

国际人才交流 2022年3期

文、译/王湘玥 张晓



在最新出版的英文图书Singing My China Stories to the world(《向世界唱我的中国故事》)一书中,他介绍了自己在中国生活的经历。该书在北京冬奥会主媒体中心等地供志愿者、媒体、游客阅读,获得了极大关注。本期,《国际人才交流》特别邀请马克谈谈这本新书和他的中国情缘。














2013年,马克和他的中国朋友、自小学习二胡的傅涵女士组成了一个名为秀外慧中的二人组合,中西结合,在国内各地演出。“我们这个组合的英文名字是In Side Out,直译就是(把衣服)从里边翻到外边,但还是同一件衣服。我们表演了很多中国名曲,如《敖包相会》,但我们会作出一些改变,比如在《敢问路在何方》的曲子中用二胡演奏出马咆哮的声音。我们希望能更加吸引外国朋友,让大家喜欢听,并产生兴趣了解中国的音乐。”






“There is no place else in the world that I would rather be. The People’s Republic of China is the place I want to be…When I wake up in the morning in the PRC, I’m happy, because there is no where else in the world I would rather be. “Mark Levine sincerely recited the newly-written lyrics for his original guitar song. This year is his seventeenth year in China.

Mark Levine is an American sociologist who came to China to teach English in 2005. Spending his first two years in Huai’an city, Jiangsu Province, he moved to Beijing two years later when offered a position at Minzu University of China (MUC) where he is still teaching 15 years later. Through these years, he has written 75 American Country/Folk style songs all about China,lectured at nearly 65 different Chinese universities, published many articles and authored several books, among which two were about China.

, Mark’s most recent book about China and his life here, gained great prominence when 2000 copies were free of charge to media, volunteers and other visitors to the Main Media Center of the 2022 Beijing Olympics and Paralympics.magazine invited Mark to talk about his new book and his story.

Teaching in Huai’an with the Respect for Premier Zhou

In Mark’s home in Beijing, Chinese-style paintings and decorative items can be seen everywhere. His bookshelves are also filled with books about modern China, such as the original version ofand, which are written by the famous foreign experts Israel Epstein and Isabel Crook, and also several recent books about China by foreign experts, for example,by Erik Nilsson. It’s worth mentioning that in front of his computer desk, hangs a picture of the Memorial Hall of Premier Zhou Enlai. “I’ve been there five times. There is a stature of Premier Zhou in his sitting position,” he recalled smiling. In fact,the origin of this American scholar’s China story has something to do with Premier Zhou.

After graduating with a Ph.D. in sociology, and a couple years of university teaching, Mark chose to become a full-time volunteer in a community-based labor organization, working asan organizer and providing political education for other volunteers including students, small business owners, housewives and others. “Many workers at that time had to struggle with bad working conditions, poor living conditions, low wages,etc. The US labor laws only allow a small number of them to join a labor union.” In order to let the rest of the people know about their legal rights and fight for their own and common interests, Mark worked there as a volunteer for 29 years. It was also this process of constantly studying the politics of various countries that helped him learn about the struggles of other workers around the world and including those led by the Communist Party of China, and the great deeds of Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai and other party leaders. Deeply impressed by their indomitable will and amazing achievements, especially the concept of peaceful development,he decided to come to China and see it in person.

By posting resumes on a website, Mark got several offers to come to China and teach English. He picked the invitation from Huai’an because it was at the hometown of Premier Zhou, whom he admired. When talking about this, he took out a magazine from the bookshelves, which was a print of China Pictorial, published in 1977 with Premier Zhou’s photo on its cover, and was even plastic-coated. “I didn’t bring much baggage to China in 2005, but I carried this.” After arriving in Huai’an, he gained a deeper understanding of Premier Zhou, learning more about his friendship with foreigners and respect for the contributions they had made to China. Mark’s respect for Zhou grew.

