Surgical treatment of femoral deformities in polyostotic fibrous dysplasia and McCune-Albright syndrome:A literature review


World Journal of Orthopedics 2022年3期


Fibrous dysplasia of bone is an uncommon hereditary genetic skeletal disorder,characterized by the replacement of the bone marrow organ with a tissue formed by pre-osteogenic fibroblast-like cells and trabeculae of immature bone.The disease is due to a sporadic,congenital mutation that causes an increased synthesis of the G protein,a factor stimulating the mitosis of pre-osteoblastic cells,with the consequence that only some pre-osteoblastic cells reach a more mature stage.These immature preosteoblastic cells form thin bone trabeculae with structural anomalies and poor mineralization,causing bone fragility with possible deformities and fractures[1-3].The disease was first defined as polyostotic fibrous dysplasia(PFD)by Lichtenstein in 1938,and subsequently Lichtenstein and Jaffe in 1942 described the clinical,radiographic,and histological aspects of the disease[3].There are monostotic and polyostotic forms(PFD)that may be associated with cafè-au-lait skin spots and hyperfunctioning endocrine disorders in the McCune-Albright syndrome(MAS)or with intramuscular myxomas in the Mazabraud’s syndrome.In MAS,the most frequent endocrinopathies including precocious puberty,hyperthyroidism,growth hormone excess,rickets,and osteomalacia amongst others[4].PFD and MAS commonly affect the femur and tibia,causing deformities and fractures;however,other bones including the spine and the craniofacial bones may also be affected[4-6].The proximal third of the femur represents the site where the most difficult deformities that require surgical correction are located,such as coxa vara and shepherd’s crook deformity,sometimes associated with deformities of the diaphysis or of the distal part of the femur.A classification of femoral deformities has recently been proposed[7].Surgical correction of femoral deformities in patients with PFD or MAS is a challenge,since the fibrodysplastic bone is much weaker and more vascularized than the normal bone and,in the most severe form,the medullary canal is completely absent.To stabilize corrective osteotomies performed in PFD,a cervico-diaphyseal interlocking intramedullary nail may be preferred,because failures are very likely to occur with either screw or blade plates.However,in some deformities,such as isolated coxa vara,screw or blade plate remain the most appropriate devices for stabilizing corrective valgus osteotomy[8-10].Curettage and bone grafting,both with allograft and autograft,have been commonly used in PFD.However,this treatment usually fails,since no retention of any graft material has been observed over time,as reported in long-term follow-up studies[11,12].

The aim of our study was to analyze a series of papers published from 1987 to 2019,to identify the correct indications for surgical treatment of femoral deformities in patients with PDF,the effectiveness over time of the different corrective osteotomies performed,and finally the best devices to better stabilize the fibrodysplastic bone.


Inclusion and exclusion criteria were formulated according to the population,intervention,comparator,outcome(PICO)method and are summarized in Table 1[13].

