

农业工程学报 2022年23期

徐洛川,胡 斌,罗 昕,任 玲,郭孟宇,毛自斌,蔡一全,王 健


徐洛川1,2,胡 斌1,2※,罗 昕1,2,任 玲1,郭孟宇1,2,毛自斌1,蔡一全1,王 健1

(1. 石河子大学现代农业机械兵团重点实验室,石河子 832003;2. 石河子大学农业农村部西北农业装备重点实验室,石河子 832003)

针对气吸式穴播器存在重播和漏播,而传统排种检测装置不适配且易受环境温湿度影响的问题,该研究开发了一种基于叉指型电容传感器的棉花穴播取种状态监测系统。首先设计符合其结构和工作特点的传感器,以Pcap02微小电容采集模块采集电容输出值并对其处理分析,实现对正常单粒播种、重播和漏播的准确判定,并进行试验,试验结果表明:该模块的测量误差在1%以内,棉种质量预测误差小于3%,满足使用要求。在速度为30~50 r/min范围内,正常单粒播种误判率小于3%,重播误判率小于4%,漏播均可以被准确判定,但由于棉种质量差异,存在正常单粒播种被误判为重漏播、重播被误判为正常单粒的情况;由于振动导致系统整体监测精度下降,但均保持在93%以上;系统监测与机器视觉监测的正常播种、漏播和重播数,不存在显著差异(>0.05)。说明该系统能满足气吸式穴播器的结构和工作特点,能准确判定其取种状态,具有较好的准确性和稳定性,对棉花实现精量播种具有重要意义。


0 引 言




1 气吸式穴播器的结构及工作过程



1.排种盖 2.鸭嘴 3.透视盖 4.清种装置 5.充种管 6.分种盘 7.破拱钉 8.取种盘 9.挡气块组件 10.腰带组件 11.内种道 12.外圈 I.取种区 II.清种区 III.携种运动区 IV.断气投种区 V.一次投种区 VI.内种道携种运动区 VII.鸭嘴成穴器区域 VIII.二次投种区

1.Seeding cover 2.Duckbill 3.Perspective cover 4.Seed cleaning device 5.Seed filled pipe 6.Seed separation tray 7.Broken arch nail 8.Seed tray 9.Choke block assembly 10.Belt assembly 11.Internal seed channel 12.Outer ring I.Seed collection area II.Seed clearing area III.Seed carrying movement area IV.Area for seeding after air interruption V.One time seeding area VI.Area forseed carrying by the inner channel VII. Duckbillcavitation area VIII. Secondary seeding area


Note:is the rotational speed of the dibbler, r·min-1.

图1 气吸式穴播器结构及工作过程

Fig.1 Structure and working process of pneumatic dibbler

2 监测系统工作原理






1.基底 2.激励电极 3.感应电极 4.屏蔽层 5.保护层

1.Basement 2.Excitation electrode 3.Induction electrode 4.Shielding layer 5.Protective layer


Note:andare the overall length and width of polar plate, mm;is the plate width,mm;is the plate spacing, mm;is the combined distance of the plate, mm.

图2 叉指型电容传感器结构

Fig.2 Structure of interdigital capacitive sensor



3 监测系统结构



3.1 监测系统硬件设计

3.1.1 传感器安装位置与结构参数确定


1.传感器 2.取种盘 3.薄螺母

1.Sensor 2.Seed tray 3.Thin nut


Note:is the distance between the sensor and the seed separation tray,mm.

图4 传感器安装位置示意图

Fig.4 Schematic diagram of sensor installation position

传感器作为监测系统核心,性能好坏极其重要,为保证信号准确性和显著性,通过棉种运动轨迹分析设计其结构参数。如图5所示,将传感器覆盖区域和棉种、分种盘、破拱钉运动轨迹简化为矩形和半径为2和1的圆(80、96、55 mm)。不考虑极板横向效应时,矩形可看为有效检测区域,切入切出点、之间圆弧为棉种检测区域内运动轨迹长度,则极板长度与实际运动轨迹长度为

目前棉花气吸式穴播器取种盘的工作转速V为0.83~1.6 m/s[24-25]。根据香农采样定理,为保证所采集信号不失真,棉种在传感器检测区域的运动时间应大于系统采样周期T的2倍[26],则极板整体长度和运动轨迹长度为


1.破拱钉运动轨迹 2.棉种运动轨迹 3.分种盘运动轨迹 4.传感器边缘 5.吸孔 6.棉种

1.Movement trajectory of breaking nail 2.Movement trajectory of cotton seed 3.Movement trajectory of seed separation tray 4.Sensor edge 5.Suction hole 6.Cotton seed


Note:,1and2are the movement trajectory radius of cotton seeds, broken spikes and seed separation tray, mm ;is the trajectory length of cotton seed in the detection area, mm ;is the angle between the entry point and exit point, (°);Vis the movement speed of cotton seed, m·s-1;,,are the center of the motion trajectory, the entry point and exit point;The rectangularis the sensor coverage area.

