陈远玲,侯 怡,李尚平,2,金亚光,欧阳崇钦
陈远玲1,侯 怡1,李尚平1,2※,金亚光1,欧阳崇钦1
(1. 广西大学机械工程学院,南宁 530004;2. 广西民族大学电子信息学院,南宁 530006)
针对甘蔗横向种植机的施肥机构由于肥料潮湿结块易堵塞等问题,该研究对施肥机构进行电液传动与控制改造,构建了一套基于粒子群(Particle swarm optimization,PSO)-前反馈(Back Propagation,BP)神经网络预测的施肥监控系统。以施肥马达的压力、转速及肥料箱中肥料量为输入参数,将施肥机构的工作状态(空载状态、正常状态、重载状态、堵塞状态)作为输出,通过BP算法建立输入与输出之间的映射关系,并用PSO算法优化BP算法的权值与阈值,相比未优化BP算法,优化后的工作状态预测准确率由97%提高到99%。以识别施肥机构工作状态响应准确率以及重载状态下堵塞预防概率为试验指标进行车间试验,结果表明:工作状态响应识别准确率为89%;重载状态下,控制系统控制施肥马达正反转并消除堵塞的概率为87.5%。在田间试验中,监控系统能准确预测施肥机构的重载状态并自动执行防堵控制指令,没有出现堵塞故障。该施肥防堵塞监控系统无需上位机,能够满足复杂多变工况下施肥机构的工况预测及防堵控制要求,可为其他施肥机构的自动化改造提供参考。
0 引 言
1 施肥结构与工作原理
1.肥料箱 2.螺旋输送机 3.螺旋轴 4.链条传动装置 5.凸轮间歇机构 6.地轮
1.液压马达 2.机架 3.肥料箱 4.带防尘罩的链轮 5.排肥口 6.螺旋轴 7.清堵排肥管 8.联轴器 9.料槽 10.凸轮间歇机构
图3为甘蔗间歇精准施肥示意图,横向种植的甘蔗排种(种植)间距1为30~35 cm,肥料需要精准落在两根甘蔗之间,施肥间距2需要控制在30~35 cm左右。通过液压马达改变凸轮机构的转速,进而调节间歇撒肥的间距。
1.凸轮间歇机构 2.肥料 3.垄沟 4.蔗种
1.Cam intermittent mechanism 2.Fertilizer 3.Ridge furrow 4.Sugarcane seed
Note:is ridge height, cm;1is seed spacing, cm;2is fertilizing spacing, cm;3is ridge width, cm;1is sugarcane seed length, cm.
图3 甘蔗间歇精准施肥示意图
Fig.3 Schematic diagram of intermittent precision fertilization for sugarcane
2 螺旋轴受力分析
注:为螺旋轴转动角速度,rad·s-1;为肥料对螺旋轴微元表面的周向摩擦力,N;L 为螺旋轴长度,mm;e为螺旋叶片厚度,mm;为料槽与叶片外边缘间的肥料对叶片边缘的径向挤压力,N;为微圆环宽度,mm;为微圆环上肥料质量,kg;为肥料对叶片厚度e方向上的摩擦力,N;d 为螺旋轴直径,mm;D 为螺旋叶片直径,mm;r为微圆环半径,mm;为肥料对螺旋叶片的支持力,N;为微圆环半径r处的螺旋升角,(°);S 为螺距,mm;为微圆环上的肥料对螺旋叶片的摩擦力,N。
3 施肥监控系统设计
3.1 施肥数据采集与分析
图5 施肥数据采集
本液压系统的调速阀带有压力补偿的减压阀,所以堵塞前施肥液压马达的转速没有速降,但是施肥液压马达的负载压力会发生波动或者小幅度陡增,对应的部分螺旋轴(施肥液压马达)转速如图6b所示。根据甘蔗施肥堵塞的经验,堵塞前施肥马达的负载压力会出现明显的大幅波动(即出现重载),本研究将堵塞前5~10 s的数据归类为重载工况数据,如图6a中1、4。施肥液压马达工作状态的变化会引起供种液压马达压力的变化,但是变化很小,本文忽略供种液压马达压力变化的影响。
3.2 PSO-BP神经网络建模
Note: The numbers 1 and 4 in fig.a are typical data of significant fluctuations in the pressure of the hydraulic motor for fertilizer application; the numbers 2 and 3 are typical data of sudden increase of hydraulic motor pressure for fertilizer application.
