


CreativeReshapingofUniversalCommunicationRelationshipbyaCommunitywithaSharedFutureforMankind/LIU Tongfang(School of Marxism, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)

Abstract: A community with a shared future for mankind is a beautiful pursuit for a universal form and order of exchanges. Standing in the dimension of production practice, Marx emphasized the connection and interaction between “industrial history” and “exchange history”, highlighting the fundamental position of production labor in social communication. Capital globalization has established universal communication between human beings on the basis of expanding the production field, but under the leadership of capital logic, the subject members only pursue their own interests, making the common interest become a special “universal interest”, and leading to the universal alienation of communication relations. As an ideal form and order of universal communication, a community with a shared future for mankind constructs the actual perception of the communication subject, the differences and complementarities of the communication content, and the value symbiosis of the communication theme in the interactive presentation of the communication relationship, realizing the creative reconstruction of the universal communication relationship.

Keywords: a community with a shared future for mankind; “common life”; universal communication; communication relationship; reshaping

Sages’WaterConservancyEducationThoughtsandTheirContemporaryEnlightenment/LU Yang, et al(School of Marxism, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: Water conservancy education sages such as Zhang Jian, Huang Yanpei, Xu Zhaonan, Li Yizhi, Mao Yisheng, Yan Kai, Xu Zhilun, Liu Guangwen, Huang Wenxi and Qian Zhengying are not only the founders and educators of Hohai University, but also outstanding representatives in the history of water conservancy education in China. The educational thoughts of these sages in higher education of water conservancy can be summarized as the water conservancy education teleology of saving the country through industry and rejuvenating the country through science and technology, the water conservancy education training goal theory of patriotism and love for water, and the core content theory of water conservancy education of practical spirit and technical norms. The essence of these thoughts has a profound impact on the development of Hohai University, laying the humanistic background of higher education in water conservancy, helping to cultivate talents in higher education in water conservancy and promoting the high-quality development of higher education.

Keywords: water conservancy higher education; water conservancy education thought; water conservancy education sages; high-quality development

AStudyonZhangJian’sWaterConservancyIdeologyBasedonDigitalHumanisticTechnology/JIANG Yan, et al(Hohai University Library, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: Zhang Jian wrote a lot about water conservation. Based on the perspective of digital humanities, the 2012 edition of The Complete Works of Zhang Jian is used as a digital resource to analyze the word frequency of Zhang Jian’s involvement in water conservancy in terms of time, place, co-presentation of characters, emotional tendency and educational proposition, and to draw a portrait of Zhang Jian’s life in water resource with family and national sentiments, which opens up a new way of document utilization and a new path of celebrity research. In terms of timeline, Zhang Jian’s experience can be divided into four periods: Yellow River goverance, controlling and guiding Huai River, water conservancy education and returning to his hometown to protect the collapse. In terms of location and context, this paper sorts out Zhang Jian’s thinking and practice of water control in Nantong period, simultaneous development of dredging and plugging to govern the Yellow River during the Zhengzhou and Kaifeng period, promoting the transformation from traditional water conservancy to modern water conservancy in Nanjing and Beijing period. In terms of character co-existence, it is found that Zhang Jian was good at using the power of celebrities to achieve his water ambition, but with little success. In terms of the emotional tendency of water conservancy, it is portrayed that Zhang Jian went through four emotional enrichment processes: “full of enthusiasm and melancholy returning to the south”, “worrying about the country and the people, pragmatic and rational”, “ambitious and determined to reform” and “resigning and returning to his hometown”. In terms of water conservancy education, Zhang Jian’s education proposition of “putting morality first, emphasizing practice and rigorous research” is summarized.