Coming to China, Mark was intending to stay for only one year,but things changed. In one of his English writing classes during his first year, Mark asked the students to read “What I lived for”, an essay written late in life by the British philosopher Bertrand Russell. He then asked them to imagine themselves 60 years in the future, and write their own, “What I lived for” . Except for three students who wrote about helping the disabled people and narrowing the gap between rural areas and cities, 72 of the 75 students only wrote about wanting to have a better life for themselves and their families. It was at this moment that Mark felt he had to stay. He wanted to tell his young adult students that it wasn’t enough, that although their answer wasn’t wrong,they shouldn’t only focus on themselves, they couldn’t forget those who weren’t as lucky as them, those who weren’t enjoying the resources they had. He gave an example: “Just like the founders of the Communist Party of China didn’t only strive for themselves, but also for the happiness of the entire nation. And that’s why people (including his students) have the opportunity to be educated today.” Thus, with such noble dream, besides his classes, Mark later took many students to various memorial halls, telling them that many of the soldiers who lay there were around their age, only 17-18 years old, when they sacrificed their lives to build New China. After these visits, many of those young Chinese would tell him: “Thank you for bringing mehere Mark, I would never have come by myself but learned a lot and am glad that I came.”

15 Years in MUC: the Infinite Distance and Countless People are All Related to Me

At the end of his teaching in Huai’an, he received invitations from Tsinghua University and Minzu University of China at the same time, both located in Beijing. After a brief consideration, he chose the latter. As to why, he said this: “I had been doing community service for nearly 30 years, wherever I go, I don’t like being an outsider, I want to make a contribution. And I knew that the students of Tsinghua would have a wonderful life without me. So I had to come to Minzu University, a school for minority students, where I could contribute more by teaching things to these students that they could bring back to their home town.”He then proudly added: “There is a concept called second-guessing in English, which means to feel unsure about one’s decision after making a choice, wondering if the other option is actually better. But through all those years, I have never second-guessed my choice of choosing MUC and giving up Tsinghua.”

During the fifteen years of teaching at Minzu University of China, he was most impressed by the harmonious atmosphere among the students and faculty of all Chinese ethnic groups.“Qiang, Miao, Zhuang, Meng, Zang, Man, Buyi, Chaoxian,”he mentioned many Chinese ethnic minorities in correct and beautiful pronunciation, “China is a multi-ethnic country,and more than 70% of the students here are ethnic minorities.Often in the US, people do not understand China as a multiethnic country and if we hear of different ethnic groups, the story is usually one of conflict. I once participated in an evaluation program of undergraduate education at MUC conducted by the Ministry of Education of China. There were two American experts in the evaluation team. One of them asked about how students and teachers from various ethnic groups deal with racial conflicts here. I answered that I have never heard or seen any ethnic conflict through out all these years. All I saw was students of different Chinese ethnic groups studying together and outside of class, studying, playing, eating, go shopping together with no conflict. And if there was a Muslim in the class or the dormitory, they would eat together in the halal canteen or at similar restaurant nearby. I have also seen students go to Tibet, Xinjiang and other ethnic minority areas for summer study, and to universities in Kazakhstan for exchange studies.”

There is also a museum with several exhibition halls of ethnic minorities’ culture in our university. Students of different ethnic groups, majors, from different parts of the country will serve as docents to introduce the characteristic costumes, customs, etc. of different Chinese minorities to museum visitors.Sometimes they have to conduct these tours in English, so I volunteered to help. Thanks to this experience, as well as my travels around China, I have been able to learn about the great cultural diversity in China.” He said.

After getting a Chinese green card in 2016, Mark’s work and life in China have become more convenient. “The green card allows me to live and work with no age limitation. Also, I could live here without working but I am very eager to continue teaching at Minzu University,” He said when describing his deep commitment with his university: “It is my home as well as my job.I have great friendship with my colleagues and many students.I even have Hula soup from my friends in the kitchen.” The warm smile on his face moved us.

