Simple Tips for Decluttering Your Things in Spring
Are you feeling1)boggeddown by too many things? Do your story books and accessories2)overloadthe living room? Many people feel3)overwhelmedby the amount of stuff they have.But it doesn’t have to be that way.With a little bit of organization and planning,you can do spring cleaning and create a more organized and stress-free space.
1.Start early
If you wait until the weekend to start4)decluttering,you’re not going to make too much progress.The best time to start? Right now.The more time you give yourself to declutter,the more thorough you can be with the decluttering process.
2.Give away or donate unwanted items
Decluttering is an important process to go through every once in a while,especially when you have a lot of items you don’t need or use.Not only does it make your home look and feel neater,but it also helps get rid of any negative energy that may remain.You can give away unwanted items and donate items that you no longer need while decluttering makes the process a little bit easier on yourself.
1) boɡɡed [bɒɡd] adj.陷住的
2) overload [ˌəʊvəˈləʊd] v.超载
3) overwhelmed [ˌəʊvəˈwelmd] adj.喘不过气的
4) declutter [di:'klʌtə(r)] v.清理
3.Tackle one room at a time
When you declutter your home,it’s important to5)tackleone room at a time.This will help you stay focused and organized.Start with the room that you use the most or the room that needs the most attention.If you have a lot of clutter,start with smaller areas like your desk or closet.Break down the task into smaller goals,and take your time to make sure each area is clean and organized.
The key to decluttering is to keep like items together and to label your boxes well.Write on the box what room it needs to go to in your home.Also,include what types of items are packed in the box.Yes,it takes a little extra time to do this,but you’ll be so thankful that you did once your items are6)relocatedto new space.This helps you find what you need.
5.You don’t have to decide everything now
Spring cleaning is a great7)motivatorfor getting rid of the things you didn’t love or use anyway.Sometimes the stress of trying to declutter every little thing while also dealing with the stress in your study can feel like too much.Don’t overthink each and every little thing.If you’re not sure if something will work,but you really like it,it’s OK to hang on to it.It is possible to over declutter and end up having to buy more than you intended for the new season,so you don’t want to do that,either.
5) tackle [ˈtækl] v.处理
6) relocate [ˌriːləʊˈkeɪt] v.重新放置
7) motivator [ˈməʊtɪveɪtə] n.促进因素
hang on to 抓紧;保留