Search strategy and sources of information:authors of this review(GG,AC,LN,FDM,PF)performed a literature search about the topic by querying Medline database,Scopus and Web of Science(WOS).Studies were located by searching the databasePubmed,Scopus and WOS.The search strategy covers PICO and was performed independently by each author on March 2021.Keywords and Medical Subject Headings(MeSH)terms were identified by a preliminary search and selected by discussion.Thesearch was conducted using the following keywords and their synonyms,assembled in various combination to obtain most pertinent articles:PFD,fibrous dysplasia,MAS,femoral deformities,intramedullary nailing,surgical treatment,surgical procedure.The following is the list of all of the terms used and the Boolean operators used to combine them:(("Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone"[Mesh]OR"Fibrous Dysplasia,Polyostotic"[Mesh]OR "Fibrous Dysplasia,Monostotic"[Mesh]OR "Mc CUNEALBRIGHT SYNDROME"[Title/Abstract])AND(("Surgical Procedures,Operative"[Mesh]OR"surgical"[Title/Abstract])OR(((("fracture fixation,intramedullary"[MeSH Terms]OR("fracture"[All Fields]AND "fixation"[All Fields]AND "intramedullary"[All Fields])OR "intramedullary fracture fixation"[All Fields]OR("intramedullary"[All Fields]AND "nailing"[All Fields])OR "intramedullary nailing"[All Fields])))OR "intramedullary"[All Fields]OR "nailing"[All Fields]))AND("femur"[Title/Abstract]OR "femoral"[Title/Abstract]OR "Femur"[Mesh]))OR((("surgical procedures,operative"[MeSH Terms]OR("surgical"[All Fields]AND "procedures"[All Fields]AND "operative"[All Fields])OR "operative surgical procedures"[All Fields]OR("surgical"[All Fields]AND "treatment"[All Fields])OR "surgical treatment"[All Fields])OR(((("fracture fixation,intramedullary"[MeSH Terms]OR("fracture"[All Fields]AND "fixation"[All Fields]AND "intramedullary"[All Fields])OR"intramedullary fracture fixation"[All Fields]OR("intramedullary"[All Fields]AND "nailing"[All Fields])OR "intramedullary nailing"[All Fields])))OR "intramedullary"[All Fields]OR "nailing"[All Fields]))AND("femur"[All Fields]OR "femoral"[All Fields]OR "femur"[MeSH Terms]OR "femur"[All Fields]OR "femoral"[All Fields])AND("abnormalities"[MeSH Subheading]OR "abnormalities"[All Fields]OR "deformities"[All Fields]OR "congenital abnormalities"[MeSH Terms]OR("congenital"[All Fields]AND "abnormalities"[All Fields])OR "congenital abnormalities"[All Fields]OR "deformity"[All Fields]OR "deform"[All Fields]OR "deformabilities"[All Fields]OR "deformability"[All Fields]OR "deformable"[All Fields]OR "deformably"[All Fields]OR "deformation"[All Fields]OR "deformational"[All Fields]OR "deformations"[All Fields]OR "deformative"[All Fields]OR "deformed"[All Fields]OR "deforming"[All Fields]OR "deforms"[All Fields])AND("fibrous dysplasia,polyostotic"[MeSH Terms]OR("fibrous"[All Fields]AND "dysplasia"[All Fields]AND "polyostotic"[All Fields])OR "polyostotic fibrous dysplasia"[All Fields]OR("polyostotic"[All Fields]AND "fibrous"[All Fields]AND "dysplasia"[All Fields])))OR((("surgical procedures,operative"[MeSH Terms]OR("surgical"[All Fields]AND "procedures"[All Fields]AND "operative"[All Fields])OR "operative surgical procedures"[All Fields]OR("surgical"[All Fields]AND "treatment"[All Fields])OR "surgical treatment"[All Fields]))OR(((("fracture fixation,intramedullary"[MeSH Terms]OR("fracture"[All Fields]AND"fixation"[All Fields]AND "intramedullary"[All Fields])OR "intramedullary fracture fixation"[All Fields]OR("intramedullary"[All Fields]AND "nailing"[All Fields])OR "intramedullary nailing"[All Fields])))OR "intramedullary"[All Fields]OR "nailing"[All Fields])AND("femur"[All Fields]OR"femoral"[All Fields]OR "femur"[MeSH Terms]OR "femur"[All Fields]OR "femoral"[All Fields])AND("fibrous dysplasia,polyostotic"[MeSH Terms]OR("fibrous"[All Fields]AND "dysplasia"[All Fields]AND "polyostotic"[All Fields])OR "polyostotic fibrous dysplasia"[All Fields]OR("polyostotic"[All Fields]AND "fibrous"[All Fields]AND "dysplasia"[All Fields]))).

No publication date filter was applied to select articles and review articles.Language restriction was applied to identify only English articles.In addition,a manual search was performed of the references cited in the studies included.

Fifteen articles were included for qualitative synthesis in the study after the initial screening resulted in 184 papers.

He smiled wanly9. It is all right. I know I am not dummy, that is enough. He spoke10 of the men with benevolence11, forbearing their disdain12 when they called him Dummy or too roughly poked13 his shoulder for attention. In a world of fools. Locked in stillness, he was pleased with himself. But I was not.

The reviewers(GG,AC,LN,FDM,PF)retrieved the data and independently analyzed each selected study;instances of disagreement were resolved by the senior investigator(PF).