图6 部分典型数据信号
Fig.6 Some typical data signal
注:x1为神经网络的第1个输入;x2为神经网络的第2个输入;x3为神经网络的第3个输入;Wij 为输入层至隐含层的权值;bi为输入层至隐含层的阈值;f1(x)、f2(x)、f3(x)、f4(x)、f5(x) 为隐含层的值;vi 为隐含层至输出层的权值;a为隐含层至输出层的阈值;Y 为神经网的输出。
3.3 算法预测结果与权值阈值确定
构建神经网络预测肥料的堵塞状态,以准确率和决定系数(2)作为评价指标。将训练好的BP神经网络对100组测试数据进行测试,预测的准确率为97%,决定系数2为0.977 5,将训练好的PSO-BP神经网络对100组测试数据进行测试,预测的准确率为99%,决定系数2为0.982 9,PSO优化BP神经网络具有更好的预测效果,本文选择PSO-BP神经网络作为预测施肥工作状态的网络模型。
3.4 控制系统硬件设计
单片机控制电磁换向阀使其处于右位状态时施肥液压马达正转,肥料从排肥口排出。当肥料箱中的肥料用完时,压力变送器、转速传感器和光电传感器检测到“空载信号”,单片机预测肥料箱中无肥料,发出蜂鸣警报声,提醒农户向肥料箱中加肥料,施肥机构空载状态如图 8a所示。
当压力变送器、转速传感器和光电传感器检测到“重载信号”,单片机预测施肥机构正在处于重载状态,即将发生堵塞,控制警报灯闪烁,并且切换电磁换向阀至左位状态,液压马达反转5 s,再切换电磁换向阀至右位状态,液压马达正转2 s,再切换电磁换向阀至左位状态,液压马达反转5 s,肥料从清堵排肥管流出,料槽疏通,液压马达正反转共12 s后解除闪烁警报灯,并切换电磁换向阀至右位状态,重载状态如图8c所示。
肥料堵塞在螺旋输送机的料槽时,为了保护各个零部件不受破坏,单片机控制电磁换向阀处于中位状态,即液压马达停止转动,同时单片机控制报警器发出闪烁警报灯与蜂鸣警报声,提示农户检查施肥机构状态,图 8d为施肥机构堵塞状态。
作为施肥机构控制系统的核心部件,控制中心需对获取的各类信息进行高效实时处理。兼顾实用与成本因素,选择AT89C52RC单片机作为控制芯片,压力采集模块中的压力变送器检测范围0~20 MPa,压力变送器输出0~5 V电压模拟量信号,由于单片机只能识别数字信号,所以在压力变送器与单片机之间加一个ADC0832型AD数模转换模块;转速采集模块中的转速传感器选用霍尔接近开关,在螺旋轴上粘贴12个永久磁铁,即螺旋轴转一圈霍尔接近开关会收到12个脉冲信号;肥料量检测模块采用光电传感器进行肥料量检测;红外模块采用红外遥控紧急中断或临时人工控制施肥系统;电源来自拖拉机的24 V车载电源,通过降压稳压模块为单片机供电。电磁换向阀选择四位三通阀,蜂鸣警报与闪烁警报分别采用有源蜂鸣器和循环闪烁警报灯。控制系统硬件实物图如图9所示,箭头方向为信号或指令传输方向。
1.蜂鸣器 2.警报灯 3.单片机 4.光电传感器 5.肥料箱 6.转速传感器 7.排肥口 8.清堵排肥管 9.液压马达 10.液压管道 11压力变送器 12.电磁换向阀
3.5 控制系统软件设计
施肥机构的控制实质上是利用压力变送器实时采集液压马达的压力值和霍尔接近开关实时采集螺旋轴(施肥液压马达)的转速值,光电传感器实时监测肥料箱中的肥料状态量,单片机在线实时运行在MATLAB中训练出来的PSO-BP网络模型,不进行输出结果的反归一化处理下计算输出值。当肥料箱里无肥料即施肥机构空载时<0.25,报警模块发出警报声通知;施肥机构出现重载时(一般堵塞)0.5≤<0.75,动作模块电磁铁换向,同时发出闪烁警报灯通知;施肥机构出现严重堵塞时0.75≤<1,报警模块发出警报声和闪烁警报灯通知。控制流程如图 10所示。
1.警报器 2.ADC芯片 3.压力变速器 4.霍尔接近开关 5.24转5 V电源模块 6.LCD显示屏 7.单片机 8.电磁换向阀 9.继电器 10.红外遥控器 11.红外接收模块 12.光耦开关 13.光电传感器 14.继电器
图10 控制流程图
4 施肥监控试验与结果分析
图11 试验样机
4.1 车间试验内容与方法
试验时共取200 kg复合肥分成3等份,其中一份为干燥复合肥,一份为潮湿复合肥,一份为潮湿结块混合复合肥,试验肥料分配表如表1所示。将3份肥料分别装入肥料箱中,其中最底层为干燥复合肥,中间为潮湿复合肥,最上层为潮湿结块混合复合肥。液压工作站提供液压动力,待系统稳定运行后,开启单片机检测施肥机构工作状态,记录空载、正常、重载、堵塞状态下监控系统是否能准确监测施肥机构工作状态,并执行相关控制动作。重复试验5次。
表1 试验肥料
4.2 车间试验结果分析
车间5次重复试验的施肥状态监测结果如表2所示。从表2中看出,除了正常运行外,试验共记录18次工况特征,其中空载6次、重载状态运行10次(包括正确识别8次,误判2次)、堵塞状态运行2次。在7次重载预测中,控制系统控制施肥机构的螺旋轴反转运行了5 s再正转2 s,再反转运行5 s后,施肥机构恢复正常正转运行;在1次重载预测中,控制系统控制电磁换向阀切换到左位,但液压马达不能反转,进而控制系统发出了堵塞信号;施肥螺旋轴出现1次直接卡死现象,控制系统来不及判断重载信息就发出了堵塞信号。
表2 施肥状态监测结果
Note: “... ” represents long-term normal fertilization.
4.3 田间试验内容与方法
为验证甘蔗横向种植机施肥控制系统在田间作业的可行性,于2022年1月19-20日在广西崇左市农科新城基地进行试验,天气为小雨。在肥料箱中倒入复合肥,田间作业时,人工跟随甘蔗横向种植机关注并记录施肥系统运行情况,包括肥料箱中的肥料状态、蜂鸣器、警报灯和电磁换向阀的动作,在施肥控制系统执行每个控制动作后,立即观察施肥机构的工作状态是否正确试验共进行2 d。
4.4 田间试验结果分析