图5 棉种运动轨迹分析

Fig.5 Analysis of cotton seed motion trajectory

根据式(15)~(16),设置系统采样频率为60 Hz[27]且Lmax为10 mm时,极板整体长度为62.5 mm,为保证传感器不与分种盘、破拱钉形成干涉,极板整体宽度为26 mm。

3.1.2 传感器电容仿真分析


表1 传感器极板结构参数和基础电容值C0

首先通过Solidworks和COMSOL软件对以上极板覆盖率的传感器和棉种模型(长度10 mm、宽度4.94 mm、厚度4.58 mm的椭球体)进行建模和仿真分析,结果如表1所示。基础电容值0随极板覆盖率增大而增大,为保证输出信号的显著性,选择0.9作极板覆盖率。


1.运动轨迹下限 2.运动轨迹上限 3.传感器边缘 4.吸孔 5.棉种 6.棉种运动轨迹

1.Lower limit of motion trajectory 2.Upper limit of motion trajectory 3.Sensor edge 4.Suction hole 5.Cotton seed 6.Cotton seed motion trajectory


Note:,are the starting point and ending point of the cotton seed motion trajectory.

图6 棉种仿真运动轨迹分析

Fig.6 Analysis of the simulation motion trajectory of the cotton seed

仿真结果如图7所示,电容值C随间距的增加而减小,为此本文选择以11 mm作设计间距。当间距为11mm时,点所测电容值0≈6.847 pF,由于极板的边缘效应,当棉种运动至轨迹中心时,出现峰值1 max≈7.057 pF,此过程电容变化量约为0.21 pF,变化明显,具备监测可行性。

图7 棉种运动仿真

3.2 微小电容采集模块设计

由于取种盘携棉种经过传感器检测区域时,电容的变化量一般为0.1 pF量级,本文选择以电容数字转换芯片为核心的微电容检测电路和STM32F103C8T6单片机控制电路等构建微小电容采集模块,其电路如图8所示。

图8 微小电容采集模块电路



首先将气吸式穴播器试验样机置于金属屏蔽箱内,并将取种盘所携棉种调整至传感器检测区域内的运动轨迹中心位置,然后通过恒温恒湿试验箱(型号PSL-408,广东宏展科技有限公司,湿度偏差±3%~5%,温度偏差±2 ℃)将温度和湿度保持在20 ℃和50%RH,待数据稳定后再测量。以LCR数字电桥测试仪(VC4090A型,胜利仪器有限公司,0.01%)和微小电容采集模块所测值为标准值和测量值进行对比。除去空场电容值,其余每组试验进行3次,取平均值作为试验结果。结果如表2所示,该模块测量误差小于1%,能满足使用要求。

表2 电容模块测量准确性试验结果


Note: A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3are the cotton seeds No..


4.1 温湿度标定

由于环境温度和相对湿度与检测区域等效介电常数有关,对所测电容值存在一定影响,因此本文分别展开温度和相对湿度标定试验。试验材料为脱绒棉种(B1、B2和B3),根据新疆棉花播种期间的气候特点[28-30]将试验温度和相对湿度范围设置为10~50 ℃和20%~90%RH。

首先将气吸式穴播器试验样机置入恒温恒湿试验箱并将棉种调整至前述相同位置,设置初始温度和湿度分别为10 ℃和50%RH,然后以5 ℃为梯度升温至50 ℃,单个梯度升温完成后,静置2 min后再进行测量,试验结果如图9所示。

图9 温度标定结果

温度由10 ℃升高至50 ℃时,空场电容值由6.967 pF增加至7 pF。非空场电容值由7.028、7.027和7.019 pF增至7.069、7.067和7.06 pF,非空场与空场所测电容值变化曲线基本相同且线性关系明显。