The articles were screened for the presence of the following inclusion criteria:patients affected by PFD or MAS;patients affected by femoral deformities(coxa vara,shepherd’s crook deformity,);patients surgically treated by corrective osteotomies and internal fixation;studies providing an adequate level of evidence,including retrospective studies;availability of full text.The studies were excluded if they provided information regarding:patients affected by monostotic fibrous dysplasia or affected by different dysplastic pathologies as fibrocartilaginous dysplasia;patients affected by PFD but originally treated for fractures;patients treated for deformities caused by fibrous dysplasia that did not affect the femur;and patients treated exclusively with external fixation or bone grafting or transplantation techniques.

The initial search produced 146 studies from the Medline database,28 studies from Scopus and 10 from WOS,for a total of 184 papers.After a first screening,we eliminated 21 duplicates.Of the remaining 163 studies,after a detailed evaluation based on inclusion and exclusion criteria,articles were screened and only 14 studies fulfilled the eligibility criteria of our study.The other studies were excluded for the following reasons:4 included monostotic forms,5 included fractures or impending fractures,27 included different type of dysplasia or other pathologies,6 included deformities not affecting femur,one included patients treated by external fixation,7 included patients treated by curettage and bone grafting,14 included patients non surgically treated,20 included patients treated with other surgical techniques,26 studies were case reports,and 39 articles were published in a different language other than in English.After screening the references by reading the full-text studies included,we added one more article.In conclusion,a total of 15 articles were enrolled in the present review(Table 2).

Figure 1 shows the flowchart for study selection.

And trees were cut down, and great preparations made, and in a few days everybody knew what it was all for; and there was a crowd of old people pressing round the gates of the yard, where the young man spent the most of his day

Soon after this there was a market in the next village, and the boy told his mother that he had learned how to change himself into the shape of any animal he chose

It was her only comfort to sit in her own little garden, and fling her arm round the beautiful marble statue which was like the prince; but she gave up tending her flowers, and they grew in wild confusion over the paths, twining their long leaves and stems round the branches of the trees, so that the whole place became dark and gloomy


Why, he is much richer than I! The king took as much as he had need of; then ordered the rest to be returned to Don Giovanni, who refused to receive it, saying, Tell his majesty8 I am much hurt at his proposal

In conclusion,we believe,in accordance with the majority of the authors,that correction of coxa vara and shepherd’s crook deformity as well as the other deformities of the femur when it is entirely involved,remains a demanding procedure and,especially in severe cases,more than one operation is necessary.Intramedullary nailing is often preferred to stabilize osteotomies performed in fibrodysplastic bone,while peripheral plating remains the device of choice to stabilize osteotomies performed for coxa vara.The use of cancellous or cortical bone graft in addition to corrective osteotomy is still controversial.Significant blood loss represents a surgical problem,which must be kept in mind during the operation by the surgeon and the anesthesiologist,especially in patients affected by MAS with complex deformities.High X-ray exposure for both the patient and surgeon must also be considered.

17. Daybreak: In the time before strong artificial light, the work day for the lower classes would begin at dawn with daytime s free, natural light. An early start also allows the parents to lose the children deeper into the woods before they find their own way home.Return to place in story.


The femur is the most common skeletal segment affected in PFD with a high incidence of severe deformities,especially of the proximal part of the bone,which may cause a progressive and disabling condition[2].The most frequent deformities are represented by coxa vara and shepherd’s crook deformity that,in severe cases,may be associated[3].Treatment of these deformities is challenging;surgery based on curettage and bone grafting are usually inadequate in symptomatic lesions of the femur,especially in polyostotic form and skeletally immature patients.This treatment generally fails with a high percentage of relapses of the deformity and requires internal fixation in order to achieve satisfactory result[12].