在2 d的田间试验中,空载状态出现5次,控制系统能准确发出警报声;2022年1月20日上午10时,出现2次重载状态,控制系统都能准确识别,并且预测即将发生堵塞,执行了电磁换向阀切换控制,螺旋轴循环正反转后,施肥流畅,试验中未出现突然急剧堵塞状态,施肥作业效率可达到0.20~0.33 hm2/h,图12a为甘蔗横向种植机田间试验施肥效果图,施肥效果比较好,满足种植需求。
相比较于2021年3月在广西崇左市农科新城基地试验机械传动式甘蔗施肥机构,频繁出现地更换链条、链轮、螺旋轴以及肥料箱中没有肥料但不易被发现的现象,经电液改进的施肥机构施肥作业效率提升2倍以上,图 12b为改进前施肥机构维修现场。
图12 田间试验
5 结 论
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Design and experiments of the fertilization monitoring system based on the PSO-BP for sugarcane
Chen Yuanling1, Hou Yi1, Li Shangping1,2※, Jin Yaguang1, Ouyang Chongqin1
(1.,,530004,; 2.,,530006,)
Sugarcane is mainly planted in hilly areas, such as the province of Guangxi and Yunnan, China. Time-varying and nonlinear working parameters can often be found in the sugarcane horizontal planters, due to the relatively complex and changeable operating conditions. A high failure rate of blockage can often occur in the fertilization mechanism in this case. Moreover, it is difficult to maintain the damage to the chain and drive shaft after the blockage. The performance of fertilization can also be reduced to destroy the transmission mechanism, because the wet and agglomerated fertilizer can be concurrently blocked in the fertilization mechanism of the sugarcane horizontal planter. Moreover, it is still lacking in the automatic control of clearing and blocking in the fertilization mechanism of mechanical transmission type. In this study, a fertilization monitoring system was proposed to carry out the electro-hydraulic transmission and control transformation of the fertilization mechanism. A set of fertilization and anti-blocking control system was constructed using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) - Back Propagation (BP) neural network prediction. The input parameters were taken as the pressure and speed of the fertilizing motor, as well as the amount of fertilizer in the fertilizer tank, whereas, the output was the working state (no load, normal, heavy load, and blocked) of the fertilizing mechanism. The BP neural network was used to establish the mapping relationship between the input and the output. The PSO was used to optimize the weights and thresholds of the BP. After that, the prediction accuracy increased from 97% to 99%, and the determination coefficient2increased from 0.977 5 to 0.982 9. The results showed that the PSO-optimized BP neural network presented a better prediction effect. The BP neural network optimized by the PSO was used to identify the fertilization state with higher accuracy. The PSO-optimized BP neural network was selected as the network model to predict the