Keywords: The Complete Works of Zhang Jian; water conservancy ideology; water conservancy education; digital humanities; word frequency analysis

Marx’sContinuousSolutiontothe“MaterialInterestProblem”anditsHistoricalValue/XU Miao(School of Marxism, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)

Abstract: After Marx encountered the “material interest problem” which mainly focused on the real relationship between people’s rationality and material interests and how to eliminate social poverty during Rheinische Zeitung, he successively opened the road of continuous solution to “material interest problem”, and this solution approach was generally hidden in his writings, including Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Economic and Philosophical Manuscript of 1844, German Ideology,Das Kapital. The historical process of Marx’s continuous solution of “material interest problem” is advancing with the development in his thought with an overall hidden way, and the process of solving “material interest problem” also contains rich historical value. From the perspective of the development of Marx’s own thought, he has achieved ideological innovation and development in the historical process of continuously solving “material interest problem”, such as the dissolution of the idealistic rational state concept in world view field, the opening and deepening of political economy research in methodological dimension, and the clarification and confirmation of human liberation in the aspect of value ideal. From the view of the impact on future generations, Marx has constructed cognitions about social poverty and its solution in the historical process of continuous exploration of “material interest problem”. It can provide scientific guidance for the global poverty reduction cause, especially for the governance practice of China’s relative poverty in the post-poverty era.

Keywords: Marx; the “material interest problem”; solving; historical value

ReformofIdeologicalandPoliticalEducationinCollegesDrivenbyArtificialIntelligence:TechnicalLogic,ValueConformityandPurpose/HU Hua(College of Marxism, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China)

Abstract: Artificial intelligence provides a new opportunity for ideological and political education in colleges. From the perspective of technical logic, the integration of artificial intelligence into ideological and political education in colleges follows the triple logic of data-driven, algorithm leading and intelligence fusion. With the application of artificial intelligence in ideological and political education practice, artificial intelligence technology logic of science and technology ethics inevitably runs through the whole course of ideological and political education in colleges. Therefore, college ideological and political education should not only have the value goal of educating people by imparting knowledge, guiding ideology, and shaping ideas, but also actively respond to the derivative problems of security, privacy, transparency, and ethics that may arise from the embedding of artificial intelligence. Constructing an open, intensive, and intelligent pattern of ideological and political education in colleges is conducive to achieving the development goal of artificial intelligence-driven reform of ideological and political education in colleges.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; ideological and political education of colleges; education wisdom; strengthen moral education and cultivate people; technical rationality; intelligent algorithm

MetaverseandtheDigitalDevelopmentofIdeologicalandPoliticalEducation/MENG Yixin(School of Marxism, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: The digital development of ideological and political education is a topic of the times for the development of ideological and political education. As a new technical foundation, the metaverse will empower the digital development of ideological and political education, make the digital development of ideological and political education move from fragmentation to systematization, provide high-fidelity scenes for digital activities of ideological and political education, enrich ideological and political education methods, and promote the formation of a large pattern of ideological and political education. As a social environment, the problems of network addiction, ideological security, and digital alienation still exist in the metaverse, and even the risks are intensifying, and the digital development of ideological and political education is still facing various crises in the metaverse. The future of the digital development of ideological and political education is in the hands of the subjects of ideological and political education, and it is necessary to reasonably face digital technology and the changes in the ideological and political education environment it causes, properly handle the relationship between the real world and the virtual world, digital technology and ideological and political education, and people and digital technology, and use the characteristics of digital technology to promote the development of ideological and political education.

Keywords: digitization of ideological and political education; metaverse; development of ideological and political education; network ideological and political education; virtual society

TheSymptomsofPublicInformationAnxietyandItsValueGuidanceintheAgeofIntelligentMedia/CHEN Hongli(Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing 210013, China)

Abstract: In the digital and information era with the rapid development of the Internet, the vigorous rise of intelligent media platforms makes the information flow more complex, decentralized, iterative and uncontrollable. Digital divide, information cocoon room, algorithm abuse and other phenomena have aggravated the audience’s information anxiety and its spread. Information anxiety has become a collective disease of the public in the age of intelligent media. The main reasons are that the rapid development of digital platforms leads to multi subjectivity of information, the popularity of micro short videos leads to fragmentation of information, data interconnection algorithms point to information homogeneity, and information dissemination content changes lead to less knowledge. Therefore, in promoting the construction of digital China, we should innovate and expand the positive energy guidance of mainstream media, promote the establishment of the mechanism of public opinion guidance subject, build a field space to mitigate information anxiety, and improve the public information literacy and public opinion identification to meet the challenges brought by public information anxiety.