Freeman[14]first reported the results obtained in a series of four patients affected by PFD(six femurs)treated by multiple osteotomies and fixation using a Zickel intramedullary nail.The authors concluded that in complex deformities of the femur,Zickel nail applied after multiple corrective osteotomies,provides a good control of the deformity,and allows the patients to return to normal activities.In fact,this cervico-diaphyseal device gives a good stabilization of the entire skeletal segment including the femoral neck through the screw inserted into the femoral head.The same authors stated that internal fixation with peripheral plate avoids prolonged immobilization,but a progression of the deformity often occurs,with a high risk of fracture below the plate.Ten years later,some authors[15]reported a long term-follow-up study on eight patients(7 PFD and 1 MAS)with an average age at diagnosis of 8.4 years and an average follow-up of 19.5 years.Of these patients,only two were operated on at 7 years and 5 years of age respectively,by valgus osteotomy for coxa vara,twice in one case.However,in both children the deformity continued to progress until puberty.Over 80% of patients younger than 18 years,treated by curettage and bone grafting,have an unsatisfactory result[12].In the subsequent decade,other authors[16-19]reported the results of treatment of four series of patients affected by femoral deformities caused by PFD or MAS,with 24 patients overall(9 PFD and 15 MAS)with 37 femurs involved.The authors performed one or multiple femoral osteotomies stabilized with an intramedullary rigid nail.In some cases,curettage and bone grafting and cryosurgery or medical treatment with bisphosphonates was used in concomitance.Most of the patients were surgically treated in adolescence and followed up at least 2 years after surgery.Better results were obtained using a cervico-diaphyseal nail that Freeman[14]had proposed many years earlier,which allows a good stabilization of the femoral neck that in PFD represents an anatomical site where the bone is particularly weak.In fact,some of these authors[18],using an elongating intramedullary rod,without stabilization of the femoral neck in a younger series of patients,observed at follow-up,a progressive coxa vara in

The main strength of this review is the topic,as PFD and MAS are uncommon disease that,especially when they are presented in severe form,are difficult to manage.The main limitation lies in the papers included in the review,as they are all retrospective studies without a control group.Further studies are needed to address points that remain controversial in the treatment this disease.

Correction of coxa vara and shepherd’s crook deformity remains a demanding procedure and,especially in severe cases,more than one operation is necessary.Intramedullary nailing is often preferred to stabilize osteotomies performed in fibrodysplastic bone,while peripheral plating remains the device of choice to stabilize osteotomies performed for coxa vara.

According to our review,we believe that isolated coxa vara should be corrected by an osteotomy and stabilized with a peripheral plate,while isolated shepherd’s crook deformity should be treated by multiple osteotomies and stabilized by a cervicodiaphyseal intramedullary nail.Complex deformities in which coxa vara is associated to shepherd’s crook deformity should be treated by two staged procedures.

half of their patients.The main intraoperative technical problems reported in these studies were the difficulty to ream a new medullary canal through the fibrodysplastic bone and the considerable amount of blood loss.Some authors[16]were forced to stop surgery for the massive bleeding observed during exposure of the proximal femur.From 2010 to 2015,we selected five studies on the surgical treatment of PFD or MAS femoral deformities in five corresponding series of patients with coxa vara and shepherd’s crook deformity[20-24].Some authors[20]suggested correcting the deformity by valgus osteotomy or medial displacement valgus osteotomy and stabilizing it by an intramedullary nail with neck cross pinning associated to curettage and massive impaction allograft.They reported a series of 7 patients with PFD(8 femurs)in adolescent or adult age,followed up 6.2 years after surgery,obtaining a mean correction of the coxa vara from 75° to 120°.By contrast,other authors[21]suggested to stabilize the corrective valgus osteotomy by a dynamic hip screw-plate without grafting.They reported a series of 12 patients with PFD(12 femurs),of average age similar to the previous study,and a length of follow-up from 1.5 years to 10.6 years,with an improvement of the neck-shaft angle from 89° to 129°.One of these patients had a fracture below the plate and he was reoperated,stabilizing the femur by an intramedullary nail with a neck cross screw.To avoid this complication,the remaining authors[22-24]preferred to stabilize the corrective osteotomy by a cervico-diaphyseal intramedullary nail.Other possible devices are not recommended,such as the external fixator used by Kushare[22]that reported a failure of treatment for an early loosening of the hardware which had to be removed.The same authors reported that the additional procedures as curettage and bone grafting using autograft,allograft or calcium sulfate are questionable,because none of their patients had complete radiographic resolution of the fibrodysplastic lesion[22].Ippolito[23]first proposed to treat these complex femoral lesions by a two-stage surgical treatment:The first stage was performed by correction of the coxa vara and fixation with a hip plate,while the second stage,by correction of a shepherd’s crook deformity and a definitive fixation with a cervicodiaphyseal nail connected to a spiral blade.The second stage procedure was performed as soon as the valgus osteotomy had healed.The authors reported a series of 11 patients(12 femurs)with a mean age of 14 years,followed up after an average of 4.5 years after the second stage procedure.They concluded that the proposed treatment restored a satisfactory femoral alignment with pain relief and gait improvement,avoiding all the complications related to the peripheral plate.The same authors in another study[24]which involved 5 children(8 femora),aged from 4 years to 7 years,proposed to use intramedullary nailing also in young patients,using a custommodified adult humeral nail 7-mm thick with a spiral blade.They concluded that this device may represent a useful method of treatment in fixing femoral deformities in young children with PFD.