湿度标定试验时,温度保持在20 ℃,相对湿度的初始值设置为20%RH,然后以5%RH为梯度上升,其他条件与上述试验相同,试验结果如图10所示。湿度由20 %RH升高到65%RH时,空场电容值由6.741 pF升高至7.28 pF,线性关系明显;由65%RH升高至90%RH时,电容值由6.98 pF增加到11.139 pF,变化明显。非空场电容值由6.769、6.769和6.761 pF增加到11.37、11.368和11.361 pF,电容值在非空场与空场时的变化曲线基本一致。

图10 湿度对所测电容值的影响

试验结果表明,环境温度和相对湿度对所测电容值存在一定影响。根据试验结果,将温度20 ℃和相对湿度50%RH设置为标准态,并以温度(10~50 ℃)和湿度(20%~65%RH)为试验因素,中粒脱绒棉种B1为试验材料,所测电容值为响应指标,通过二元二次通用旋转设计试验,单组试验测量2次,取平均值作为试验结果。试验水平编码和结果如表3和表4所示。试验方案设计及结果分析应用Design-Expert 8.0.6软件完成。


表3 试验因素编码水平表

表4 试验方案及结果

表5 模型决定系数







为验证式(20)的准确性,在前述研究基础上以棉种B1为试验材料,在10~50 ℃和20%~60%RH条件下对校正后和标准态下所测电容变化量∆Cmax和∆Camx,进行对比。结果如表6所示,可知校正后所测电容变化量误差小于2%,标定结果准确。

表6 校正模型验证试验结果

4.2 棉种质量标定



根据测试结果可知,脱绒棉种、新陆早26号、新陆早42号和新陆早68号单粒棉种质量主要分布区间分别为0.07~0.11、0.08~0.11、0.08~0.1和0.07~0.11 g,本文选择质量分别为0.07、0.075、0.08、0.085、0.09、0.095、0.1 g的棉种作为试验样品。

取种盘转速20 r/min和前述标准态条件下,对非空场电容值最大值max进行测量并记录,重复试验3次,取其平均值与棉种质量进行拟合,结果如图12所示。棉种质量与电容变化量max, 线性关系显著,不同品种棉种的拟合方程分别为






式中脱绒棉种、新陆早42号、新陆早68号、新陆早26号的μ值分别取值为2.473 75、2.578 76、2.500 90和2.508 75,d为常数项。

5 试验验证

5.1 台架模拟验证试验

5.1.1 试验设备与方法

为验证基于棉种质量预测的气吸式穴播器取种状态监测方案的可行性,搭建如图13所示试验台,主要由LCR数字电桥测试仪、串口转换模块、微小电容采集模块、气吸式穴播器试验样机和空气压缩机等组成。试验材料为300粒小粒A(0.055~0.075 g)、中粒B(0.075~0.1 g)和大粒C(0.1~0.15 g)棉种。


1.LCR数字电桥测试仪 2.串口转换模块 3.微小电容采集模块 4.计算机 5.气吸式穴播器试验样机 6.空气压缩机


每组试验分别在30、40和50 r/min的转速条件下完成。第一组正常单粒播种试验时,取种盘各吸孔随机吸附对应品种棉种1粒,试验结果如表7所示。

表7 单粒播种试验结果


表8 漏播试验结果

表9 重播试验结果


5.2 台架试验


1.手动升降装置 2.夹持机架 3.棉种 4.链轮链条传动装置 5.电机 6.种箱 7.排种盖 8.气吸式穴播器 9.传送带 10.自动刷油装置 11.传感器 12.微小电容采集模块 13.计算机 14.串口转换模块

电机通过链轮和链条驱动气吸式穴播器,模拟实际工作中的不同转速,通过机器视觉箱内的摄像机实时记录排种情况。根据NY/T 987-2006《铺膜穴播机作业质量》,以30、35、40和45 r/min分别进行5次试验,单次试验时间为5 min。随机选取800穴作为检测对象,对比系统监测值与实际排种信息(机器视觉监测值)之间的差异。

试验结果如表10所示,由于电机通过链轮链条驱动气吸式穴播器时存在一定的振动,导致系统正常播种、漏播和重播的监测精度有所下降,但整体监测精度均保持在93%以上。在30~45 r/min工作速度下,正常播种、漏播和重播的平均监测精度分别为96.4%、94.04%和93.9%。为判断本文系统与机器视觉监测结果的差异性,通过检验对试验数据进行方差分析。

表10 台架试验结果


表11 正常播种数、漏播数、重播数的F检验


Note:dis the degree of freedom;is significant degree;indicate significant difference at level0.05.

