills to see if the elderly person is experiencing any emotional problems, such as de⁃pression and anxiety.

Digital rehabilitation counselors

People are only now realizing how addictive and destructive social media is, with ex⁃perts predicting it will be a major driver of mental health costs by 2030. Digital rehabilita⁃tion counselors are tasked with helping people recover their digital overconsumption and regain their life back. As one of the most important jobs of the future 2030, becoming a digital rehabilitation counselor requires a Bachelor's or Master's degree in counseling.

Reading Check

1.Which of the following is the most important qualification for a future pilot?

A.The outstanding family background.

B.The rich knowledge of outer space.

C.The study of astronomy and engineering.

D.The ability to fly for a specific number of hours.

2.Which job requires special patience according to the text?

A.Space pilots. B.Extinct species revivalists.

C.Companions for the aged. D.Digital rehabilitation counselors.

3.What does the underlined word“it”refer to in paragraph 5?

A.Depression. B.Anxiety. C.Social media. D.Drivers'job.

Language Study

Useful expressions

be highly in demand 需求量很大

die off 相继死去

a full understanding of 对……有全方位的了解

key competency 关键能力

be tasked with 有……任务


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