All of the selected articles were published from 1987 to 2019 and included 111 patients overall(136 femurs).Table 2 presents a list of the studies,summarizing the number of patients and femurs,type of deformity,age at surgery,surgical technique performed,length of follow-up,results and conclusions.


Research background

Surgical correction of femoral deformities in polyostotic fibrous dysplasia(PFD)or McCune-Albright syndrome(MAS),such as coxa vara or shepherd’s crook deformity,is a challenge.Different surgical fixation devices have been described in the past.

Research motivation

No common consensus on the optimal surgical treatment for this pathology among orthopedic surgeons is present.

Research objectives

The aim of our study was to identify the correct indications for surgical treatment of femoral deformities in patients with PDF and MAS,the effectiveness over time of the different corrective osteotomies performed and the best devices to better stabilize the fibrodysplastic bone.

Research methods

A review of English language literature from 1987 until now was performed following the population,intervention,comparator,outcome guidelines.

Where is Rick? my mother asks, resting her hand on the table next to mine. The space between us is smaller than when I was a teenager, barely visible at all.“?”,,。,。

Research results

But at length the king-- determined to get the youth into his clutches--pacified her by promising35 her a pension large enough to keep her in comfort; and Nur Mahomed, to his own great delight, was duly enrolled36 in the king s army

Research conclusions

Regarding the most recent literature,two studies[25,26]recommended stabilizing the corrective osteotomy of the classic shepherd’s crook deformity using an intramedullary nail,while two other studies[27,28],suggested an angle blade plate or a dynamic hip screw plate,adding bone graft or polymethyl methacrylate.Of the first two papers(overall 19 patients,21 femurs),Hefti[25],introduced a new type of custom made retrograde intramedullary nail,reporting 15 operated femurs followed up 4.5 years after surgery,with satisfactory results,although the surgical technique is demanding with significant blood loss.By contrast,the other two studies reported a total of 16 patients(16 femurs),in which the deformities were stabilized with plates;10 patients were followed up after more than 10 years.They concluded that all the corrections obtained were stable over time,although in two cases,a fracture of the distal part of the plate occurred.Wan[28],underlined that using the plate instead of the intramedullary nail reduced operation time and blood loss.

Research perspectives

High-quality prospective randomized clinical trials are needed.


Gorgolini G and Farsetti P designed the study and contributed to manuscript preparation and editing;Caterini A,De Maio F,and Efremov K equally contributed to data analysis and manuscript preparation;Nicotra L contributed to data collection and manuscript preparation.

The authors did not receive any funding or financial support or potential sources of conflict of interest.

When the last item was put back into the cart, I slowly rose to my feet, flinching41 as the lady awkwardly stood as well. I supposed she would walk by without looking at me, but then I realized I was guilty of misjudging her character.

The authors have read the PRISMA 2009 Checklist,and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the PRISMA 2009 Checklist.

This article is an open-access article that was selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers.It is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial(CC BYNC 4.0)license,which permits others to distribute,remix,adapt,build upon this work non-commercially,and license their derivative works on different terms,provided the original work is properly cited and the use is noncommercial.See:


Giulio Gorgolini 0000-0002-0301-9001;Alessandro Caterini 0000-0003-3540-4542;Lorenzo Nicotra 0000-0001-8041-4390;Fernando De Maio 0000-0002-5201-6755;Kristian Efremov 0000-0003-1490-4361;Pasquale Farsetti 0000-0001-7460-282X.

Fan JR


Fan JR