Because of Winn-Dixie(Ⅸ)
◎By Kate Dicamillo
Winn-Dixie came out from1)underneath [ˌʌndəˈniːθ] prep.在下面underneathGloria Dump’s chair.He sat down next to me and leaned into me the same as I was leaning into my daddy.And Amanda stood right there beside me,and when I looked over at her,she didn’t look pinch-faced at all to me.
Dunlap cracked his2)knuckle [ˈnʌkl ] n.指节;指关节knucklesand said,“Well,are we gonna sing or what?”
“Yeah,” Stevie3)echo [ˈekəʊ] v.回响;模仿echoed,“are we gonna sing or what?”
“Let’s sing,” said Sweetie Pie,opening her eyes and sitting up straight,“Let’s sing for the dog.”
Otis laughed and4)strum [strʌm] v.[胡乱地]弹奏;乱奏strummedhis guitar,and the flavor of the Littmus Lozenge opened in my mouth like a flower blooming,all sweet and sad.And then Otis and Gloria and Stevie and Miss Franny and Dunlap and Amanda and Sweetie Pie and my daddy all started to sing a song.And I listened careful,so I could learn it right.