6 结 论




3)微小电容采集模块性能试验表明:该模块的测量误差在1%以内,棉种质量的测量误差小于3%。取种状态监测试验结果表明:在速度30~50 r/min范围内,无漏播误判情况;正常单粒播种的误判率小于3%,重播的误判占比小于4%,误判的原因主要在于部分棉种质量存在明显差异,导致正常单粒被判定为漏播和重播,重播被判定为正常单粒播种。所设计的系统可以较为准确地实现对正常单粒播种、漏播和重播的判定。

4)台架试验结果表明:在30~45 r/min的工作转速内,台架试验的整体监测精度由于振动而有所下降,但均保持在93%以上。检验分析表明:系统监测与机器视觉监测的正常播种、漏播和重播的值<0.05(6.39),>0.05,二者不存在显著差异,该系统可以满足棉花精量穴播器的排种监测要求,具有良好的监测精度和稳定性。

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Development of a seeding state monitoring system using interdigital capacitor for cotton seeds

Xu Luochuan1,2, Hu Bin1,2※, Luo Xin1,2, Ren Ling1, Guo Mengyu1,2, Mao Zibin1, Cai Yiquan1, Wang Jian1

(1.,,832003,; 2,,,832003,)

Precision seeders have been widely used in large-scale sowing in recent years, particularly with the ever-increasing mechanization in modern agriculture. Among them, the pneumatic dibbler of precision seeder was normally utilized in Xinjiang of western China, in order to realize the function of one hole and one seed for the seed saving and the high yield of cotton during sowing. However, the working state cannot be directly evaluated in the traditional sowing operation, because the seeding process was confined in a closed state of the pneumatic dibbler. Such sowing failures as missed- and multiple-seeding cannot be completely avoided for the high sowing quality. One way can be selected to reseed at the position of missed sowing after the emergence of seedlings. As such, the cotton cannot open to be harvested in time, leading to the low quality and yield of cotton. In terms of multiple-seeding, another way can be the high-cost thinning of seedlings in the late stage. Therefore, it is very necessary to evaluate the sowing state along with the detection of seeding. However, the traditional detection device cannot be suitable for the pneumatic dibbler under the conditions of temperature and humidity. In this research, a real-time monitoring system was designed and developed for the seeding of pneumatic dibbler using an interdigital capacitive sensor. Firstly, the sensor was arranged, according to the structure and working parameters of the pneumatic dibbler. The output capacitance of the sensor was collected by the micro-capacitance acquisition system (Pcap02 chip). A series of verification and bench tests were then conducted to evaluate the system performance and simulation, including the interdigital capacitive sensor, the micro capacitance acquisition system, and the experimental prototype dibbler. The performance test showed that the measurement errors of the system capacitance and the prediction model of cotton seed quality were within 1% and less than 3%, respectively. It inferred that the micro-capacitance acquisition system fully met the requirements of measurement. The simulation verification test showed the accurate system in the missed-seeding test. The misjudgment rate was less than 3% in the normal sowing test. Specifically, the normal sowing was misjudged as the miss- and multiple-seeding in the test, due to the difference in the quality of cotton seed. The misjudgment rate was less than 4% in the multi-seeding test. The multiple-seeding was misjudged as the uni-grain sowing, because the quality of the cotton seed combination was approximated to the multiple-seeding judgment threshold. The bench test showed that the overall monitoring accuracy of the system remained at 93%, only a relatively decrease from the certain vibration caused by the motor. Among them, the overall monitoring accuracy of normal sowing, missed-seeding, and multi-seeding were 96.4%, 94.04%, and 93.9%, respectively, at the working speed of 30-45 r/min, which were lower than the overall monitoring accuracy of the simulation verification test. The variance of the test data was analyzed through thetest, in order to judge the difference between the system and the machine vision. Thevalues were measured for the number of normal-, missed- and multiple-seeding using the system and machine vision, which were lesser than0.05(6.39). Thevalues were greater than 0.05 for the number of normal-, missed- and multiple-seeding. Therefore, there was no significant difference between the system monitoring and the measured using machine vision, indicating the excellent detection accuracy and stability of the system. The finding can provide great significance for the precision sowing of cotton.

sensor; monitor; cotton; seeding state; pneumatic dibbler; interdigital capacitance





徐洛川,胡斌,罗昕,等. 叉指电容式棉花穴播取种状态监测系统研制[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(23):50-60.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.23.006

Xu Luochuan, Hu Bin, Luo Xin, et al. Development of a seeding state monitoring system using interdigital capacitor for cotton seeds[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(23): 50-60. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.23.006