Keywords: information anxiety; value guidance; digital China; ideology; agenda setting; algorithm

SDModelandSimulationofHigh-QualityDevelopmentofChina’sUrbanAgglomerationunder“DualCarbon”Goals/ZENG Peng, et al(School of Ethnology and Sociology, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning 530006, China)

Abstract: The 14th five-year plan proposes to formulate an action plan for peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and anchor efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. High-quality carbon emissions have become one of the important objectives of China’s high-quality economic development in the future. City is the main spatial carrier of China’s development, so high-quality carbon emission should be realized under the “two horizontal and three vertical” urbanization pattern with urban agglomeration as the core. In this regard, carbon neutrality is embedded into the system dynamics (SD) model as the main control factor, and a high-quality development SD model of China’s urban agglomeration under the “dual carbon” goals is constructed. The data and system parameters in 2019 are used to simulate and predict the carbon peak and carbon neutrality of urban agglomeration in 2030 and 2060 under different development scenarios. The results show that: ① the authenticity test shows that the simulation effect of the model is good and operable. ② Under the benchmark scenario, the “dual carbon” goals are difficult to achieve, and the carbon emission system is on the verge of collapse. However, under the high-quality development scenario, except for the central urban agglomeration, other urban agglomerations can achieve the “dual carbon” goals within the time limit proposed in the 14th five-year plan. ③ In order to achieve the “dual carbon” goals in the process of high-quality development of urban agglomeration, it is necessary to clarify that low-carbon technology is an important means, industrial transformation is the key, and to realize the systematic reform of energy and industrial structure.

Keywords: carbon neutrality; urban agglomeration; high-quality development; system dynamics (SD) model; simulation and prediction

TheSynergisticEffectofChina’sGreenLow-CarbonCircularDevelopmentundertheGoalofCarbonPeak/HU Jianbo, et al(School of Economics, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang 550025, China)

Abstract: Exploring the synergistic effect of green low-carbon circular development in China is of typical significance for promoting a new chapter of environmental governance system and building a beautiful China. In this paper, the scientific significance of green low-carbon circular development is described, and an evaluation system for collaborative development of composite system is constructed. LSTM-BP neural network is used to predict the development path under different modes. The study found that in the past 20 years, all subsystems have realized the transformation from low level order to medium level order, among which social and resource subsystems have stepped into high level order stage. Since 2013, the composite system has been transformed into a mid-level coordination stage, which benefits from policy macro-control, social transformation and progress, high-quality economic development, energy optimization and adjustment, efficient utilization of resources and continuous improvement of the environment. In the future, under the guidance of carbon peak, the synergistic effect of subsystems will promote the high-quality development of composite system.

Keywords: carbon peak; green low-carbon circular development; China path; synergistic effect; LSTM-BP neural network

TechnologyDependence,FinancialSupportandIntergovernmentalCompetition:PerformanceofGovernmentDataOpeningBasedonthe“Push-PullModel”/DAI Jiaxin, et al(School of Public Administration, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)

Abstract: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the central government has formulated a series of policies for government data opening, encouraging local governments to explore developing strategies. With the deepening of local government data opening practice, the differentiation of data opening performance among local governments are becoming increasingly prominent. We aim to explain how the performance difference is formed under the same level of stimulus by the central government. Based on technology, organization and environment dimensions of classic TOE framework, combined with resource-based theory and performance championships theory, we build the “push-pull model” to analyze the mechanisms underlying local government data opening. The qualitative comparative analysis shows that the three forces of technology (push), organization (push) and environment (pull) together constitute the “push-pull” system for the performance of government data opening. Technology dependence, local financial support and intergovernmental competition are the core mechanisms underlying the performance of local government data opening, and between the pushing and pulling forces the performance differential has gradually emerged and has become increasingly explicit.