working state of fertilization. The control program of the single-chip microcomputer was written into the trained prediction model. The control system of the fertilizer application mechanism was designed, where the pressure transmitter was to collect the pressure value of the hydraulic motor, the Hall proximity switch was to collect the speed value of the screw shaft, and the photoelectric sensor was to monitor the fertilizer status in the fertilizer box in real time. The workshop test was carried out, where the test indicators were the accuracy rate to identify the response of the fertilization mechanism working state, and the probability of preventing blockage under heavy load. The results showed that: the accuracy rate of working state response recognition was 89% under the heavy load state. The control system was used to control the forward and reverse rotation of the fertilization motor. The probability was 87.5% for the removal of blockages. Therefore, the monitoring system with a neural network can be used to accurately identify the various working states of the fertilization mechanism during the field experiment. The heavy-load state of the fertilization mechanism can be accurately predicted by the monitoring system. The anti-blocking control command was executed without blockage failure. Anyway, the fertilization anti-clogging monitoring system can fully meet the working condition prediction and anti-clogging control requirements of the fertilization mechanism under complex and changeable working conditions. Consequently, the working condition monitoring and anti-blocking control system of the fertilization mechanism in the sugarcane planters can be expected to promote the high quality and efficiency of fertilization operations, in order to effectively reduce the blockage failure rate and the time of downtime for troubleshooting. This finding can also provide a new reference for the automation transformation of fertilization.
agricultural machinery; design;sugarcane; transverse planter; fertilization mechanism; PSO-BP; monitoring system
陈远玲,侯怡,李尚平,等. 基于PSO-BP的甘蔗施肥监控系统设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(22):23-31.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.22.003 http://www.tcsae.org
Chen Yuanling, Hou Yi, Li Shangping, et al. Design and experiments of the fertilization monitoring system based on the PSO-BP for sugarcane[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(22): 23-31. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.22.003 http://www.tcsae.org