Singing My China Stories to the World

A corner in Mark’s living room is specially reserved for music.Here, you can see a guitar, a music stand, a microphone and many books and notebooks with songs. Mark has been playing guitar since he was nine years old, but he always played others’ songs. “When I left Huai’an, I wrote the first song:.” From then on, he started writing songs about China and his life here. “In 2013, the year of the 115anniversary of Premier Zhou’s birth, I performed this song about Huai’an.Afterwards, two people came to the stage to toast me with a glass of Baijiu, it turned out that they were Premier Zhou’s niece, Zhou Bingde, and her brother. The translator told me that she was amazed that a foreigner could write such a beautiful song about China. Remembering this, years later she made sure that I was invited to perform at Premier Zhou’s birthday celebration at the National Center for the Performing Arts,” he recalled, “that was very exciting.”

In 2013, he formed a musical duo called “In Side Out” with his Chinese friend, Ms. Fu Han, who began studying erhu at a young age. This combination of Chinese and Western music has performed all over the country. “Our English name literally means to turn the clothes inside out, but it’s the same clothes.We have performed a lot of famous Chinese songs, such as, but we would make some changes, such as playing the sound of horse roaring with the erhu in the song. We hope to attract more foreign friends. We have to make people like listening to Chinese music, then they will be interested in learning about it.”

Mark has also written songs about the Wenchuan earthquake,the Beijing Olympics, COVID-19, and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. They all talk about the cohesion and resilience of the Chinese people. Among them, the songpraised the volunteers who were distributed throughout Beijing during the Olympic Games, in 2008. “This is based on my personal experi-ence, I didn’t know how to enter the stadium nor find my seat,so the volunteers came to help me out. They were everywhere,eager to guide passengers and answer their questions. “

“A very exciting thing during the 2022 Olympics was that many of my students who were volunteering at the Beijing Winter Olympics this year sent me photos, and I was surprised to find out that they were holding my book. It turned out that my new bookwas distributed to volunteers, media and others who visited the media center. I suppose that means they thought I did a good job.” He laughed.

Mark said that the book, as well as the songs he wrote, are all aimed at straightening up the image of China that was distorted by western medias and showing the real China to the world.“During the Winter Olympics, I watched the news every day,and sometimes I couldn’t help but get angry at the western media. The Internet is full of misinformation and misunderstandings, I often say that the best way to break these prejudices of China is to come here to see by yourself. I participated in the Zhangjiajie International Country Music Week three times.There, I met another American guitarist, who told me that he was happily surprised to see the real China, there was a whole world out here, and it was not at all what the media says. He also said that there were too many stories to tell when he went back. I hope that when the epidemic is over, more foreigners can come, see the real China, and then bring these real experiences back to their countries.”

When it comes to the changes in China, Mark felt he had something to say. “Over the years, I have witnessed many changes,including poverty alleviation, the development of high-speed rail, the cleanliness of the streets, etc. For example, I once took a hard seat train of 24 hours to Guangzhou, can you imagine that!Now, as long as the journey is within 5 hours, I will choose the high-speed rail, after all, it is comfortable and convenient. Also,the street in front of my building used to be dirty in the morning, garbage was everywhere, but it is very clean now,” he then smiled mysteriously, “As for the students, the biggest change is that they are prouder of their country and more confident in the future of China and themselves.” There was also a change related to the Winter Olympics. “I only learned this week that there are now some foreign athletes who would proudly represent China in the Olympic Games, which I think is very fascinating.It was impossible to imagine ten years ago.”

In the end, Mark highly praised the concept of “community with a shared future for mankind”, proposed by President Xi Jinping. And when it comes to Chinese dreams of individuals,he hopes that everyone can combine their own dreams with the country’s dream, so that individuals and the community can share their pulse and breath. “Don’t always think about what you can gain from it, think about what you can give for others.Only in this way, can everyone acquire happiness.”


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