Keywords: government data opening; performance evaluation; impact mechanism; technology dependence; financial support; intergovernmental competition

DistributionStrategySelectioninDual-ChannelSupplyChainswithQualityDifferentiationandDemandUncertainty/HU Yufei, et al(School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)

Abstract: Could distributing vertically differentiated products in separate channels achieve a win-win outcome in the dual-channel supply chain? This paper solves the critical problem of how dual-channel supply chain members choose optimal distribution strategies regarding different product types. Products are categorized according to two characteristics : degree of quality differentiation and demand uncertainty. The manufacturer and the retailer engage in a Nash game that first simultaneously decides on inventories regarding demand forecast and then sets retail prices after uncertain demand realizes. The results show that for product types with low quality differentiation and low demand uncertainty, both supply chain members prefer to distribute low-quality products offline and high-quality products online. Meanwhile, for product types with low quality differentiation and high demand uncertainty, both supply chain members prefer to distribute high-quality products offline and low-quality products online. Finally, we prove that the optimal matches between product types and distribution strategies remain robust when quality differentiation derives from degrading high-quality products.

Keywords: distribution strategy; dual-channel supply chain; quality differentiation; demand uncertainty

FeasibilityStudyonSettingSocialCareInsuranceinChina/CHEN Youhua, et al(School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)

Abstract: Since 2016, China has set up a social care insurance pilot in many domestic cities, but whether it is suitable for China to establish a social care insurance system is urgent, serious, and worth of further study. Therefore, referring to the experience of nursing insurance system construction in other countries, and taking Germany as the main case, the possible human and financial risks of social care insurance are analyzed, and the concept of “the Caregiver Paradox” is put forward. It is pointed out that, because of the loss of social endowment insurance fund and social medical insurance fund, high payment rate and aging with lower fertility, it may not be the best time for China to implement social care insurance.

Keywords: social care; insurance mode; Germany model; the Caregiver Paradox

HowtheMomentumforEnvironmentalCollaborativeGovernanceTransformsintoGovernanceEfficiency:AnObservationonWaterLossandSoilErosionControlinXingguoCounty/LAI Huisu, et al(School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: Environmental collaborative governance is an inherent requirement for the construction of ecological civilization in China, and it is also an important part of realizing the modernization of the environmental governance system and governance capacity. Through the field investigation of water loss and soil erosion control in Xingguo County, based on the analytical framework of “precondition-transformation mechanism-efficiency presentation”, the internal logic of momentum transformation into effectiveness of the momentum for environmental collaborative governance is discussed. The results show that on the basis of the socialization of water loss and soil erosion, all stakeholders have reached a consensus on governance, and the generation of momentum for collaborative governance through high-level promotion is the prerequisite for its transformation into efficiency. In the process of momentum transformation, the differential transformation mechanism is used for different types of collaboration, that is, promoting multi department and multi-level collaboration through organization construction and pressure transmission, promoting the coordination of government and community through institutional norms and multiple incentives, promoting the collaboration between local and external governors through multiple driving and complementary advantages. Finally, the effectiveness will be presented as cooperative technological innovation, win-win development governance and collaborative goal promotion. In order to transform momentum into efficiency for environmental collaborative governance, we should pay attention to building precondition for momentum transformation, to generate the momentum for environmental collaborative governance. We should use the differential transformation mechanism according to the internal logic of different collaborative governance actions, and highlight the win-win and sharing of the efficiency of collaborative governance to achieve sustainable momentum transformation.

Keywords: momentum for environmental collaborative governance; governance efficiency; water loss and soil erosion; Xingguo County

RisksandSolutionsofJudicialActivismintheOperationofEnvironmentalAdmininstrativePublicInterestLitigationSystem/SUN Haitao, et al(School of Law, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China)

Abstract: Judicial activism plays a positive role in the operation of environmental administrative public interest litigation system by bringing justice closer to social vulnerable groups, improving the level of judicial protection of vulnerable groups, promoting the cooperation between various departments in litigation and improving the effectiveness of public interest litigation system. However, from the perspective of purpose, economic benefit, power balance and effectiveness, judicial activism in environmental administrative public interest litigation may also have the potential risks of deviation of public litigation purpose, inadequate use of judicial resources,destruction of power balance system and excessive pursuit of symbolic meaning.Based on this, the resolving path can be designed by strengthening the application of litigation procedures, making a strict distinction between judicial activism and public interest litigation, restricting judicial adventurism strictly and pursuing the balance between judicial activism and administrative autonomy, so as to finally promote the coordination between judicial activism and environmental administrative public interest litigation system.

Keywords: judicial activism; administrative public interest litigation; system operation; risks; solutions

