I Am Paper
Hello,everyone! I am surely one of the most important everyday things that human society has ever invented.Look around in your room right now and see how many things are made of me:your textbooks,notebooks,a card you got for your birthday,and even those on your wall! In the classroom,you write on me to work out math problems or do a book report.You use me every day that you don’t even think about a world without me.Can you guess who I am? Yes,I am paper.Let me introduce you some knowledge about me.
1.My history
Before I was invented,people1)communicatedthrough pictures and2)symbolson stone or bone.According to many3)historians,I was first invented in the Western Han Dynasty and improved by Cai Lun.He used fishnets,old clothes and waste to make me.During the 8th century,the secret traveled to the place that is now the Middle East.Yet,by the 11th century,paper-making was brought to Europe.One of the first paper factories was built in Spain,and by the 13th,paper-making was refined with paper mills,and soon paper was being made at factories across Europe.
Today I am made mostly from two different things:4)pulpand recycled materials from paper.China and the United States are the largest pulp and paper producers in the world.
1) communicate [ˌkəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt] v.交流
2) symbol [ˈsɪmbl] n.象征;标志
3) historian [hɪˈstɔːriən] n.历史学家
4) pulp [pʌlp] n.纸浆
2.Ways to Reduce My Pollution
Data shows with a great percent being used in the paper industry,about 80,000 to 160,000 trees are cut down each day around the world.The way to make me uses up lots of water.5)Environmentaliststhink the way to make me has a bad influence on the environment.
What can you do to make my pollution and waste less?
Recycle all your paper waste.It can take many years to grow another tree to make more paper.So it is important that we protect as much as we can by recycling paper.Paper can be recycled about 5 to 7 times.Using one ton of recycled paper can6)prevent17 trees from being cut down.When you recycle your used paper,paper factories will use it to make new notebook,paper bags,cardboard boxes,magazines,newspapers and other paper products.
Reuse paper.If you’ve only used one side for example,collect them instead of throwing them away.This small effort reduces paper waste by 50%.Encourage your family and friends to recycle their paper by putting them in recycling bins.
The way you use me greatly influences our daily life.These small efforts on your part will be valuable in solving our pollution problems today.
5) environmentalist [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst] n.环保主义者
6) prevent [prɪˈvent] v.阻止
在发明我之前,人们通过在石头或骨头上刻图片和符号进行交流。据许多历史学家介绍,我始于西汉并由蔡伦改进,他用渔网、旧衣服和破布来制造我。公元8 世纪,这个技术传到了现在的中东地区。11 世纪,造纸术被带到欧洲。最早的造纸厂之一建于西班牙,13 世纪,西班牙的造纸厂改进造纸术,很快欧洲各地的工厂都在生产纸。
据不完全统计,由于大量的树木被用于造纸,全世界每天约有80,000 到160,000 棵树被砍伐。而制造我的过程也消耗了大量的水。环保主义者认为制造我的方式对环境有不良影响。
回收所有的废纸。通过重新种植来生产更多的纸可能需要很多年,所以我们应尽可能地通过回收废纸来保护环境,这是很重要的。纸可循环使用5~7次,使用一吨再生纸可以防止17 棵树被砍伐。废纸被回收时,造纸厂将用它来制造新的笔记本、纸袋、纸板箱、杂志、报纸和其他纸制品。